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Outlook: spremenite pisavo (slog, velikost in barvo) neprebrane glave skupine

Spremenite pisavo glave neprebranih skupin in omogočite, da bo seznam sporočil lažje pritegnil pozornost. Tukaj vam bomo pokazali, kako spremenite slog pisave, velikost in barvo glave neprebranih skupin poštnega seznama v programu Microsoft Outlook.

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Kutools za Outlook – izboljšajte Outlook s 100+ naprednimi funkcijami za vrhunsko učinkovitost
Izboljšajte svoj Outlook 2021 - 2010 ali Outlook 365 s temi naprednimi funkcijami. Uživajte v obsežnem 60-dnevnem brezplačnem preizkusu in izboljšajte svojo e-poštno izkušnjo!

Naslednji koraki vam bodo pomagali hitro spremeniti slog pisave, velikost in barvo pisave neprebrane glave skupine.

1. korak: s klikom gumba preklopite na pogled pošte mail v podoknu za krmarjenje.

2. korak: Izberite mapo, v kateri boste spremenili pisavo neprebranih glav skupin.

3. korak: Odprite pogovorno okno Advanced View Settings: compact (ali Custom View: Messages), tako da sledite eni od spodnjih poti:

  • V Outlooku 2010 ali novejših različicah kliknite Ogled nastavitev gumb v Trenutni pogled skupina na Poglej tab.
  • V programu Outlook 2007 kliknite Poglej > Trenutni pogled > Prilagodite trenutni pogled.

4. korak: V pojavnem pogovornem oknu kliknite Pogojno oblikovanje gumb (ali Samodejno oblikovanje v programu Outlook 2007).

5. korak: V pogovornem oknu Pogojno oblikovanje:

  1. Počistite vse možnosti, razen Neprebrane glave skupin možnost v Pravila za ta pogled: škatla
  2. Kliknite Pisava gumb.

6. korak: V pogovornem oknu Pisava:

  1. Izberite obraz pisave v pisave: škatla. V našem primeru izberemo Segoe Print.
  2. Izberite slog pisave v Slog pisave: škatla. V našem primeru izberemo Krepko poševno.
  3. Izberite velikost pisave v Velikost: škatla. V našem primeru izberemo Povečaj.
  4. Izberite eno barvo pisave v Barva: škatla. V našem primeru izberemo Rdeča barva.

7. korak: kliknite vse OK gumbi v vsakem pogovornem oknu.

Vrnite se v poštni vmesnik Microsoft Outlooka in videli boste, da so neprebrane glave skupin prikazane kot rdeča pisava Segoe Print, pisava pa je krepka poševna in večja. Oglejte si naslednji posnetek zaslona:

Opombe: Ta nabor velja samo za izbrano mapo. Če želite spremenjeno glavo neprebrane skupine uporabiti za vse poštne mape v programu Microsoft Outlook, kliknite Spremeni pogled > Uporabi trenutni pogled v drugih poštnih mapah o Poglej tab.

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Comments (14)
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Is there a way to reset back to the default color/setting once it has been changed? I am trying to get the "Custom" blue color back that was originally set by microsoft. Thanks
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Hi there, after clicking the "View Settings" button on the ribbon, you'll see a "Reset Current View" button in the dialog's lower-left corner. Click it to reset font settings.

Note: This action will reset all custom settings, including other modifications. So, if you have other custom settings, it might be better to manually adjust the font back instead of clicking "Reset Current View."

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How do I change background color for "Unread Group Header"?
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Hi there,

Sorry that Outlook does not support changing background color.

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This makes *every* group header bold and red, regardless of whether or not there's unread mail in that group. Is there a way to apply this effect only to groups containing unread mail? Thanks
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How do I colour code my headings for my saved emails?
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Thanks it was helpful
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Thaxs it wil more helpful to me,
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Is there any way to give conditional formatting for READ Group headers? I would like my group headers to be of a different font, but I want them that way even if they are for read mails. Like MS Word, a header should have a different (slightly bigger/different) font, irrespective of its read status. Any way of doing that? Thanks in advance! regards, shripad.
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Hey did you ever figure this out? I also want my READ group headers to display differently.
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You need to get into the conditional formatting dialog and "Add" a new formatting, then set its condition to fit everything (so do not change anything, it fits all by default) or to fit read messages (change "Unread" to "Read" under "More options").
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Great Stuff. Thank you very very much
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Thanks, my challenge is that in Outlook 2007 when in "Arrange by Conversation" mode, this will only change the color of the group font. It won't impact the size or font type. In other "arrangements" it works as you describe. Any thoughts?
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Hello! Thank you SO much for this article, I was trying to do this for probably an hour before I read this, fixed me right up. However, I do have one question. When I sort my inbox by any other criteria, such as "From", this formatting returns to the original. How would one go about making sure this takes effect on EVERY subject header, regardless of how the email list is sorted?
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