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Kako v Excelu šteti / seštevati samo pozitivna ali negativna števila?

Običajno lahko na delovnem listu zberemo ali preštejemo obseg podatkov, toda tukaj želim šteti ali seštevati samo pozitivna ali negativna števila. Ali obstajajo učinkoviti načini za rešitev tega problema?

V območju s formulami štejte samo pozitivna ali negativna števila

V območju s formulami seštejte samo pozitivna ali negativna števila

V območju s formulami štejte samo pozitivna ali negativna števila

Tu vam lahko funkcija COUNTIF pomaga hitro prešteti, koliko pozitivnih ali negativnih števil je v območju.

1. Če želite šteti samo pozitivne vrednosti, v prazno celico vnesite to formulo = COUNTIF ($ A $ 1: $ D $ 7, "> 0") vanj si oglejte posnetek zaslona:


2. Nato pritisnite Vnesite in vsa pozitivna števila so bila prešteta in rezultat je prikazan v celici. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:



1. Če želite prešteti samo število negativnih vrednosti, uporabite to formulo = ŠTEVILO ($ A $ 1: $ D $ 7, "<0").

2. In v zgornji formuli, A1: D7 je obseg podatkov, ki ga želite uporabiti.

V območju s formulami seštejte samo pozitivna ali negativna števila

V Excelu vam funkcija SUMIF lahko pomaga pri seštevanju le pozitivnih ali negativnih vrednosti. To formulo lahko uporabite kot:

1. Vnesite to formulo = SUMIF ($ A $ 1: $ D $ 7, "> 0") v prazno celico si oglejte posnetek zaslona:


2. Nato pritisnite Vnesite in samo vsa pozitivna števila so bila sešteta.



1. Če želite vsa negativna števila sešteti samo v obsegu, uporabite to formulo = SUMIF ($ A $ 1: $ D $ 7, "<0").

2. V zgornji formuli: A1: D7 je obseg podatkov, ki ga želite uporabiti.

Sorodni članki:

Kako seštevati / šteti krepke številke v obsegu celic v Excelu?

Kako prešteti število celic z napakami / celic brez napak v Excelu?

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Comments (15)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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=SUMIF($H$9:$H$39;">0") el carácter es ; no ,
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Hello Sir, i need a solution/Formula to count negative numbers from different cells e.g i have three column of deposit (Current Account, Saving Account and Total Deposit) in 12 months and count in how many many months one branch miss the Current, saving and total budget. but when i use =countifs(C1,E1,F1.....,",0") but it only accept range not selected cell what will be the solution. thanks

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Hello, i need a solution/Formula to count negative numbers from different cells e.g i have three column of deposit (Current Account, Saving Account and Total Deposit) in 12 months and count in how many many months one branch miss the Current, saving and total budget. but when i use =countifs(C1,E1,F1.....,",0") but it only accept range not selected cell what will be the solution. thanks
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Gracias!! por fortuna escontre está página donde encontré Soluciones. 👍
Rated 5 out of 5
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Bonjour à tous,

je suis novice en excel. Existe il une fonction qui calcule automatiquement la différence entre deux nombres en incluant soit - où + devant le résultat.:
exemple, 1735-1685 = +50. (je l'ai fait avec la fonction somme automatique, mais je n'ai pas le + devant le résultat.
Pouvez vous m'envoyer un exemple de la formule avec ces nombres
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Hello, LYS
Normally, there isn't a function to sove your problem, but, you can apply the SUM function to get the results first, and then use the Format Cells feature to set +0;-0;0 for the numbers, please see the below screenshot:

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Thank you!!! This worked like a charm for my bank's annoying single "amount" column.
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Thanks a lot!
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How to use the Countif formula to count Positive AND Negative values but exclude ZEROS from the counting?

For example (data below):

The Total counting that I am expecting is equal to 5.

I thought the formula should be like =COUNTIF(N18:N320,"<>0")
But it is not working in the way that I imagined.
Can anyone help please?

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Try it and let me know.
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=COUNTIF(N18:N320,"<>0").....Works for me
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how to change color of the cell automatically, according to profit and loss
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How can I add only the numbers that will give me 0? Thank you
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