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Kako pretvoriti datum v proračunsko leto / četrtletje / mesec v Excelu?

Če imate na delovnem listu seznam datumov in želite hitro potrditi poslovno leto / četrtletje / mesec teh datumov, lahko preberete to vadnico, mislim, da boste morda našli rešitev.

Pretvori datum v proračunsko leto

Pretvori datum v davčno četrtletje

Pretvori datum v davčni mesec

puščica modri desni mehurček Pretvori datum v proračunsko leto

1. Izberite celico in vanjo vnesite številko fiskalnega leta, ki se začne z mesecem, tukaj se fiskalno leto mojega podjetja začne 1. julija in vtipkam 7. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. Nato lahko vnesete to formulo =YEAR(DATE(YEAR(A4),MONTH(A4)+($D$1-1),1)) v celico poleg vaših datumov, nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje v obseg, ki ga potrebujete.doc-convert-fiskalno-leto-2

Nasvet: V zgornji formuli A4 označuje datumsko celico, D1 pa mesec, v katerem se začne proračunsko leto.

puščica modri desni mehurček Pretvori datum v davčno četrtletje

Če želite datum pretvoriti v davčno četrtletje, lahko storite naslednje:

1. Najprej morate narediti tabelo, kot je prikazano spodaj. V prvo vrstico naštejte vse mesece v letu, nato v drugo vrstico vnesite relativno številko davčnega četrtletja za vsak mesec. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. Nato v celico poleg stolpca z datumom vnesite to formulo = IZBERI (MESEC (A6), 3,3,3,4,4,4,1,1,1,2,2,2) vanj, nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje v obseg, ki ga potrebujete.doc-convert-fiskalno-leto-4

Nasvet: V zgornji formuli je A6 datumska celica, številčna serija 3,3,3… pa fiskalna četrtinska serija, ki ste jo vnesli v 1. koraku.

puščica modri desni mehurček Pretvori datum v davčni mesec

Če želite datum pretvoriti v davčni mesec, morate najprej sestaviti tudi tabelo.

1. V prvo vrstico vnesite vse mesece v letu, nato v drugo vrstico vnesite relativno številko davčnega meseca za vsak mesec. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:doc-convert-fiskalno-leto-5

2. Nato v celico poleg stolpca vnesite to formulo = IZBERI (MESEC (A6), 7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6) vanj in s to formulo povlecite ročico za polnjenje do želenega obsega. doc-convert-fiskalno-leto-6

Nasvet: V zgornji formuli je A6 datumska celica, številčna serija 7,8,9… pa številčna številka davčnega meseca, ki jo vnesete v 1. koraku.

Hitro pretvorite nestandardni datum v standardno oblikovanje datuma (mm / dd / llll)

Včasih boste morda prejeli delovne liste z več nestandardnimi datumi in če jih boste pretvorili v standardno obliko zapisa datuma, saj je mm / dd / llll morda za vas težavno. Tukaj Kutools za Excel's Pretvori v datum lahko te nestandardne datume z enim klikom hitro pretvori v standardno oblikovanje datuma.  Kliknite za brezplačno popolno preizkusno različico v 30 dneh!
datum pretvorbe doc
Kutools za Excel: z več kot 300 priročnimi dodatki za Excel lahko brezplačno preizkusite brez omejitev v 30 dneh.

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Comments (27)
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How to set If formula is target is month i.e 07.2023 , 08.2022 ...
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For Find in FY Year by month
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Hi, I would like to get an OUTPUT as a Date(10/11/2022) in Colum F, from a Fiscal Year (2023) in column A and Month(11) in Colum D. As my fiscal Year starts from November and Ends in October.

Appreciate your help to find a formula in Excel. Thank
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YEAR(B4)-1&"-"&RIGHT(YEAR(B4),2)) </div>;
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Just check this


Assume the target is in I8 cell with a date of 8/23/2011 , the out put will be FY2011-2012

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worked well...thank you.
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Just check this

Assume the target is in I8 cell with a date of 8/23/2011 , the out put will be <span style="letter-spacing: 0.2px; color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant-ligatures: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit; font-weight: inherit;"> </span>
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If anyone is looking for a formula to figure out what fiscal/policy year an payment/event happened, even if that fiscal year/policy doesn't start on the first of the month I came up with this.


D1 in this has to be a full date 01/06/2019 for example.

Also surely a cheeky Vlookup is a better way of doing the quarter formula

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"=Vlookup(Month(A6),etc.)" It's so simple, yet so elegant... not sure why I didn't think of this but this was a huge find. Thank you!
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I came up with a self contained choose() to calculate the fiscal year that doesn't need to use an external cell as an input.
Fiscal Year EndCalculation
="June 30, " & (YEAR(E2) +CHOOSE(MONTH(E2),0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1))
. * The first part is just a text string
. * & concatenates the first part to the second part which calculatesthe appropriate year.
. * Year(e2) extracts the year number from the date in column E
. * Choose() looks at the month number from that same date.
. For months Jan through June itretrieves the value 0,
. For months July thru Dec itretrieves value 1.
. The retrieved value is added to theyear extracted to give the appropriate year end
“June 30, 2020”.

This is on the assumption that a company is not likely to be changing it's year end. Doesn't work if the sheet is being used for multiple companies with different year ends ...
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Please correct the fiscal-year formula you give above! It does not work unless the fiscal year begins with month 7. This formula will work just fine:


But it is still way more complex than it needs to be. Use Michael's formula (but correct his typo):

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You can use below formulae:

Here Col K2 is our date column which is to be converted in format 20XX-XY (e.g. 2017-18).

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You can also use below formula for the same condition :

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Thank you!!
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What a legend. Thank you!
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thank you
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