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Kako pogojno oblikovati datume, manjše / večje od današnjih v Excelu?

Datume lahko pogojno oblikujete glede na trenutni datum v Excelu. Na primer, lahko formatirate datume pred današnjim dnem ali pa datume, večje od danes. V tej vadnici vam bomo pokazali, kako lahko s funkcijo DANES v pogojnem oblikovanju podrobno označite roke zapadlosti ali prihodnje datume v Excelu.

Pogojni datumi pred datumom danes ali prihodnji datumi v Excelu

Pogojni datumi pred datumom danes ali prihodnji datumi v Excelu

Recimo, da imate seznam datumov, kot je prikazano spodaj. Za oddajo zapadlih rokov in prihodnjih datumov storite naslednje.

1. Izberite obseg A2: A15 in kliknite Pogojno oblikovanje > Upravljanje pravil pod Domov zavihek. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. V Ljubljani Upravitelj pravil pogojnega oblikovanja pogovorno okno, kliknite na Novo pravilo gumb.

3. V Ljubljani Novo pravilo oblikovanja pogovorno okno, morate:

1). Izberite S formulo določite, katere celice želite formatirati v Izberite vrsto pravila odsek;

2). Za oblikovanje datumov starejših od danes, kopirajte in prilepite formulo = $ A2 v Oblikujte vrednosti, kjer je ta formula resnična škatla;

za oblikovanje prihodnjih datumov, uporabite to formulo = $ A2> DANES ();

3). Kliknite oblikovana . Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

4. V Ljubljani Oblikuj celice v pogovornem oknu določite obliko datumov zapadlosti ali prihodnjih datumov in kliknite OK gumb.

5. Potem se vrne v Upravitelj pravil pogojnega oblikovanja pogovorno okno. In ustvarjeno je pravilo za oblikovanje rokov. Če želite pravilo uporabiti zdaj, kliknite Uporabi gumb.

6. Če pa želite skupaj uporabiti pravilo zapadlih datumov in pravilo prihodnjih datumov, ustvarite novo pravilo s formulo za oblikovanje prihodnjega datuma, tako da ponovite zgornje korake od 2 do 4.

7. Ko se vrne v Upravitelj pravil pogojnega oblikovanja Ponovno pogovorno okno, vidite, da sta v polju prikazani pravili, kliknite OK za začetek formatiranja.

Nato lahko vidite datume, starejše od danes, in datumi, ki so večji od danes, so uspešno formatirani.

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I want to highlight a cell if:
1. today's date is greater than the date in another cell or blank (=TODAY()>'APM Tracker'P14) AND ALSO;
2. If the date in P15 is greater than P14 same highlight color AND ALSO;
3. If the date in P15 is less than P14 I do not want the highlight
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Hey All,

I want to get only past due dates in the particular column. Instead of highlighting the cells with color i need the dates to be picked in the column

Any solution for this....
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Alright, I read through this thread and did not see this question asked/answered. I have a column of future dates. I would like to add conditional formatting to flag that date exactly 30 days before (1st color "Hey you should get this done its due in 30 day's") and 7 days ( 2nd color "You procrastinated and now you have 7 days to complete this"). Any help here?
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Hi Michael,
I am not sure I understand your question clearly. If you want to hight the date which is 30 days and 7 days from today. Please use the following formulas to create two formula rules with different highlighted colors:
If this is not what you need, please attach a screenshot of your data here.
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To ignore cells that have blanks try this:


This assumes the cell you have selected is A2 (change this to whatever cell you have currently selected)
To copy this to the applicable cells, change the "Applies to" to the cell range you need.
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Hi Andy Campbell,
Thank you for sharing.
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I am trying to use condition formatting to allow a cell to be highlighted when an item is past due based on different turn around times (TAT). I have a column with a submitted date which is then used with the #of days from the TAT to automatically give the due date. Using the following formula, =IF(OR(E3="",A3=""),"",DATE(YEAR(A3),MONTH(A3),DAY(A3)+E3))
The condition formatting currently used is "cell value < today()" applies to +$G:$G.
What I would like to do is use the stop if rule to stop the condition formatting if the date entered in column "H" is < or = to todays date.
Thanks Michelle
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if i want highlight the due date with the conditional : today less or equal 30 days from due date
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I am trying to create conditional formatting that will highlight rows older than 14 days in yellow and highlight rows older than 21 days in red. My date column starts in A2, I have the following rules applied, but only yellow is highlighting and just the date column, not the entire row. Can you help? Scott

2. =A2<TODAY()-14
3. =A2<TODAY()-21
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I want to ignore blank cells which doesn't have a date i.e I do not want blank cells to be highlighted when I am comparing dates<Today(). Please help
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Hi Madhu,
The first method in this artice can help you solve the problem. Please have a try.
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1 colum has the dates in it i want another colum to change colour when this formula is applied.

any ideas?
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Hi grant,
Supposing you want to change the cell color in column B based on dates in column A, please select the column B cells (such as B2:B21), and apply the conditional formatting function with the above formulas =$A2>Today() or =$A2<Today().
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Hello! can anyone help me?

I have =TODAY() formula in A1 and need 3 more rules to work as per below

rule 1 all dates 8 to 14 days older than today

rule 2 : all dates older 14 to 30 days than today

rule 3: all dates 31 or more days older than today
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it should be something like this:

if(*cell*+8>Today();if(*cell*+14<Today();"8-14 from today";"N/A"))
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