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Kako ohraniti referenco celice formule konstantno v Excelu?

V tej vadnici bomo prikazali, kako spremeniti referenco celice v formuli v konstantno (absolutno) referenco, da preprečimo njeno spremembo, ko je formula kopirana drugam.

Spodnji posnetek zaslona prikazuje dve različni vrsti referenc na celice v formulah za izračun skupnih stroškov elementov:
  • Formula na levi nepravilno premakne referenco diskontne stopnje v vsako vrstico navzdol. Pri kopiranju iz D3 do D4 in D5, se sklicuje F4 in F5 namesto fiksne diskontne mere v F3, kar vodi do napačnih izračunov v D4 in D5.
  • Na desni strani posnetka zaslona $ F $ 3 je stalna (absolutna) referenca. Ohranja diskontno stopnjo povezano s celico F3, ne glede na to, kam je formula kopirana v delovnem zvezku. Zato kopiranje formule navzdol po stolpcu ohranja diskontno stopnjo dosledno za vse postavke.

S tipko F4 naj bo referenca celice formule konstantna

Če želite ohraniti stalno sklicevanje na celico v formuli, preprosto dodajte simbol $ pred črko stolpca in številko vrstice s pritiskom na tipko F4. Tukaj je opisano, kako to storiti.

  1. Kliknite na celico, ki vsebuje formulo.
  2. V vrstici s formulami postavite kazalec znotraj sklica celice, ki jo želite narediti konstantno. Tukaj izberem referenco F3.
  3. Pritisnite F4 tipko za preklapljanje med vrsto reference, dokler ne dosežete absolutne reference, ki doda a znak za dolar ($) pred črko stolpca in številko vrstice. Tukaj F3 bo spremenjeno v $ F $ 3. Nato pritisnite Enter, da potrdite spremembo.

Zdaj ohranja diskontno stopnjo povezano s celico F3, ne glede na to, kje je formula kopirana v delovnem zvezku.

Opombe: Vsak pritisk na F4 ključ kroži skozi različna referenčna stanja: absolutno ($ A $ 1), mešani absolutni stolpec in relativna vrstica ($ A1), mešani relativni stolpec in absolutna vrstica ($ 1), in nazaj k sorodniku (A1).

Nekaj ​​klikov, da vse reference celice postanejo absolutne v obsegih

Zgornja metoda pomaga obdelati celice eno za drugo. Če želite uporabiti absolutno referenco za več celic hkrati, tukaj zelo priporočamo Pretvori sklice značilnost Kutools za Excel. S to funkcijo lahko vse sklice na celice v obsegu celic ali več obsegih celic enostavno naredite absolutne v nekaj klikih.

po namestitev Kutools for Excel, pojdite na Kutools jeziček, izberite Več > Pretvori sklice da odprete Pretvarjanje referenc formule pogovorno okno. Potem morate:

  1. Izberite obseg ali več obsegov, ki vsebujejo formule, za katere želite, da so vsi sklice na celice konstantni.
  2. Izberite Na absolutno in nato kliknite OK da začnete pretvarjati.

Nato se vsi sklice na celice za formule v izbranem obsegu takoj spremenijo v stalne sklice.

Opombe: Če želite uporabljati to funkcijo, morate namestiti Kutools za Excel najprej, prosim kliknite za prenos in si zagotovite 30-dnevno brezplačno preskusno različico.

Predstavitev: Referenčno celico formule ohranite konstantno s Kutools za Excel

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
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Comments (12)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Thank you for this post, it was very helpful
Rated 5 out of 5
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Not working if you have index match or vlooup in the formula
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That Kutools "Convert Formula References" is perfect, exactly what I need. Unfortunately I can't install that, but it's nice to know someone else needed it and made an extension for it. At least it gives me some closure knowing I'll never find it in base Excel haha. Thanks.
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Hi Austin,Did you get any error prompt when installing Kutools for Excel? 
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Hi Crystal! Oh, thanks for asking. I was on my Work PC so I knew I would be unable to install anything like this without going through the process of getting it approved with IT, presenting a solid reason to the team as to why we need to pay for additional software, etc. It would be a major headache, and I'm certain I would lose the argument. (Make no mistake, I'm all for it) But, unfortunately I settled for the smaller headache of doing what Kutools' "Convert Formula References" process would do, to a few hundred cells by hand. When I've made it to the big leagues, and I'm the boss, I'll ensure that my whole team is outfitted with Kutools. It's an awesome addition, for sure. 
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Hi Austin314,Thank you very much for your feedback and I look forward to the day when your whole team is outfitted with Kutools.^_^
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Does not work. If I insert a row above the cell, the formula "tracks" the cell to its new location. This is not what your title implies. I need a formula that reads = B1 and if data gets inserted into row B:B then the formula reads = B1 and returns the new value. Absolute referencing does not do this.
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Andrew, that is exactly what I want too..... how can we hold the cell reference Completely constant in these circumstances?
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Andrew, Martin! .....I came here for something else but I think I've got what you need.  You can also reference cells using the INDIRECT() function. For your case, if you go to cell C1 (or wherever) and set the equation in C1 to be =INDIRECT("B1"), then it will always return whatever is in B1, no matter what happens to B1. So then, if you insert a column of data into column B, your equation would move over to cell D1, and would continue to pull data from the brand new value in B1. The older referenced value is now in C1, with the column of data before. You can also perform mathematic operations on it as you would any other cell reference. Happy Spreadsheets :)
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Use the INDEX() function and for the Array use a range of columns to cover all your data (assuming no column inserts/deletes will happen)
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