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Kako nastaviti vrednosti lepljenja kot privzeto pri uporabi Ctrl + V v Excelu?

Običajno se v Excelu, ko kopirate podatke iz enega obsega ali delovnega lista in prilepite s Ctrl + V v drugega, privzeto prilepi tudi oblikovanje. Toda včasih preprosto želite prilepiti podatke kot vrednosti brez kakršnega koli oblikovanja. Tu vam lahko predstavim preprost način, da nastavite vrednosti prilepitve samo kot privzeto pri uporabi Ctrl + V v Excelu.

Vrednosti lepljenja nastavite kot privzeto pri uporabi Ctrl + V s kodo VBA

Vrednosti lepljenja nastavite kot privzeto pri uporabi Ctrl + V s kodo VBA

Ko prilepite podatke samo kot vrednosti, morate klikniti mali kvadrat v kotu izbire in vsakič po lepljenju podatkov izbrati možnost Vrednosti. Naslednja koda VBA vam lahko pomaga spremeniti privzeto lepljenje na vrednosti.

1. Držite tipko ALT + F11 tipke za odpiranje Okno Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

2. Kliknite Vstavi > Moduliin prilepite naslednjo kodo v Moduli Okno.

Koda VBA: nastavite vrednosti lepljenja kot privzeto pri uporabi Ctrl + V

Sub PasteasValue()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub

3. Nato shranite in zaprite kodo ter pritisnite Alt + F8 tipke za odpiranje Makro pogovorno okno.

4. v Makro izberite uporabljeno ime makra PasteasValue In nato kliknite možnosti gumb, glej posnetek zaslona:


5. Nato v Možnosti makrov v pogovornem oknu pod Tipka za bližnjico vnesite razdelek v , glej posnetek zaslona:


6. In nato kliknite OK zaprete Možnosti makrov pogovorno okno in nadaljujte z zapiranjem Makro dialog.

In zdaj, ko prilepite podatke z Ctrl + V, bodo podatki privzeto prilepljeni kot vrednosti.

Povezani članek:

Kako prilepiti zunanjo vsebino v Excel, se vedno ujema s ciljnim oblikovanjem?

Predstavitev: nastavite vrednosti prilepitve kot privzeto pri uporabi Ctrl + V v Excelu

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Saved module - called "module 2" but nothing shows up in macros - no 'PasteasValue'. Seems like a step is missing?
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I want to learn if there is a way to work in a sheet, not in a module.

If not, is there a way to work in particular sheet I determine?
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It is working but after pasting you cannot undo
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Same here.
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Hello, guys,
I am sorry, may be there is no other good way for solving this problem, if you have any other good ideas, please comment here.
Thank you!
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Save as binary .xlsb,
Then you can use ctrl+z with macros.
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what do you mean "save as binary. xlsb"?
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I agree Graham, just tried this in Excel 2016. When I click the Run button in the Macro dialog, I get the error message:

Run-tme error '1004':
PasteSpecial method of Range class failed

which is a shame as this really would have helped me today. I also tried Dejvid's macro below, but nothing happened when pasting from one book to another.
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Make sure you have something selected in copy mode. dont even bother entering his code
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Unless I missed something (and the instructions are *very* good), this does not work in Excel 2016.
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I use Microsoft office Standard 2016, at it works.
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Thank You, Sir...
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nice tip, but the macro should look like this, because the code above give you an error statement, if you push ctrl+v and you didn't previously select something with ctrl+c Sub PasteAsValues() On Error GoTo err_handler: Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues Exit Sub err_handler: End Sub
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The solution from Mikael seems to nice replicate the 2013 solution offered by this page in a 2016-Excel-friendly way. Unfortunately, it also replicates the inability to undo (through Ctrl-Z or other "undo" actions) a paste action while this macro is enabled.
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To get the undo function to work after you have use a macro is quite difficult unfortunately. Can't help you with that, sorry.
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Hi, solution works great but control+z not working after pasting :( . any additional help?
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This coding does not work with the latest version of Excel 2016. Running the script gives an error code for the line Paste:=xlPasteValues
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Try using this code with Excel 2016: Sub Paste_Special() Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub
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Excellent solution
this code should be written directly into the VBA command box not in module box and I selected its place to be in the workbook so you make sure to END every sub opened, and ignore any message that pops up
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Thanks Mikael, but your code didn't work. Microsoft must have changed the VBA coding language too much in their last update. Even the text "Paste:=" results in a compiling error. If there's an answer out there, it must be in a different generation of Excel VBA.
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The macro i sent is recorded in the latest version of MS Excel 2016, so maybe the problem lies within your installation? Besides that the sub I wrote won't work without the "Selection.PasteSpecial" part.
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I just ran into the same problem.
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