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Kako VLOOKUP in v Excelu vodoravno vrniti več ustreznih vrednosti vodoravno?

Funkcija VLOOKUP privzeto lahko vrne več ustreznih vrednosti v navpični ravni v Excelu, v nekaterih primerih boste morda želeli vrniti več vrednosti v vodoravni ravni, kot je prikazano spodaj. Tukaj vam bom povedal, da lahko formula reši to nalogo.
VLOOKUP in vodoravno vrni več vrednosti

puščica modri desni mehurček VLOOKUP in vodoravno vrni več vrednosti

Na primer, imate na voljo vrsto podatkov, kot je prikazano na spodnji sliki zaslona, ​​in želite PREGLEDATI cene Apple.

1. Izberite celico in vnesite to formulo =INDEX($B$2:$B$9, SMALL(IF($A$11=$A$2:$A$9, ROW($A$2:$A$9)-ROW($A$2)+1), COLUMN(A1))) , nato pritisnite Shift + Ctrl + Enter in povlecite ročico za samodejno izpolnjevanje v desno, da uporabite to formulo do #ŠT.! se prikaže. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. Nato izbrišite # ŠTEV !. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Nasvet: V zgornji formuli je B2: B9 obseg stolpcev, v katerem želite vrniti vrednosti, A2: A9 je obseg stolpcev, v katerem je iskalna vrednost, A11 je vrednost iskanja, A1 je prva celica vašega obsega podatkov , A2 je prva celica obsega stolpcev, v kateri je iskalna vrednost.

Če želite vrniti več vrednosti navpično, lahko preberete ta članek Kako iskanje vrednosti vrne več ustreznih vrednosti v Excelu?

Preprosto združite več listov / delovni zvezek v en sam list ali delovni zvezek

Združevanje več listov ali delovnih zvezkov v en list ali delovni zvezek je lahko v Excelu resnično, vendar z Združite funkcijo v Kutools za Excel, lahko združite ducate listov / delovnih zvezkov v en list ali delovni zvezek, liste pa lahko združite v enega samo z več kliki.  Kliknite za 30-dnevno brezplačno preskusno različico vseh funkcij!
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This article says this uses VLOOKUP, but it uses INDEX... which does not help me. I need a solution for multiple values using VLOOKUP or XLOOKUP in tables.
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you can use TEXTSPLIT function followed by TEXTJOIN FUNCTION in excel 365
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For anyone experiencing issues in a big data range, ensure you dont have any cells existent with "#N/A" or it will break it. Simple error but can be overlooked.
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Hello, I want to use keyword instead of specific text or value here for multiple return values, can you please share code formula for same.
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Hello - This formula worked perfectly - thank you! However, I want to apply it to a long list of lookup values. When I copy and paste the formula it obviously returns the same results as the first lookup value so I removed the $'s from $A$11, but that changes the result to something incorrect. How can I quickly apply this same formula for a long list of lookup values?

Thank you!

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J'ai retransposé mon problème exactement dans les mêmes positions de colonne que l'exemple et j’obtiens le message #VALEUR! dès la première case.

Mon excel fonctionne en francais, j'ai tout retranscrit en francais, passé ";"au lieu de ",", appuyé sur CTRL+MAJ+Entrée... des idées sur l'origine du problème?

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what you want to put the price in order of highest qty from column c?
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i have to find vertical value first, in vertical value there are more horizontal value and i have choose grater value which i have. which function or formula can help
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Hi. I have three google spreadsheet. First sheet is named "Summary. It is a table containing the name of our employee and number of evaluation in a week from 1-7. The next sheet is named "Chat Score"and third sheet is named Ëmail Score". What I want to to do is when we input a evaluation score to one of our employee it will be automatically recorded on the "Summary sheet" as evaluation 1 or 2 and so on and so forth. In short I want to get multiple return value in a single seach key across multiple sheet. I hope you can help.
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Although I'm looking up my values in another worksheet (I don't think this should cause a problem?), I only seem to have success dragging to the right if I go in and change the +1 to '0' for the 1st instance of the lookup ID, '1' for the 2nd instance and so on. I know how many instances of the lookup ID I have so I can workaround. What do I need to change to allow me to successfully drag the fx across horizontally without needing to edit (i.e getting the #NUM to appear once there are no more lookup values to return).
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Sorry, I have not found any solutions about your problems. If you have found that, could you tell me? Thank u.
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Change Column to Row at the end of the formula

"=INDEX($B$1:$B$206, SMALL(IF($A$209=$A$1:$A$206, ROW($A$1:$A$206)-ROW($A$1)+1), ROW(A1)))"
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How to List all values(like list of groceries bought) caused by a specific value (by a person X) using VLOOK_UP and other possible formulas
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You mean that to list all grocerise a person need to buy, right? If so, you can refer to the formula in this article, and change the arguments as you need as below screenshot shown.
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