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Kako izvleči ali pridobiti leto, mesec in dan s seznama datumov v Excelu?

Ali za seznam datumov veste, kako izvleči ali dobiti številko leta, meseca in dneva? Oglejte si spodnji posnetek zaslona. V tem članku vam bomo prikazali formule za pridobivanje leta, meseca in dneva številko ločeno od seznama datumov v Excelu.

Izvlecite / dobite leto, mesec in dan s seznama datumov v Excelu

Za primer vzemite spodnji seznam datumov. Če želite s tega seznama pridobiti številke leta, meseca in dneva, po korakih naredite naslednje.

Izvlecite številko leta

1. Izberite prazno celico za iskanje številke leta, na primer celice B2.

2. Kopirajte in prilepite formulo = LETO (A2) v vrstico formule, nato pritisnite Vnesite tipko. Povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do obsega, ki ga potrebujete, da dobite številko celotnega leta s seznama.

Izvlecite številko meseca

V tem razdelku je prikazana formula za pridobitev številke meseca s seznama.

1. Izberite prazno celico, kopirajte in prilepite formulo = MESEC (A2) v vrstico formule in pritisnite Vnesite ključ.

2. Povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do želenega obsega.

Nato boste dobili mesečne številke seznama datumov.

Izvlecite številko dneva

Formula za pridobivanje številke dneva je tako preprosta kot zgornje formule. Naredite naslednje.

Kopirajte in prilepite formulo = DAN (A2) v prazno celico D2 in pritisnite Vnesite tipko. Nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do obsega, da iz seznama referenčnih datumov izvlečete vse dnevne številke.

Zdaj so številke leta, meseca in dneva izpisane s seznama datumov, kot je prikazano zgoraj.

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Hola Cesar22,

Lo que podes hacer es lo siguiente:
Si la informacion esta en A1
-=TEXT(LEFT(A1,10),"dd mm yyyy")

Esto saca la fecha de toda la otra informacion y te da el dia (dd), el mes (mm) y el año (yy).

Buena suerte
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Hi, i have tried and these formulas do not seem to working for what i intend or understand. I need to extract the day and month from a cell.

Ex. 1955-03-08 (current data) to 8 Mar (required data)

Please could someone assist.
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Hi Ansonica Campher,
The following formula can do you a favor. Please give it a try.
=TEXT(A1,"dd mmm")
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HELP. I have a list of Payment dates, (8/1/16, 9/1/16, 10/1/16, + 30 years). How do I find the current month/year? Im trying to have my formula find the current month/year and grab the data from a different column from the row that the current month is in.
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Hi Brittany,
Supposing all dates are in column B and the current date is in F1. You need to create a helper column, enter the following formula into the first cell of that column (the cell should be in the same row as the first date in column B), press Enter to get the first result. Then drag its AutoFill Handle down to get the rest of the results.
If the result comes TRUE, it means that the date is the same month and year as the current date.
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this website help me to find what ive been searching all this time.. many thanks..
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This is stupid. Anyone who comes to this website wants the day of the month to populate into a cell! Anyone can plug in a random number into cell A2 and the click into cell B2 and insert the formula =A2. That's not what anyone is looking for that comes to this page. People want the cell to populate with the DAY OF THE MONTH!!!! This information and website is USELESS!!!
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You wanted the actual day of the week or month?? Day of the week would be...

=TEXT(B2,"dddd") for full day

=TEXT(B704,"ddd") for 3 letter day like Mon, Tue, Wed etc
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That's amazing, thanks Charles, did not really seen this one coming.
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i got what i need from this text function. Thank you
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Did you actually read the site? The formula =DAY(A2) would extract the day of the month from whatever date you had entered in cell A2. How is that not what you're asking for?
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No, that would extract the day number, not the actual day. I believe frank means he wants to see MON, TUE, WED etc.
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=MONTH(A2) drops the leading zero for single digit months. Having that cell formatted as Text does not solve. How to keep the leading zero?
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=text(A2, "mmm") for month name in abbreviations

=text(A2, "mmmm") for full month name
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Thank u Sonu, u answered my question as well..
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