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Kako razvrstiti alfanumerične podatke v Excelu?

Če imate seznam podatkov, ki se mešajo tako s števili kot z besedilnimi nizi, se pri običajnem razvrščanju teh podatkov v stolpcu v Excelu razvrstijo vsa čista števila na vrhu, mešani besedilni nizi pa na dnu. Toda vaš potreben rezultat, kot je zadnji prikazan posnetek zaslona. V tem članku je uporabna metoda, s katero lahko razvrstite alfanumerične podatke v Excelu, tako da lahko dosežete želene rezultate.

Razvrstite alfanumerične podatke s pomožnim stolpcem formule

Izvirni podatki   Običajno razvrsti rezultat   želeni rezultat razvrščanja
doc razvrsti alfanumerično 1 2 doc razvrsti alfanumerično 2 2 doc razvrsti alfanumerično 3

puščica modri desni mehurček Razvrstite alfanumerične podatke s pomožnim stolpcem formule

V Excelu lahko ustvarite stolpec za pomoč formuli in nato razvrstite podatke po tem novem stolpcu, naredite naslednje:

1. Vnesite to formulo = BESEDILO (A2, "###") v prazno celico poleg vaših podatkov, na primer B2, si oglejte posnetek zaslona:

doc razvrsti alfanumerično 4

2. Nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do celic, za katere želite uporabiti to formulo, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc razvrsti alfanumerično 5

3. In nato podatke razvrstite po novem stolpcu, izberite pomožni stolpec, ki ste ga ustvarili, in kliknite datum > Razvrščanjein v pojavnem oknu s pozivom izberite Razširite izbor, glej posnetke zaslona:

doc razvrsti alfanumerično 6 2 doc razvrsti alfanumerično 7

4. in kliknite Razvrščanje gumb, da odprete Razvrščanje pogovorno okno, pod Stolpec oddelek, izberite Pomočni stolpec ime, po katerem želite razvrstiti, in ga uporabite Vrednote pod Razvrsti naprej in nato izberite vrstni red razvrščanja, kot želite, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc razvrsti alfanumerično 8

5. In nato kliknite OK, v pojavnem pogovornem oknu Razvrsti opozorilo izberite Ločeno razvrščajte številke in številke, shranjene kot besedilo, glej posnetek zaslona:

doc razvrsti alfanumerično 9

6. Nato kliknite OK lahko vidite, da so bili podatki razvrščeni po vaših potrebah.

doc razvrsti alfanumerično 10

7. Končno lahko po potrebi izbrišete vsebino stolpca za pomoč.

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The stock symbol for TrueCar Inc is "TRUE". When I sort the column containing the stock symbols, TRUE falls out of place at the end of the list. The cell is formatted as text. I am assuming that it is because "TRUE" has special meaning in Excel. Right now I am removing the "E", sorting the column so the row falls in the right place and then adding the E after the sort. Any ideas on a better approach?  
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Hi, I have a similar sorting requirement, but with a unique problem ....
I have a range of Stock data which I need to sort in Category order.
The Range includes prices and one column has formulas.
The Category numbers range from 1 1a 1b etc to 32e.
I have continuously tried using a helper column with the formula =TEXT(K3,"###") - with K3 being the first Row in the Category column.
I select the helper column (N) and click Data - Sort - Expand the selection, but get no further as the "expansion" always selects from Row 40 - even if I select just a few rows in the helper column.
Why is this, and how can I sort my data correctly ?
Looking forward to a solution ....
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Thanks for the tip on using a "helper column", but here's my question:

Is there a way to get the "related " columns to "tag along" with the sort precipitated by the helper column?

For example, column A contains a mixed-string product code that I can now sort into sequence using the "helper column" technique but, attached to that same product code are product descriptions, dimensions and other characteristics (some of which are also mixed-string in nature) in several other columns, and I need those to follow the "helper column" sort.

Any suggestions?

Much appreciated!

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I only see 1 method. Top of the article mentions that we will see 2 methods.
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Hello, val,
Thank you for your comment, it is my mistake, I have deleted the second method from this article, and now, I have updated the article.

Thank you once more!
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Trying to sort Alphanumeric with text. It is a fairly large list but below is an example. I can't strip the off the letter in a different column and sort by that because I have matching numbers that should come before them. I also can't really add a column to sort by and then hide that column - or delete it because I am constantly sorting the data. Any ideas? Will there be some formula? My current list: ---- What I want it to look like: 1 ---- 1 2 ---- 2 3 ---- 3 4 ---- 4 A1 ---- A1 A10 ---- A2 A100 ---- A3 A2 ---- A4 A20 ---- A5 A200 ---- A6 A3 ---- A7 A4 ---- A8 A5 ---- A9 A6 ---- A10 A60 ---- A20 A7 ---- A60 A8 ---- A100 A9 ---- A200
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The easiest way I can think is to split the column into the Alpha part ("A") and the numeric part ("1") and then sort first by alpha then by numeric.
Your original 1,2,3,4 would need to stay in the alpha column to sort properly .

N.B. this might be a bit more difficult to achieve when the alpha part (the "A") is not a consistent length in your data. But definitely still possible.
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I am running in the same problem. I have 1200 part numbers that I need to sort the way it's shown above but excel will put V15 after V1 if V14 is absent. I need V14 to appear after V9 or V8, where ever the part number ends.
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Trying to sort Alphanumeric with text. It is a fairly large list but below is an example. I can't strip the off the letter in a different column and sort by that because I have matching numbers that should come before them. I also can't really add a column to sort by and then hide that column - or delete it because I am constantly sorting the data. Any ideas? My current list: ---- What I want it to look like: 1 ---- 1 2 ---- 2 3 ---- 3 4 ---- 4 A1 ---- A1 A10 ---- A2 A100 ---- A3 A2 ---- A4 A20 ---- A5 A200 ---- A6 A3 ---- A7 A4 ---- A8 A5 ---- A9 A6 ---- A10 A60 ---- A20 A7 ---- A60 A8 ---- A100 A9 ---- A200
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When I do this, the column sorts by individual character and I don't get the right order. For instance, if I have the following data: A1: 1 A2: 2 A3: 1a1 A4: 12 A5: 1a2 I want them to be sorted like this: A1: 1 A2: 1a1 A3: 1a2 A4: 2 A5: 12 Just sorting the column normally I end up with this: A1: 1 A2: 2 A3: 12 A4: 1a1 A5: 1a2 Where the numbers are sorted correctly and then the alphanumeric values are sorted correctly, but the two are not sorted together. When I use the method in the article, I end up with this: A1: 1 A2: 12 A3: 1a1 A4: 1a2 A5: 2 Where the numeric and alphanumeric data are sorted together but incorrectly (12 should come after 2). Why is this happening?
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