Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Kako uporabiti gumb za prikaz skritih stolpcev v Excelu?

V tem članku so prikazane metode ustvarjanja in uporabe gumba za prikaz in skrivanje stolpcev v Excelu.

Uporabite gumb za prikaz skritih stolpcev z gumbom za preklop
Uporabite gumb za prikaz skritih stolpcev s programom Kutools za Excel

Uporabite gumb za prikaz skritih stolpcev z gumbom za preklop

S klikom lahko ustvarite gumb za preklop za prikaz skritih stolpcev. Naredite naslednje.

1. klik Razvojni > Vstavi > Gumb za preklop (nadzor ActiveX). Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Opombe: Če ne vidite Razvojni zavihek na traku, kliknite pokaži / prikaži zavihek za razvijalce v Excelu vedeti, kako to omogočiti.

2. Na delovnem listu narišite gumb za preklop. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite in izberite Ogled kode v meniju z desnim klikom. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

3. V odprtem Aplikacije Microsoft Visual Basic okno, nadomestite vso vsebino v oknu s kodo s spodnjo kodo VBA.

Koda VBA: gumb za prikaz skritih stolpcev

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
Dim xAddress As String
xAddress = "F:G"
If ToggleButton1.Value Then
    Application.ActiveSheet.Columns(xAddress).Hidden = True
    Application.ActiveSheet.Columns(xAddress).Hidden = False
End If
End Sub

Opombe: “F: G” v kodi pomeni, da bodo stolpci F: G med izvajanjem kode prikazani in skriti. Prosimo, spremenite jih glede na vaše potrebe.

4. Pritisnite druga + Q tipke hkrati, da zaprete tipko Aplikacije Microsoft Visual Basic okno.

5. Izklopite Način oblikovanja s klikom Razvojni > Način oblikovanja.

Zdaj, ko kliknete preklopni gumb, so navedeni stolpci takoj skriti.

Med ponovnim klikom se prikažejo stolpci.

Uporabite gumb za prikaz skritih stolpcev s programom Kutools za Excel

Če so na vašem delovnem listu že skriti stolpci, Kutools za ExcelJe Preklopi za razkrivanje / skrivanje vseh skritih stolpcev pripomoček vam lahko pomaga, da jih hitro pokažete in skrijete z enim samim klikom.

Pred vložitvijo vloge Kutools za ExcelProsim najprej ga prenesite in namestite.

1. klik Kutools > Navigacija.

2. Premaknite na Seznam stolpcev in nato lahko kliknete Preklopi za razkrivanje / skrivanje vseh skritih stolpcev gumb za prikaz / skrivanje stolpcev na trenutnem delovnem listu.

  Če želite imeti brezplačno (30-dnevno) preskusno različico tega pripomočka, kliknite, če ga želite prenestiin nato nadaljujte z uporabo postopka v skladu z zgornjimi koraki.

Uporabite gumb za prikaz skritih stolpcev s programom Kutools za Excel

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
  • Poveča vašo produktivnost za 50%in vsak dan zmanjša na stotine klikov miške za vas!
Comments (18)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Hello, I hope you are well.
If you can help me... I'd appreciate it. I would like to include an image in the button, would it be possible to place it directly in this code?
Rated 4 out of 5
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Hi Eliza,

You can add a picture to a Toggle Button using its "Picture" property. Here's how to do it:
Right click the button and select Properties, in the Properties dialog box, go to the Categoried tab, look for the "Picture" property, click the ellipsis (...) next to the "Picture" property to open the file dialog and then you can select the picture you want.
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Hi, Crystal
It doesn't work perfectly as I wanted, I had already tried... But I managed to do it another way. Thanks for the help! :)
Your content is very educational and helps many people, keep it up.
Rated 5 out of 5
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Olá, espero que você esteja bem.
Se conseguir me ajudar.. agradeço. Gostaria de incluir uma imagem no botão, seria possível colocar diretamente nesse código?
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Hi what is the code to hide rows instead of columns
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Hi Andy,
This VBA code can help. Please give it a try. Thank you.
You need to change the row number in the xAddress line to the rows you want to hide.
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20230915
Dim xAddress As String
xAddress = "5:10"
If ToggleButton1.Value Then
    Application.ActiveSheet.Rows(xAddress).Hidden = True
    Application.ActiveSheet.Rows(xAddress).Hidden = False
End If
End Sub
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Top cela fonctionne bien !!

Cependant dans mon cas de figure je masque plusieurs groupes de colonnes ( ex : un bouton 1 pour masquer les colonnes D:E et un bouton 2 pour masquer les colonnes I:K). Comment faire pour que je puisse masquer un groupe de colonnes de façon indépendante et que je ne sois pas obligé d'activer le bouton 1 afin de pouvoir activer le bouton 2 ?

Je débute merci d'avance :)
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Great written tutorial, but how do I create this button on a shared Excel sheet?
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Hi Madison Taylor Delgado,
Are your workbooks shared on OneDrive or other applications? I am not able to solve this problem yet. Sorry for that.
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Bom dia!

Eu gostaria de ajuda com um código para Control ActiveX onde eu pudesse selecionar colunas intercaladas.

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I tried the formula on 3 buttons. The problem is they hide and unhide according to the sequenced they are inputted in the code. Is there anyway that I can click any button that will show/hide the columns not in sequence?
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Adding to Ryan's comment, how about hiding a column based on the value of a cell? Basically making the xAdress an IF-function and not a predetermined range of columns.
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Dear Liz,

Thank you for your comment!

VBA code in this tutorial can help you hiding specified columns based on the value of a cell. Please follow the below hyperlink to know more details.
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Hi there, How would you change it to select a bunch of non-adjacent cells?
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Dear Ryan,

If you need to select a bunch of non-adjacent cells (every selected cell is interval of X cell) as below screenshot shown, please try the Select Interval Rows & Columns utility of Kutools for Excel.

You can also follow this link to know more about this feature. Thank you!
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Dear Ryan,

About the bunch of non-adjacent cells you need to select, can you provide a screenshot to show where they locating in your worksheet?
Thank you for your comment.
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