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 Kako prenesti celice v enem stolpcu na podlagi edinstvenih vrednosti v drugem stolpcu?

Recimo, da imate obseg podatkov, ki vsebuje dva stolpca, zdaj želite prenesti celice v enem stolpcu v vodoravne vrstice na podlagi edinstvenih vrednosti v drugem stolpcu, da dobite naslednji rezultat. Ali imate kakšno dobro idejo za rešitev te težave v Excelu?

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 1

Prenesite celice v en stolpec na podlagi edinstvenih vrednosti s formulami

Prenesite celice v en stolpec na podlagi edinstvenih vrednosti s kodo VBA

Prenesite celice v en stolpec na podlagi edinstvenih vrednosti s Kutools za Excel

Z naslednjimi formulami matrike lahko izvlečete edinstvene vrednosti in prenesete njihove ustrezne podatke v vodoravne vrstice, naredite naslednje:

1. Vnesite to matrično formulo: = INDEKS ($ A $ 2: $ A $ 16, UTEK (0, COUNTIF ($ D $ 1: $ D1, $ A $ 2: $ A $ 16), 0)) na primer v prazno celico D2 in pritisnite Shift + Ctrl + Enter da dobite pravilen rezultat, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 2

Opombe: V zgornji formuli, A2: A16 je stolpec, iz katerega želite navesti unikatne vrednosti, in D1 je celica nad to formulo.

2. Nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do celic, da izvlečete vse edinstvene vrednosti, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 3

3. In nato nadaljujte z vnosom te formule v celico E2: =IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$16, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($D2:D2,$B$2:$B$16)+IF($A$2:$A$16<>$D2, 1, 0), 0)), 0)in ne pozabite pritisniti Shift + Ctrl + Enter tipke, da dobite rezultat, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 4

Opombe: V zgornji formuli: B2: B16 so podatki stolpca, ki jih želite prenesti, A2: A16 je stolpec, na podlagi katerega želite prenesti vrednosti, in D2 vsebuje edinstveno vrednost, ki ste jo izvlekli v 1. koraku.

4. Nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje desno od celic, v katere želite navesti prenesene podatke, dokler se ne prikaže 0, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 5

5. In nato še naprej povlecite ročico za polnjenje do obsega celic, da dobite prenesene podatke, kot je prikazano na sliki spodaj:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 6

Morda so formule zapletene, da jih lahko razumete, tukaj lahko zaženete naslednjo kodo VBA, da dobite želeni rezultat, ki ga potrebujete.

1. Držite tipko ALT + F11 tipke za odpiranje Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

2. Kliknite Vstavi > Moduliin prilepite naslednjo kodo v Moduli Okno.

Koda VBA: Prenesite celice v en stolpec na podlagi edinstvenih vrednosti v drugem stolpcu:

Sub transposeunique()
'updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xLRow As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim xCrit As String
    Dim xCol  As New Collection
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xOutRg As Range
    Dim xTxt As String
    Dim xCount As Long
    Dim xVRg As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    xTxt = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address
    Set xRg = Application.InputBox("please select data range(only two columns):", "Kutools for Excel", xTxt, , , , , 8)
    Set xRg = Application.Intersect(xRg, xRg.Worksheet.UsedRange)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If (xRg.Columns.Count <> 2) Or _
       (xRg.Areas.Count > 1) Then
        MsgBox "the used range is only one area with two columns ", , "Kutools for Excel"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set xOutRg = Application.InputBox("please select output range(specify one cell):", "Kutools for Excel", xTxt, , , , , 8)
    If xOutRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xOutRg = xOutRg.Range(1)
    xLRow = xRg.Rows.Count
    For i = 2 To xLRow
        xCol.Add xRg.Cells(i, 1).Value, xRg.Cells(i, 1).Value
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For i = 1 To xCol.Count
        xCrit = xCol.Item(i)
        xOutRg.Offset(i, 0) = xCrit
        xRg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=xCrit
        Set xVRg = xRg.Range("B2:B" & xLRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
        If xVRg.Count > xCount Then xCount = xVRg.Count
        xRg.Range("B2:B" & xLRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
        xOutRg.Offset(i, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    xOutRg = xRg.Cells(1, 1)
    xOutRg.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, xCount) = xRg.Cells(1, 2)
    xOutRg.Resize(1, xCount + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

3. Nato pritisnite F5 tipko za zagon te kode in pojavilo se bo pozivno polje, ki vas bo opomnilo, da izberete obseg podatkov, ki ga želite uporabiti, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 7

4. In nato kliknite OK , se bo pojavilo drugo pozivno polje, ki vas bo opozorilo, da izberete celico, v katero želite dati rezultat, glejte sliko zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 8

6. Kliknite OK in podatki v stolpcu B so bili preneseni na podlagi edinstvenih vrednosti v stolpcu A, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 9

Če imate Kutools za Excel, ki združuje Napredne kombinirane vrstice in Razdeljene celice pripomočki, lahko to nalogo hitro dokončate brez kakršnih koli formul ali kode.

Kutools za Excel : z več kot 300 priročnimi dodatki za Excel, ki jih lahko brezplačno preizkusite v 30 dneh.

Po namestitvi Kutools za Excel, naredite naslednje:

1. Izberite obseg podatkov, ki ga želite uporabiti. (Če želite obdržati izvirne podatke, jih najprej kopirajte in prilepite na drugo mesto.)

2. Nato kliknite Kutools > Spoji in razdeli > Napredne kombinirane vrstice, glej posnetek zaslona:

3. v Kombiniraj vrstice na podlagi stolpca pogovorno okno, naredite naslednje:

(1.) Kliknite ime stolpca, na podlagi katerega želite prenesti podatke, in izberite Primarni ključ;

(2.) Kliknite drug stolpec, ki ga želite prenesti, in kliknite Združite nato izberite eno ločilo, da ločite kombinirane podatke, kot so presledek, vejica, podpičje.

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 11

4. Nato kliknite Ok , so podatki v stolpcu B združeni v eno celico na podlagi stolpca A, glej posnetek zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 12

5. Nato izberite kombinirane celice in kliknite Kutools > Spoji in razdeli > Razdeljene celice, glej posnetek zaslona:

6. v Razdeljene celice pogovorno okno, izberite Razdeli na stolpce pod tip in nato izberite ločilo, ki ločuje vaše združene podatke, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 14 14

7. Nato kliknite Ok in izberite celico, v katero boste razdeljeni rezultat postavili v izpuščeno pogovorno okno, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 15

8. Kliknite OK, in dobili boste rezultat, kot ga potrebujete. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

doc prenese enolične vrednosti 16

Prenesite in brezplačno preizkusite Kutools za Excel zdaj!

Kutools za Excel: z več kot 300 priročnimi dodatki za Excel, brezplačno preizkusite brez omejitev v 30 dneh. Prenesite in brezplačno preskusite zdaj!

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Priljubljene funkcije: Poiščite, označite ali identificirajte dvojnike   |  Izbriši prazne vrstice   |  Združite stolpce ali celice brez izgube podatkov   |   Krog brez formule ...
Super iskanje: Več kriterijev VLookup    Multiple Value VLookup  |   VLookup na več listih   |   Nejasno iskanje ....
Napredni spustni seznam: Hitro ustvarite spustni seznam   |  Odvisni spustni seznam   |  Večkrat izberite spustni seznam ....
Upravitelj stolpcev: Dodajte določeno število stolpcev  |  Premakni stolpce  |  Preklop stanja vidnosti skritih stolpcev  |  Primerjaj obsege in stolpce ...
Predstavljene funkcije: Mrežni fokus   |  Pogled oblikovanja   |   Velika vrstica formule    Upravitelj delovnih zvezkov in listov   |  Knjižnica virov (Samodejno besedilo)   |  Izbirnik datuma   |  Združite delovne liste   |  Šifriranje/dešifriranje celic    Pošljite e-pošto po seznamu   |  Super filter   |   Poseben filter (filter krepko/ležeče/prečrtano ...) ...
15 najboljših kompletov orodij12 Besedilo Orodja (dodajanje besedila, Odstrani znake,...)   |   50 + Graf Vrste (Gantt Chart,...)   |   40+ Praktično Formule (Izračunajte starost glede na rojstni dan,...)   |   19 vstavljanje Orodja (Vstavite kodo QR, Vstavi sliko s poti,...)   |   12 Pretvorba Orodja (Številke v besede, Pretvorba valut,...)   |   7 Spoji in razdeli Orodja (Napredne kombinirane vrstice, Razdeljene celice,...)   |   ... in več

Napolnite svoje Excelove spretnosti s Kutools za Excel in izkusite učinkovitost kot še nikoli prej. Kutools za Excel ponuja več kot 300 naprednih funkcij za povečanje produktivnosti in prihranek časa.  Kliknite tukaj, če želite pridobiti funkcijo, ki jo najbolj potrebujete...


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Like many people in the below my column "b" has duplicates I still want to appear in a column, I.e. 
How to do the transpose if B column doesn't have unique values but still need those values
KTE 100
KTE 100

Can you shared a modified equation that works in that scenario? I appears lots of people have this question below without an answer.
Thank you, 
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have you solve the problem?
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Hello, Alicia,If there are duplicate values in the second column, you should apply the below array formula:=IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$16,SMALL(IF($D2=$A$2:$A$16,ROW($A$2:$A$16)-ROW($A$2)+1),COLUMN(A1))),"")
After inserting the formula, please remember to press Shift + Ctrl + Enter keys.
Please try, hope it can help you!
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how would you do the first order but with multiple columns of data for each product? Like if KTO and KTE had multiple pieces of data in columns C, D, E,...

This was the formula used:

=IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$16, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($D2:D2,$B$2:$B$16)+IF($A$2:$A$16<>$D2, 1, 0), 0)), 0)
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thanks !! just what i was looking for !! works as intended !!
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this was a very, very helpful post - thank you!
I found the VBA version did not yield the expected results at least when running in VBA 7.1 (Excel for Office 365 - 16.0.x - 64-bit). I tweaked it a bit to get the results I wanted:

Sub transposeunique()

'updateby Extendoffice

'updateby skipow June 2020

Dim xLRow As Long

Dim i As Long

Dim xCrit As String

Dim xCritLast As String

Dim xCol As New Collection

Dim xRg As Range

Dim xOutRg As Range

Dim xTxt As String

Dim xCount As Long

Dim xVRg As Range

On Error Resume Next

xTxt = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address

Set xRg = Application.InputBox("please select data range(only two columns):", "Kutools for Excel", xTxt, , , , , 8)

Set xRg = Application.Intersect(xRg, xRg.Worksheet.UsedRange)

If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

If (xRg.Columns.Count <> 2) Or _

(xRg.Areas.Count > 1) Then

MsgBox "the used range is only one area with two columns ", , "Kutools for Excel"

Exit Sub

End If

Set xOutRg = Application.InputBox("please select output range(specify one cell):", "Kutools for Excel", xTxt, , , , , 8)

If xOutRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

Set xOutRg = xOutRg.Range(1)

xLRow = xRg.Rows.Count

For i = 2 To xLRow

'xCol.Add xRg.Cells(i, 1).Value, xRg.Cells(i, 1).Value

'the above line commented out - the Add function to the Collection (at least in VBA 7.1) doesn't accept this format

xCol.Add Item:=xRg.Cells(i, 1).Value

'you only need the first column put into the Collection


Application.ScreenUpdating = False

For i = 1 To xCol.Count

xCrit = xCol.Item(i)

'if you don't keep track of the last entry and compare to the next entry you'll get duplicate lines

If xCrit = xCritLast Then



xOutRg.Offset(i, 0) = xCrit

xRg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=xCrit

Set xVRg = xRg.Range("B2:B" & xLRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

If xVRg.Count > xCount Then xCount = xVRg.Count

xRg.Range("B2:B" & xLRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy

xOutRg.Offset(i, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True

Application.CutCopyMode = False

'save the last entry and compare above to the next one to avoid duplicates

xCritLast = xCrit

End If


xOutRg = xRg.Cells(1, 1)

xOutRg.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, xCount) = xRg.Cells(1, 2)


xOutRg.Resize(1, xCount + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
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This works, but it gives me duplicates. Is there a way to make it not?
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it worked for me, i had to sort the first column though
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can you please share the code if there are 2 columns to be copied instead of 1. below is the example.
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I have a data set which has 3 columns presented below:

Column A Column B Column C

Country1 Year1 Value1

Country1 Year2 Value2

Country1 Year3 Value3,

Country2 Year1 Value1

Country2 Year3 Value3,


I need to combine these 3 columns in a table like this:

Year1 Year2 Year3 ................................. YearX

Country1 Value1 Value2 Value3

Country2 Value1 #Missing Value3


CountryX Valuex ..................

The problem i am facing is that for some data in column A i don't have values for each year only for some.(For example country 2 has missing values for Year 2)

Is there a way to work around this issue and resolve it?

Thank you in advance!
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I have a data set which has multiple IDs in column A, and has connected data in column B. I used the above formula and altered it a bit so that I am transposing the cells in the column B into a row based on the unique ID tied to it in column A. The formula used to identify the unique IDs is: =INDEX($A$2:$A$13409, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($D$1:$D1, $A$2:$A$13409), 0)). The formula used to do the transposing is: =IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$13409, MATCH(0, IF($A$2:$A$13409<>$D2, 1, 0)+COUNTIF($D2:D2,$B$2:$B$13409), 0)), "N/A"). Both given in the article, only slightly altered.

The issue is my data set in column B has duplicates, sometimes appearing one after another, and I need all of the values in the column to be presented in the rows.

The image attached is what I would like the table to show (this is a small sample size, the true dataset has over 13,000 entries). What is happening now is when a repeat value is encountered, it will not count it.
i.e. Row 9 for ID 11980 now only shows 0 -31.79 -0.19 -0.74 N/A N/A .... when what I need it to show instead is 0 0 -31.79 -0.19 -0.74 0 0 N/A N/A ....

Is there a way to work around this issue and resolve it?

Thank you in advance!
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Did you ever get a response/resolution to this challenge? I have the same one.
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I have a data set in Columns A (Unique ID) - E. Each row has data based on the ID#, there are multiple rows for each ID# but I want one row per ID# with all of the other data in columns (it would be 5 columns long minimum and 25 maximum depending on how many each unique ID has). I found a code but it only works for two columns. I had to concatenate the four columns (not including ID) then delimit after running the macro (lot of work). For 15,000 rows of data this is extra time consuming. Is there an endless column macro that would work? Thanks in advance everyone for your help!
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The macro did not work. It just copied the contents in cell A1.
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=INDEX($A$2:$A$16, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($D$1:$D1, $A$2:$A$16), 0)) worked for me to transpose the unique values of A column into a new column there a way to get the all the values in B column to be transposed as given below:

Product Order Date Product Order Order Order Order Order Order Order
KTE 100 3/3/2019 KTE 100 100 100 200 100 150 100
KTO 150 3/3/2019 KTO 150 100 200 100 150 200
KTE 100 3/4/2019 BOT 150 100 200 150 100 200
KTO 100 3/4/2019 COD 200 150 100 150
KTO 200 3/5/2019
KTE 100 3/5/2019
BOT 150 3/5/2019
BOT 100 3/6/2019
KTO 100 3/6/2019
KTE 200 3/6/2019
BOT 200 3/7/2019
COD 200 3/7/2019
KTE 100 3/7/2019
KTO 150 3/7/2019
BOT 150 3/8/2019
KTE 150 3/8/2019
COD 150 3/8/2019
BOT 100 3/9/2019
BOT 200 3/10/2019
COD 100 3/10/2019
KTO 200 3/10/2019
COD 150 3/11/2019
KTE 100 3/11/2019
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