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Kako izračunati ure med urami po polnoči v Excelu?

doc izračuna čas čez noč 1

Recimo, da imate časovni razpored za beleženje delovnega časa, je čas v stolpcu A začetek danes, čas v stolpcu B pa čas konca naslednjega dne. Če izračunate časovno razliko med obema časoma z neposrednim minusom "= B2-A2", običajno ne bo prikazal pravilnega rezultata, kot je prikazano na levi sliki zaslona. Kako bi lahko pravilno izračunali ure med dvakrat po polnoči v Excelu?

Izračunajte ure med dvakrat po polnoči s formulo

puščica modri desni mehurček Izračunajte ure med dvakrat po polnoči s formulo

Če želite pravilno izračunani rezultat dobiti dvakrat čez polnoč, lahko uporabite naslednjo formulo:

1. Vnesite to formulo: =(B2-A2+(B2<A2))*24 (A2 je zgodnejši čas, B2 je poznejši čas, jih lahko po potrebi spremenite) v prazno celico, ki poleg vaših časovnih podatkov, si oglejte sliko zaslona:

doc izračuna čas čez noč 2

2. Nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje do celic, v katere želite izpolniti to formulo, in časovne razlike med dvakrat po polnoči so bile izračunane hkrati, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc izračuna čas čez noč 3

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Hi All,

So I have a list of employees, all their working dates with start and end time & date.

I need to figure out how many hours were spent after midnight- night hours. The issue is that there are all sort of starting and finish times- some of the shifts were day shift the others started at 9pm till 2am, others started 10pm till next morning 5 am, etc.

Is there a way of calculating this using a generic formula for all lines?

I have tried so many variations but excel does not want to collaborate!
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Hello, Timea,
In fact, the formula in this article can solve your problem, see below screenshot:
Please have a try, thank you!
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Thank you for your reply.

I only want to know the hours worked after midnight, so only the night hours.
Not total hours worked.
Hope this makes sense.
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Hello, Timea
If you just need to get the hours worked after midnight, the below formula may help you:
Please try, hope it can help you!
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Very clever, using the comparison (b2<a2) to return a boolean result so if it's after midnight it adds 1.  It took me a minute to understand what you did it was so elegant. 
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You are welcome. Glad it helps. Any questions, please feel free to contact us. Have a great day.
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This doesn't work with all data. The solution I tried after trying the above was =IF(B22>C22,(C22-0)+(24-B22),C22-B22)
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=IF(B22>C22,(C22-0)+(24-B22),C22-B22) is perfect but instead of ( , ) use ( ; )
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Doesn't work for me... Formula incorrect.
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Great solution, very useful! Thanks :)
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Hi, i need help please. I have data that auto loads daily at 5pm. The process is broken into 2 parts (ETL1 and ETL2). ETL1 starts at 5pm till 11pm and ETL2 starts at 11 till 4 am. at 7 am i run a script to check if everything ran. each row has a start and end date time. i would like to flag all data after 5pm yesterday as todays data. Currently when i filter on today, i only see the rows where the date is after 00:00
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Can someone explain when the function of addition of the TRUE/FALSE values does so I can understand the formula please?
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True = 1, False = 0
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I think a simple MOD(B2-A2,1) should be enough?
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This is undoubtedly the best and shortest solution.
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Austin, the formula stated in the article above works well for me
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The formula under bullet point #1 is wrong. =(B2-A2+(B2<A2))*24, but is should read as =B2-A2+(B2<A2)*24.

The parentheses are in the wrong spot.
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THANK YOU! This is definitely the correct formula.
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Yes Austin! Your formula works, the other formula renders nonsense (in my case). Thanks!!
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No, Austin's correction works for me. The original with the parentheses where they are shown does not work. Maybe a diifferent version of Excel makes a difference? I am on MS Home and Office 2016
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The original formula works better than your suggestion Austin.
I also used =(A2-B2+(A2<B2))*1440
This worked best to convert time into minutes.
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Depois de colocar a formatação ao tentar somar a coluna total de horas o valor dá-me errado.

O campo é formatado [h]mm
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=(A2-B2+(A2)) sem utilizar a multiplicação por 24
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