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Kako povečati številke, ko se vrednost spremeni v drugem stolpcu?

sprememba vrednosti prirastka dokumenta 1

Recimo, da imate seznam vrednosti v stolpcu A, zdaj pa želite povečati število za 1 v stolpcu B, ko se vrednost v stolpcu A spremeni, kar pomeni, da se številke v stolpcu B povečujejo, dokler se vrednost v stolpcu A ne spremeni, nato prirast števila se znova začne od 1, kot je prikazano na levi sliki zaslona. V Excelu lahko to nalogo rešite z naslednjo metodo.

Povečajte številke, ko se vrednost spremeni v vsaki skupini s formulo

puščica modri desni mehurček Povečajte številke, ko se vrednost spremeni v vsaki skupini s formulo

Če želite številke povečati na podlagi drugega stolpca, ko se vrednost spremeni, vam bo morda v pomoč naslednja preprosta formula.

1. Vnesite to formulo: = IF (A2 <> A1,1, B1 + 1) v prazno celico, ki poleg vaših podatkov, B2, na primer, glej posnetek zaslona:

sprememba vrednosti prirastka dokumenta 2

2. Nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do celic, v katere želite zapolniti zaporedne številke, in znova zaženite vsako spremembo v stolpcu A, glejte posnetek zaslona:

sprememba vrednosti prirastka dokumenta 3

Opombe: Tu je še ena formula = ŠTEVILO ($ A $ 2: A2, A2) vam lahko pomaga tudi pri ustvarjanju zaporedja števil, ki se znova zažene za vsako spremembo v drugem stolpcu.

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Hi i have a scenerio like:-

Code Price Result
2 100 1
2 250 2
2 300 3
4 600 1
4 800 2
5 900 1
5 1000 2
5 1000 2
6 300 1

how would i get values that i want in result column
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I'm sorry, I didn't understand your question. Could you describe it in more detail?
Thank you!
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Not sure if this is he best place to ask this but would love your help on this formula. I deposit an amount say $300 in my bank and get interest say $1.5 per day on the given amount. Once the accumulated interest reaches $100 (in a certain no. of days) I reinvest it and deposit it back into the bank which then increases my interest to $2.5 per day and so on. I would like the increasing interest, no. of days taken for each cycle amount accumulated and total amount invested in a table. The part I'm facing difficulty is in the part where the interest increases in each row and also want to constrain it to reinvest it if above $100 only, and also the amount of days it took for me to go above $100 each time.
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Io devo fare questo:
In una casella ho un numero che va da 0 a 100 e vorrei che in un altra casella che ha valore iniziale 0 aumenti di una unità quando nella prima casella si passa da 0 a 5 e poi ogni 10. Quindi da 5 a 15 e l'sltra casella passa da 10 a 11, da 15 a 20 e l'altra casella passa da 11 a 12 così via.
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I have number in a column. I want to count how many times that there is a break in the numbering sequence. So if you have 2,3,4, 10, 13,14,15. You would get a count of 3 times there was a break between the sequence in the numbers. I have spent two days trying all different kinds of formulas. Please help.
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How to make this arrayformula? 
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Hey! I have to imput steps from 1 to 15 and then the time used for that step is displayed in another collumn but then I want this time to stay the same when I change te step number. How do i make a collumn stay the same so I can imput other data?
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If i have a list like this
How do i make it keep increment the sequence number in function of the name, i want it to recognized that he already seen this word/Number before in the column. do i have to always put a sorting filter to make it work?
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If you use the other suggested formula, =COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2), Excel keeps counting no matter the order the words are in.
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Hello Is there a way to calculate orange as total 6 and not show the increment order like 1,2,3,4,5 but at the end of row as 6 before entering into next new name
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i need to increment number using the duplicate criteria, means if the criteria changes the Main Serial Number and Sub Serial Number should change, for example
1.1 604
1.2 604
2.1 605
2.2 605
2.3 605
3.1 606
3.2 606
4.1 607
4.2 607

hope you got my point. kindly help
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is there a way to do this but I want to separate the different numbers, for example like
A1 1
A2 1
A3 2
A4 3
A5 3

I would like to automatically calulate the maximum number 1 in a row, maximum number 2 etc
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