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Kako uporabiti / referenčno vrednost s prejšnjega delovnega lista v Excelu?

Kako se pri ustvarjanju kopije v Excelu sklicevati na določeno vrednost celice s prejšnjega delovnega lista? Na primer, ko ustvarjate kopijo Sheet2, boste morda želeli samodejno sklicevati na celico A1 Sheet2 v novi kopirani delovni list (pravi Sheet3). Kako to doseči? Ta članek vam bo pomagal.

Uporaba / referenčna vrednost s prejšnjega delovnega lista z uporabniško določeno funkcijo
Uporabite / referenčno vrednost iz prejšnjega delovnega lista s programom Kutools za Excel

Uporaba / referenčna vrednost s prejšnjega delovnega lista z uporabniško določeno funkcijo

Če sem iskren, se nobena metoda ne more samodejno sklicevati na določeno vrednost celice pri ustvarjanju kopije delovnega lista. Pravzaprav lahko ustvarite nov list in se nato sklicujete na vrednost celice s prejšnjega delovnega lista z naslednjo uporabniško določeno funkcijo.

1. Ko ustvarite nov prazen delovni list (pravi Sheet3), pritisnite druga + F11 tipke hkrati, da odprete Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

2. V Ljubljani Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kliknite Vstavi > Moduli. Nato kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo VBA v okno Code.

VBA: Uporabite / referenčno vrednost iz prejšnjega delovnega lista v Excelu

Function PrevSheet(RCell As Range)
    Dim xIndex As Long
    xIndex = RCell.Worksheet.Index
    If xIndex > 1 Then _
        PrevSheet = Worksheets(xIndex - 1).Range(RCell.Address)
End Function

3. Pritisnite druga + Q tipke hkrati, da zaprete tipko Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

4. Izberite prazno celico Sheet3 (pravi A1), vnesite formulo = PrevSheet (A1) v Formula Bar in nato pritisnite Vnesite ključ.

Zdaj boste v trenutnem delovnem listu dobili vrednost celice A1 prejšnjega delovnega lista (Sheet2).

Opombe: Koda bo samodejno prepoznala delovni list, ki pripada prejšnjemu trenutnemu delovnemu listu.

Uporabite / referenčno vrednost iz prejšnjega delovnega lista s programom Kutools za Excel

Z Dinamično glej delovne liste uporabnost Kutools za Excel, lahko preprosto uporabite referenčno vrednost iz prejšnjega delovnega lista v Excelu.

Pred vložitvijo vloge Kutools za ExcelProsim najprej ga prenesite in namestite.

1. Če želite sklicevati na vrednost celice A1 s prejšnjega delovnega lista na trenutni delovni list, izberite celico A1 na trenutnem delovnem listu in kliknite Kutools > Več > Dinamično glej delovne liste. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. V Ljubljani Izpolnite sklice na delovne liste v pogovornem oknu preverite samo ime prejšnjega delovnega lista v Seznam delovnih listov in nato kliknite Polni obseg gumb.

Potem lahko vidite vrednost celice A1 v prejšnjem delovnem listu, na katero se sklicuje trenutni delovni list.

Opombe: S tem pripomočkom lahko isto vrednost celice z različnih delovnih listov hkrati navedete v trenutnem delovnem listu.

  Če želite imeti brezplačno (30-dnevno) preskusno različico tega pripomočka, kliknite, če ga želite prenestiin nato nadaljujte z uporabo postopka v skladu z zgornjimi koraki.

Uporabite / referenčno vrednost iz prejšnjega delovnega lista s programom Kutools za Excel

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Hi, Your code works perfectly! The intent for me is to fill a column on one of the worksheets which would update a linear graph. My question is, how do I add the new number entered on a new worksheet, while still maintaining the numbers the same of the previous sheets. For example, I entered PrevSheet(A1) on Sheet 2, which takes the number for A1 cell from Sheet 1. So I went to cell A2 of Sheet 2, and entered PrevSheet(A1) again. The intent is if I copy and paste a new sheet (Let's call it Sheet N), and I update cell A1 in Sheet N with a different value, Sheet 2 will have the value from Sheet 1 in cell A1, and the Value from Sheet N in cell A1 in cell A2. But what happens is that is updates both cell A1 and A2 in Sheet 2 to the same values as in Sheet N. This makes sense because it's taking the values from the previous sheet. Hope I didn't confuse you. Thanks!
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I'm using Greek Office 365 with all updates installed, and I can't get this to work.

It returns name error at the cell I input =PrevSheet(A1).

Both sheets have the vba code and the file is saved as .xlsb

Any clues?
Thanks in advance :)
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Hi Sotos,
You need to put the VBA in the Module (code) window (press the Alt + F11 keys to open the Visual Editor, click Insert > Module to add a new Module editor, and the enter the code). Then apply the formula.
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Excellent!!! VBA code thanks a lot
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Excellent I have used previous sheet function, but, if i do any additions of rows or columns in previous sheet, the values are getting change I want constant result. for example if i select =prevsheet(A6) where the value is there, but in the previous sheet if I add one row the value will go to A7, but in current sheet it is taking the value of A6 only, can u help me
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I tried the code but it returns formulas not allowed. The cell of the previous worksheet is a result of a formula., how do you bypass the formula and return the result? The previous sheet cell returns the formula of =SUM(L38:L39)-L40
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Hi RudyT,I tested it in the circumstance you mentioned, but I have no problem here. Which Excel version are you using?
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Wow, that was 3 months ago, but surely appreciate the reply...

I don't know how to check Excel 365... The problem is I have a a value that I want to pass to new sheet, that must read, get value of previous sheet without naming it. Just get the previous sheet value. Your code passes the code of the previous sheet, and not the value. Because the value of the cell is a formula that gathers the totals from 2 other cells.
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I followed steps 1-4, but I keep getting a #NAME error. Excel 2016. Please advise?
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Hi Anon,
The code works well in my Excel 2016. Did you find specific error reminded in your code window when getting the #NAME error result?
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I followed steps 1-4 but I keep returning a #NAME? error - Please advise?
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Hi Andrew,
Which Office version do you use?
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What about use value from Next Sheet?
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Hi Alex,
To get the value from next Sheet, please replace the minus sign with plus sign in the sixh line of the code:
PrevSheet = Worksheets(xIndex + 1).Range(RCell.Address)
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Hi Crystal, I tried replacing the minus sign with a plus sign but it didn't work - the relevant cell just returned a zero. I'm just wanting the change(s) required to do exactly as above BUT with the workbook numbering going from right to left, ie. Sheet3, Sheet 2, Sheet1 (the previous sheet will be the one to the right). Thanks
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Hi Mav,
The method works based on the worksheets' order in your workbook. ie. The worksheets order from left to right are Sheet3, Sheet2 and Sheet1. For Sheet2, it's previous worksheet is Sheet3, and it's next worksheet is Sheet1.
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Hi Crystal,
Yes I know. My query (like Alex's) is what change is required to make it work the other way, ie, for the next sheet, where the next sheet is to the left of the preceding sheet? You wrote to Alex,
"please replace the minus sign with plus sign in the sixh line of the code:
PrevSheet = Worksheets(xIndex + 1).Range(RCell.Address)".
My comment was just to say that that particular change did not work and to ask if you have a way that will actually work.
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I've been looking for something to do this forever, thank you so much you have no idea. I have a simple spreadsheet for data entry weekly and a new tab for each week. the days, date, week #, etc goes +1 and then it grabs from previous sheet and moves to new one, this created a fast solution to data transfering to different sheets--- Again thank you
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Good Day,
Sorry I can’t help with this, you can post your question in our forum: to get more Excel supports from our professional.
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