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Kako primerjati dva niza za podobnost ali poudariti razlike v Excelu?

V nekaterih primerih boste morda morali primerjati samo dve sosednji celici nizov in v Excelu označiti njihove podobnosti ali razlike. Ta članek ponuja dve metodi, kako to doseči.

Primerjajte dva niza s formulo
Primerjajte dva niza za podobnost ali poudarite razlike s kodo VBA

Primerjajte dva niza s formulo

Kot je prikazano spodaj na sliki zaslona, ​​če želite le vedeti, ali se primerjani nizi ujemajo ali ne, lahko uporabite naslednjo formulo.

1. Izberite prazno celico C2, vnesite formulo = TOČNO (A2, B2) v vrstico formule in pritisnite tipko Enter. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Opombe: V formuli sta A2 in B2 celici, ki vsebujeta primerjalne nize.

2. Nadaljujte z izbiro celice z rezultati, nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje v celice, dokler ne dobite vseh primerjanih rezultatov.

Rezultat FALSE pomeni, da so primerjani nizi različni, rezultat TRUE pa pomeni, da se primerjata dva niza. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Primerjajte dva niza za podobnost ali poudarite razlike s kodo VBA

Če želite primerjati dva niza in poudariti podobnosti ali razlike med njima. Naslednja koda VBA vam lahko pomaga.

1. Pritisnite druga + F11 tipke hkrati, da odprete Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

2. V Ljubljani Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kliknite Vstavi > Moduli. Nato kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo v okno Code.

Koda VBA: Primerjajte dva niza stolpcev za podobnost ali poudarjanje razlik

Sub highlight()
    Dim xRg1 As Range
    Dim xRg2 As Range
    Dim xTxt As String
    Dim xCell1 As Range
    Dim xCell2 As Range
    Dim I As Long
    Dim J As Integer
    Dim xLen As Integer
    Dim xDiffs As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    If ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Count > 1 Then
      xTxt = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.AddressLocal
      xTxt = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.AddressLocal
    End If
    Set xRg1 = Application.InputBox("Range A:", "Kutools for Excel", xTxt, , , , , 8)
    If xRg1 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If xRg1.Columns.Count > 1 Or xRg1.Areas.Count > 1 Then
        MsgBox "Multiple ranges or columns have been selected ", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
        GoTo lOne
    End If
    Set xRg2 = Application.InputBox("Range B:", "Kutools for Excel", "", , , , , 8)
    If xRg2 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If xRg2.Columns.Count > 1 Or xRg2.Areas.Count > 1 Then
        MsgBox "Multiple ranges or columns have been selected ", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
        GoTo lTwo
    End If
    If xRg1.CountLarge <> xRg2.CountLarge Then
       MsgBox "Two selected ranges must have the same numbers of cells ", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
       GoTo lTwo
    End If
    xDiffs = (MsgBox("Click Yes to highlight similarities, click No to highlight differences ", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Kutools for Excel") = vbNo)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    xRg2.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    For I = 1 To xRg1.Count
        Set xCell1 = xRg1.Cells(I)
        Set xCell2 = xRg2.Cells(I)
        If xCell1.Value2 = xCell2.Value2 Then
            If Not xDiffs Then xCell2.Font.Color = vbRed
            xLen = Len(xCell1.Value2)
            For J = 1 To xLen
                If Not xCell1.Characters(J, 1).Text = xCell2.Characters(J, 1).Text Then Exit For
            Next J
            If Not xDiffs Then
                If J <= Len(xCell2.Value2) And J > 1 Then
                    xCell2.Characters(1, J - 1).Font.Color = vbRed
                End If
                If J <= Len(xCell2.Value2) Then
                    xCell2.Characters(J, Len(xCell2.Value2) - J + 1).Font.Color = vbRed
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

3. Pritisnite F5 tipko za zagon kode. V prvem Kutools za Excel v pogovornem oknu izberite prvi stolpec besedilnih nizov, ki jih želite primerjati, in nato kliknite OK gumb.

4. Nato drugi Kutools za Excel Pojavi se pogovorno okno, izberite druge nize stolpcev in kliknite OK gumb.

5. V zadnjem Kutools za Excel v pogovornem oknu, če želite primerjati nize za podobnost, kliknite Da . Če želite poudariti razlike v primerjanih nizih, kliknite Ne . Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Nato si lahko ogledate primerjane rezultate, kot je prikazano spodaj.

Sorodni članki:

Najboljša pisarniška orodja za produktivnost

🤖 Kutools AI Aide: Revolucionirajte analizo podatkov na podlagi: Inteligentna izvedba   |  Ustvari kodo  |  Ustvarite formule po meri  |  Analizirajte podatke in ustvarite grafikone  |  Prikličite funkcije Kutools...
Priljubljene funkcije: Poiščite, označite ali identificirajte dvojnike   |  Izbriši prazne vrstice   |  Združite stolpce ali celice brez izgube podatkov   |   Krog brez formule ...
Super iskanje: Več kriterijev VLookup    Multiple Value VLookup  |   VLookup na več listih   |   Nejasno iskanje ....
Napredni spustni seznam: Hitro ustvarite spustni seznam   |  Odvisni spustni seznam   |  Večkrat izberite spustni seznam ....
Upravitelj stolpcev: Dodajte določeno število stolpcev  |  Premakni stolpce  |  Preklop stanja vidnosti skritih stolpcev  |  Primerjaj obsege in stolpce ...
Predstavljene funkcije: Mrežni fokus   |  Pogled oblikovanja   |   Velika vrstica formule    Upravitelj delovnih zvezkov in listov   |  Knjižnica virov (Samodejno besedilo)   |  Izbirnik datuma   |  Združite delovne liste   |  Šifriranje/dešifriranje celic    Pošljite e-pošto po seznamu   |  Super filter   |   Poseben filter (filter krepko/ležeče/prečrtano ...) ...
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Napolnite svoje Excelove spretnosti s Kutools za Excel in izkusite učinkovitost kot še nikoli prej. Kutools za Excel ponuja več kot 300 naprednih funkcij za povečanje produktivnosti in prihranek časa.  Kliknite tukaj, če želite pridobiti funkcijo, ki jo najbolj potrebujete...


Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
  • Poveča vašo produktivnost za 50%in vsak dan zmanjša na stotine klikov miške za vas!
Comments (21)
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Is there an idiot's guide to Kutools anywhere?
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Hi Sandy,

You can find the guide for each Kutools feature on this page: Kutools for Excel All Features Tutorial
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How can i edit the code such that it will compare 2 columns and highlight the differences in both columns?
Column 1
A1,A2,A3,A4: Highlight A1 & A3
Column 2
A2,A4,A5,A6,A7: Highlight A5,A6,A7
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Hi Lala,
It would be nice if you could upload a screenshot of your data and the result you want to get.
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Confrontando la cella VIA ROMA 1 con la cella VIA RROMA 1 il programma evidenzia in rosso sia RROMA che 1. Non si può fare in modo che evidenzi solo la lettera diversa e quindi R? Grazie
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in your example, words "lets try" is similar but your code can't highlight it.
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To avoid any trouble of this code with the spaces which should be in ASCII value 32 or 160 (especially if the string comes from HTML) you need to include the test line 46 in a if endif loop as below:
If Not ((Asc(xCell1.Characters(J, 1).Text) = 32 Or Asc(xCell1.Characters(J, 1).Text) = 160) And (Asc(xCell2.Characters(J, 1).Text) = 32 Or Asc(xCell2.Characters(J, 1).Text) = 160)) Then
( line 46 If Not xCell1.Characters(J, 1).Text = xCell2.Characters(J, 1).Text Then Exit For)
End If

Nevertheless thanks for the code.
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How do I add this properly? I am getting an error when I tried to replace line 46. Thank you
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THANK YOU! this is just what i needed!
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I was so hoping this would work. It appears to compare whole cells and not characters within the cells. Simply comparing Candy in one cell to Andy in another finds no similarities. And when I compare for differences the entire name Andy is highlighted in red.
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First off..THANKS Extend Office folks for the good code!!

Try this modification. It simply expands the per character checking loop to include the font color formatting, adds a default "Black", and also compares characters out to the longest of the two cells being compared.

Sub highlight()
    Dim xRg1 As Range
    Dim xRg2 As Range
    Dim xTxt As String
    Dim xCell1 As Range
    Dim xCell2 As Range
    Dim I As Long
    Dim J As Integer
    Dim xLen As Integer
    Dim xDiffs As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    If ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Count > 1 Then
      xTxt = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.AddressLocal
      xTxt = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.AddressLocal
    End If
    Set xRg1 = Application.InputBox("Range A:", "Kutools for Excel", xTxt, , , , , 8)
    If xRg1 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If xRg1.Columns.Count > 1 Or xRg1.Areas.Count > 1 Then
        MsgBox "Multiple ranges or columns have been selected ", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
        GoTo lOne
    End If
    Set xRg2 = Application.InputBox("Range B:", "Kutools for Excel", "", , , , , 8)
    If xRg2 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If xRg2.Columns.Count > 1 Or xRg2.Areas.Count > 1 Then
        MsgBox "Multiple ranges or columns have been selected ", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
        GoTo lTwo
    End If
    If xRg1.CountLarge <> xRg2.CountLarge Then
       MsgBox "Two selected ranges must have the same numbers of cells ", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
       GoTo lTwo
    End If
    xDiffs = (MsgBox("Click Yes to highlight similarities, click No to highlight differences ", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Kutools for Excel") = vbNo)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    xRg2.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    For I = 1 To xRg1.Count
        Set xCell1 = xRg1.Cells(I)
        Set xCell2 = xRg2.Cells(I)
        If xCell1.Value2 = xCell2.Value2 Then
            If Not xDiffs Then xCell2.Font.Color = vbRed
            xLen = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Len(xCell1.Value2), Len(xCell2.Value2))
            For J = 1 To xLen
                xCell2.Characters(J, Len(xCell2.Value2) - J + 1).Font.Color = vbBlack
                If Not xCell1.Characters(J, 1).Text = xCell2.Characters(J, 1).Text Then
                    If Not xDiffs Then
                        If J <= Len(xCell2.Value2) And J > 1 Then
                            xCell2.Characters(1, J - 1).Font.Color = vbRed
                        End If
                        If J <= Len(xCell2.Value2) Then
                            xCell2.Characters(J, Len(xCell2.Value2) - J + 1).Font.Color = vbRed
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            Next J
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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just want to say thanks!
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How can I get difference number between two strings?

Example: "123456" and "213456" ==> 2 difference
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Very useful script! thanks
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