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Kako prikazati ustrezno ime najvišje ocene v Excelu?

Recimo, da imam obseg podatkov, ki vsebuje dva stolpca - stolpec z imenom in ustrezen stolpec z ocenami, zdaj želim dobiti ime osebe, ki je dosegla najvišjo oceno. Ali obstajajo dobri načini za hitro reševanje te težave v Excelu?

S formulami prikažite ustrezno ime najvišje ocene

puščica modri desni mehurček S formulami prikažite ustrezno ime najvišje ocene

Če želite pridobiti ime osebe, ki je dosegla najvišjo oceno, vam lahko naslednje formule pomagajo do rezultata.

Vnesite to formulo: =INDEX(A2:A14,MATCH(MAX(B2:B14),B2:B14,FALSE),)&" Scored "&MAX(B2:B14) v prazno celico, kjer želite prikazati ime, in pritisnite Vnesite tipko za vrnitev rezultata, kot sledi:

doc prikazno ime najvišja ocena 1


1. V zgornji formuli: A2: A14 je seznam imen, iz katerega želite dobiti ime, in B2: B14 je seznam točk.

2. Zgornja formula lahko dobi ime samo, če obstaja več imen z enakimi najvišjimi ocenami. Če želite dobiti vsa imena, ki so dosegla najvišjo oceno, vam bo naslednja formula matrike morda naredila uslugo.

Vnesite to formulo:

=INDEX($A$2:$A$14,SMALL(IF($B$2:$B$14=MAX($B$2:$B$14),ROW($B$2:$B$14)-1),ROW(B2)-1)), nato pritisnite Ctrl + Shift + Enter tipke skupaj za prikaz imena, nato izberite celico formule in povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol, dokler se ne prikaže vrednost napake, vsa imena, ki so dosegla najvišjo oceno, so prikazana kot spodaj:

doc prikazno ime najvišja ocena 2

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Hi sir, I tried this method, But the problem is if top two students have the same score when I look for the highest 3 one student's name alone is repeated twice with the same score instead of second student's name. How to solve this.
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Hello, Divyanathan
Maybe the following array formula can help you:


Note: After inserting the formula, please press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the first result, and then drga this formula cell down to get the largest n results as you need.

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Hola disculpa me podrías apoyar para sacar la formula o otro tipo de dato que me pueda dar el nombre del tota de un resultado?

explico tengo una tabla con 4 nombres diferentes distribuidos en las celdas C3,D3,E3 y F3 de las cuales cada celda mencionada tiene rangos de productos ejemplo: detergentes
y cada celda mencionada tiene precios diferentes.
en el resultado que debo de mostrar es el valor mínimo de precio de cada detergente de las celdas ya mencionadas arriba, y a lo que quiero llegar es que indique una formula o un dato que indique que en cada resultado a la derecho me indique el nombre del valor de resultado.
muestro un ejemplo mas especifico: en la celda <C3> tiene un nombre de insumos, en la celda C4 hasta C120 están los precios de cada detergente que maneja la celda C3, en la celda <D3> esta un nombre de biodetergentes, y mismo proceso la celda D4 hasta D120 están los precios en la celda G4 se encuentra el resultado del valor mínimo de estos dos nombres (insumos-biodetergentes) teniendo el valor menor el de nombre de insumos. ahora en la celda H4 quiero que me aparezca el nombre del valor de resultado en este caso que me aparezca el nombre de "insumos" como puedo hacer para que me aparezca este nombre? espero me allá podido dar a entender de lo que requiero
muchas gracias por su atención
saludos cordiales.
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ik heb het ook geprobeerd met alle dezelfde gegevens zoals in het voorbeeld maar het werkt totaal niet
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Hello jac, Sorry to hear that. As I have answered in the below comment, the two formulas work great for me. And I have been wondering why the formulas aren't working for the readers. There are two reasons that can lead to the malfunction of the second formula. 
First, if you are using Excel versions before Excel 2020, then you must enter the formula =INDEX($A$2:$A$14,SMALL(IF($B$2:$B$14=MAX($B$2:$B$14),ROW($B$2:$B$14)-1),ROW(B2)-1)) via pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together.
Second, When you get the first result, remember to select the formula cell and drag the fill handle down until error value appears. So all the other results will be returned.
And as you can see in the screenshots below, the two formulas are working fine for me.  Hope my solution works. Have a nice day.
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bullshitdoes not work
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Sorry to hear that. But I did tried the two formulas in the article and both of them works perfectly. Please see the screenshots I uploaded here. And we would love to solve the problem for you if you can provide the details of the problem. Looking forward to your reply.Sincerely,Mandy
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Trying to do the same thing but with the minimum score in Microsoft sheets. I swapped max for min as below and it didn't work =INDEX($A$2:$A$14,SMALL(IF($B$2:$B$14=MIN($B$2:$B$14),ROW($B$2:$B$14)-1),ROW(B2)-1))
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Hi. This formula was exactly what I was looking for. However is there a way do this with the lowest Score but above 0 (in my case £00.00) I removed the bit of formula that displays the amount as only needed the Name and comment.I changed the MAX for MIN but there are a few entries at 0 (£00.00) and formula displays the name for the first of the '0' entries
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Hello, Nigel,To lookup the lowest value above 0, you should apply the below array formula:After entering the formula, please remember to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the correct result.=INDEX(A2:A8,MATCH(MIN(IF(B2:B8>0,B2:B8)),B2:B8,0))&" Scored "&MIN(IF(B2:B8>0,B2:B8))
Please try, hope it can help you!
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How do you find the second highest student? Please help me :( I only get the name of Thomas.
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How do you find the second highest student?
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How would you show two names if the high scores match?
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Hello, Chris,
To get all names if there are multiple high scores match, the second formula in this article can do you a favor.
Please try it, thank you!
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How would you get the matching numbers with the corresponding names to display horizontally?
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