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Kako zakleniti ali odkleniti celice na podlagi vrednosti v drugi celici v Excelu?

V nekaterih primerih boste morda morali zakleniti ali odkleniti celice na podlagi vrednosti v drugi celici. Na primer, morate odkleniti obseg B1: B4, če celica A1 vsebuje vrednost »Sprejem«; in se zaklene, če celica A1 vsebuje vrednost »Zavrnitev«. Kako lahko to storite? Ta članek vam lahko pomaga.

Zaklepanje ali odklepanje celic na podlagi vrednosti v drugi celici s kodo VBA

Zaklepanje ali odklepanje celic na podlagi vrednosti v drugi celici s kodo VBA

Naslednja koda VBA vam lahko pomaga zakleniti ali odkleniti celice na podlagi vrednosti v drugi celici v Excelu.

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite zavihek lista (list s celicami, ki jih morate zakleniti ali odkleniti glede na vrednosti v drugi celici), in kliknite Ogled kode v meniju z desnim klikom.

2. Nato kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo VBA v okno Code.

Koda VBA: zaklepanje ali odklepanje celic na podlagi vrednosti v drugi celici

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Range("A1") = "Accepting" Then
        Range("B1:B4").Locked = False
    ElseIf Range("A1") = "Refusing" Then
        Range("B1:B4").Locked = True
    End If
End Sub

3. Pritisnite druga + Q tipke hkrati, da zaprete tipko Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

Od zdaj naprej, ko v celico A1 vnesete vrednost »Accepting«, se obseg B1: B4 odklene.

Pri vnosu vrednosti »Zavrnitev« v celico A1 se določen obseg B1: B4 samodejno zaklene.

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How to lock all cells with "O" in area AH4:AE370
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How do I automatically protect a row based on a cell?
Example: if you enter a value in cell E1, it will automatically protect the cells to the left of the row, D1, C1, B1 and A1
And the same would apply to the following lines, if you enter a value in cell E2 it will automatically protect the cells to the left and so on.

Please help me.
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I need an automatic command that whenever I put something in cell g3, g4, g5 .... it automatically protects the data in the cells on the left ...
example: if you insert data in cell g3, it will automatically protect cells F3, E3, D3, C3, B3, A3... could you help me?

Today I can only save this way by creating a button, and it is very manual and time-consuming...
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there is this command that protects an entire line, but I can't think of anything to solve my case and automate the protection

If Target.Row = 1 And Target.Value <> "" Then
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Hello, Is there any way to have this repeat down an entire sheet. I have this code entered:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("X3") = "N0" Then
Range("B3:W3").Locked = False
ElseIf Range("X3") = "Yes" Then
Range("B3:W3").Locked = True
End If
End Sub

This is working fine for that row but I would like it to apply to each row as the value "Yes" is selected in column X. Is this possible and if so how do I do that? 

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Hi Stephanie,
Do you mean that when Yes is selected in each cell of column X, the corresponding row will be locked? When switching to No, the corresponding row will be unlocked?Or just select Yes in any cell of column X to lock all rows in the current worksheet?
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Yes, do you know how?
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I want to allow only 2 cells to edit as L after the two edits remaining cells should lock in that column can it possible ?
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Hi Venkat,You can see if there is an answer you need in this article.
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I'm using this fine to lock Cells B-D when the value in A is entered. I need this to be replicated for almost 500 rows in 8 sheets. is there a way to do this without having to type 400 lines on code? i.e. if the value in a = "accepted" then columns b-D are locked for that row only
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The code does not do anything when I tried it. Does this work on MS Office Professional 2010?
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Hi Maz,The code has been successfully tested in Excel 2010.
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If my first column has strings can I lock that row specifically to the first column, where when I do a sort the full row will stay together on the sort?
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Good day,Sorry can't help you for that.
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I need your favour. when i select No option from a cell i want the columns below to be locked/greyed out.

Is that possible? I tried this formula but dint work

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Range("D90") = "Yes" Then

Range("C94:F104").Locked = False

ElseIf Range("D90") = "No" Then

Range("C94:F104").Locked = True

End If

End Sub
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Hi Steffi,
The code works well.
If you want to lock the range of cells to prevent editing, you need to protect the worksheet manually after selecting No option in D90.
And as D90 is in the range C94:F104, after protecting the worksheet, D90 can't be edited either.
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D90 is not in the range. It's 4 rows above C94
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I copied everything from above into a sheet. It worked for a second and now I'm getting the error 'Unable to set the Locked property of the Range class'. I even opened a whole new sheet and copied your example verbatim. Any idea whats going on?
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