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Kako dodati ali sešteti krat v 24 urah v Excelu?

Običajno boste pri dodajanju ali seštevanju časov v Excelu končno izračunani rezultat dobili v 24 urah, kot je prikazano na levi sliki zaslona. Kaj pa dodajanje ali seštevanje krat v 24 urah za prikaz resničnega rezultata? Ta članek vam lahko pomaga.

Dodajte ali seštejte krat v 24 urah tako, da spremenite obliko celice z rezultati

Dodajte ali seštejte krat v 24 urah tako, da spremenite obliko celice z rezultati

Samo spremeniti morate obliko celice z rezultati, da jo dosežete. Naredite naslednje.

1. Po seštevanju časov izberite in z desno miškino tipko kliknite celico z rezultati, nato izberite Oblikuj celice v meniju z desnim klikom. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. V Ljubljani Oblikuj celice pogovorno okno, pojdite na Število jeziček, izberite po meri v Kategorija in vnesite [HH]: MM or [HH]: MM: SS v tip in na koncu kliknite OK . Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Zdaj je rezultat seštevanja časov prikazan v 24 urah, kot je prikazano spodaj.

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I have these 2 time stamps. the sum of working hours is over 24h.

11/1/2023 7:33:46
11/2/2023 8:55:07

To calculate total hours I use formula: WORKDAY(F1,H1)+MOD(H1-F1,-1) but then if it is over 24h it calculates as 1:21:21

Any help to fix this is appriciated :)
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Can anyone please explain what ;@ added to a custom time format does to the format?
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It works... Thanks
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Kindly help me total up times for my Log Book. The monthly hours need to be added upto the totals. Monthly hours go upto a maximum of 90:00 hrs and Total is in the 10s of Thousands. Eg 14928:22.
Please help
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Hi Philip Cherian,
The method in this post can also help to solve the problem you mentioned.
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Danke für den Hinweis. :-)Thank you so much!
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Hey there, I am a beginner Excel user. I am trying to understand the use of double quotation mark for duration of time in formulas. Double quotation converts the numbers to text, right? But I am able to use it and it says as numbers in this formula; let's say there is 20:00:00, and I want to substract this from 30 hours. My formula would be ="30:00:00"-A2 and it works perfect! So here double quotation doesn't convert it to text. However, when I use double quotation in an IF formula inside a calculated field in pivottable, it doesn't work. For example: =IF('Field 1'>="1:00:00",1,0) Could you please explain and help me understand why I can not use double quotation in the if formula but I can use it when I substract it? I have been trying to understand this for 3 days... Going crazy. Thanks al lot...
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hello my question is if i want to all time values in a specific cell and to restrict if time value is more than 24:00:00 then show dialog box error alert message etc Please any one help me...
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Format to [h]:mm;@

It worked for me... took a while though!
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What would you use if you had to sum these? I just need the total hours but am unable to find a solution. Ideas?












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this is my problem to!
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Good day,
Sorry can't help you with that.
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Thank you!!
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And it save my problem also. So easy when you know how! :-)
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