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 Kako samodejno izpolniti formulo pri vstavljanju vrstic v Excelu?

Ko vstavite prazne vrstice med obstoječe podatkovne vrstice, formula ne bo kopirala in prilepila v novo vrstico, zato jo povlecite ali izpolnite ročno. Ampak včasih bi radi izpolnili formulo, ko samodejno vstavite prazne vrstice med obseg podatkov, kot je prikazano na spodnji sliki zaslona, ​​v tem članku bom govoril o nekaj hitrih trikih za rešitev te naloge.

doc formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje, vstavljanje vrstice 1

Formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje pri vstavljanju praznih vrstic z ustvarjanjem tabele

Formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje pri vstavljanju praznih vrstic s kodo VBA

Formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje pri vstavljanju praznih vrstic z ustvarjanjem tabele

V Excelu vam lahko oblika tabele pomaga, da zgornjo formulo samodejno vnesete v nove vstavljene prazne vrstice, naredite naslednje:

1. Izberite obseg podatkov, za katerega želite samodejno izpolniti formulo, in kliknite Vstavi > Tabela, glej posnetek zaslona:

doc formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje, vstavljanje vrstice 2

2. v Ustvari tabelo pogovorno okno, preverite Moja tabela ima glave če so v vaših podatkih glave, si oglejte posnetek zaslona:

doc formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje, vstavljanje vrstice 3

3. Nato kliknite OK in tabela je bila ustvarjena. Ko vstavite prazno vrstico, se zgornja formula samodejno vstavi v novo vrstico, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje, vstavljanje vrstice 4

Formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje pri vstavljanju praznih vrstic s kodo VBA

Če podatkov ne želite spremeniti v tabelo, vam lahko pri reševanju te težave pomaga tudi spodnja koda VBA.

1. Izberite zavihek delovnega lista, ki vsebuje formule, ki jih želite samodejno izpolniti, in z desno miškino tipko izberite Ogled kode iz kontekstnega menija, da odprete Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno in nato v modul kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo:

Koda VBA: Formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje pri vstavljanju praznih vrstic

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
'Updateby Extendoffice 20160725
    Cancel = True
    Target.EntireRow.Copy Target.Offset(1).EntireRow
    On Error Resume Next
End Sub

doc formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje, vstavljanje vrstice 5

2. Nato shranite in zaprite to kodo, se vrnite na delovni list, zdaj, ko dvokliknete celico med podatki, se pod aktivno celico vstavi nova vrstica in formula se samodejno izpolni.

Predstavitev: Formula za samodejno izpolnjevanje pri vstavljanju praznih vrstic

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
  • Poveča vašo produktivnost za 50%in vsak dan zmanjša na stotine klikov miške za vas!
Comments (14)
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This works GREAT, until I protect the worksheet (to protect my forumulas in other cells). Can you let me know what i need to do to keep this functionality once the worksheet is protected?
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Excellent simple piece of code!!!!
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This code is very helpful, however, I have a slightly different requirement. The formulas should be copied when the row is inserted manually, i.e. by "insert row".
Can you please resend the code after incorporating this change i.e. instead of "Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick", some other trigger point to be used "insert row/etc"

Note - I do have any exposure to coding being from the Accounts background.

Niket Shet
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Hi Niket. You can see all the options for different trigger points in the tab itself.

For this click on CTRL + F11 to open the code editor as explained in the video above, and there will be 2 dropdowns on the top of the code which you would copy, click on the second dropdown and you can find many options for different trigger points.

The first dropdown would be ideally set to "Worksheet" and the second one would be set to "BeforeDoubleClick". You can change the second trigger point to your liking and use accordingly.

Hope it helps!
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I had the same question as Niket, so I tried looking at the list of trigger points in the second dropdown and I don't see anything that clearly works as Niket or I intend with the (select row+right click+insert row functionality). I tried the "BeforeRightClick" option but it just inserts a row w/formulas anytime I right click a cell, which is definitely not what I was looking for. Is there a resource somewhere that explains what each of the triggers can be used for? Or is there possibly another way to get to this functionality?

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I am using the code to insert a line on double-click. However, there is something wrong, Excel does not increment the first reference in my formula in the next but one row. However, it is corrected for all remaining rows.
I inserted a line at row 144 and this is what I got: (note S144 in 3rd line should be S145)
row 144 =(S143+D144+E144)-(K144+L144+M144+N144+O144+Q144+R144)
row 145 =(S144+D145+E145)-(K145+L145+M145+N145+O145+Q145+R145)
row 146 =(S144+D146+E146)-(K146+L146+M146+N146+O146+Q146+R146)
row 147 =(S146+D147+E147)-(K147+L147+M147+N147+O147+Q147+R147)
Any clues as to why it does this, I don't think it is the VBA???
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Does the table method work in excel for xp (2002) and if yes, how?
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The code works very well, but does not update cell reference in first row after the inserted row.See below" e.g 50 10 40 40 10 50 40 20 20
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This code is very good, but it does not update the cell reference in the first following row after the inserted row. Can you please help? e.g: 50 10 40 40 10 50 40 20 20
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Above formula is very helpful for me please tell me how to use this code permanently
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dear above formula which helps to update the above formula on inserting row by double clicking. I want to know how to use this code permanently because when i close the sheet and reopen code finishes. Please help to solve the issue. This formula is very helpful for me
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Hi Bilal. You need to save the file as a "Macro Enabled" file to get the code to work once you close and reopen the file. To save the file as Macro, just use "Save as" and then select "Excel-Macro Enabled Workbook" to get the desired result.
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Very easy solution. Thank you very much.
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I followed the VBA code mentioned above for my xls. I have one .xls with multiple sheets in it , i want if i insert a row in my one sheet at the start or any of the sheet for that matter it should auto insert row in all my sheet in the same worksheet. Also each of my sheet as formulas hence i want the moment auto insert takes place the formula of above row should get autofill in the new row which is not happening totally if i follow the VBA code mentioned , the rows are getting inserted in all my sheets the formula also shows up but it misses one row in it. Eg. I have sheet A with 100 rows , sheet B with 100 ros and so on with other sheets. If I insert row in sheet A it shows auto insert in Sheet B , but sheet B values of some column are linked with sheet A and the moment i insert a row eg 10 , row 11 is a new row and the same row 11 in sheet B also shows up but the value it should pull from row 11 of sheet A from column C rather it shows row 12 of sheet A , this happens on any row i insert the value in sheet B is always of the next row rather than same row that i inserted. Another problem that comes here is with my first column Sr. no the moment i insert a row in 5 , sr no 6 with new row shows up but prior to that i already had row 6 as i have a formula for Sr. no A6+1 as my column starts from A6 and so on so how to sort this issue with 2 rows with same sr. no. This is very crucial sheet am working on and i need to get this sorted, i have refereed many VBA codes but none is effective. Hoping for a proper solution to my issue.
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