Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Kako izvleči besedilo pred / za drugim presledkom ali vejico v Excelu? 

V Excelu vam lahko funkcija Besedilo v stolpce pomaga izvleči vsako besedilo iz ene celice v ločene celice s presledkom, vejico ali drugimi ločili, vendar, ali ste kdaj poskusili izvleči besedilo pred ali za drugim presledkom ali vejico iz celice v Excelu, kot je prikazano na sliki spodaj? V tem članku bom govoril o nekaterih metodah za reševanje te naloge.

izvleček dokumenta pred drugim presledkom 1

Izvlecite besedilo pred drugim presledkom ali vejico s formulo

Izvleči besedilo za drugim presledkom ali vejico s formulo

puščica modri desni mehurček Izvlecite besedilo pred drugim presledkom ali vejico s formulo

Če želite besedilo dobiti pred drugim presledkom, uporabite naslednjo formulo:

Vnesite to formulo: = IF (ISERROR (FIND ("", A2, FIND ("", A2,1) +1)), A2, LEVO (A2, FIND ("", A2, FIND ("", A2,1) +1 ))) v prazno celico, kjer želite poiskati rezultat, C2in nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do celic, v katere želite vsebovati to formulo, in celotno besedilo, preden je bil iz vsake celice izvlečen drugi presledek, si oglejte sliko zaslona:

izvleček dokumenta pred drugim presledkom 2

Opombe: Če želite izvleči besedilo pred drugo vejico ali drugimi ločili, samo zamenjajte presledek v formuli z vejico ali drugimi ločili, kot potrebujete. Kot naprimer: =IF(ISERROR(FIND(",",A2,FIND(",",A2,1)+1)),A2,LEFT(A2,FIND(",",A2,FIND(",",A2,1)+1))).

puščica modri desni mehurček Izvleči besedilo za drugim presledkom ali vejico s formulo

Če želite vrniti besedilo po drugem presledku, vam lahko pomaga naslednja formula.

Vnesite to formulo: = MID (A2, FIND ("", A2, FIND ("", A2) +1) +1,256) v prazno celico, da poiščete rezultat, in nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do celic, da zapolnite to formulo, in celotno besedilo po tem, ko je bil naenkrat izvlečen drugi presledek, si oglejte posnetek zaslona:

izvleček dokumenta pred drugim presledkom 3

Opomba: Če želite izvleči besedilo za drugo vejico ali drugimi ločili, morate v formuli po potrebi nadomestiti presledek z vejico ali drugimi ločili. Kot naprimer: = MID (A2, FIND (",", A2, FIND (",", A2) +1) +1,256).

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Hi, I want to extract each values after underscore. How do I do that. I am familiar with delimiter, but want to learn the formula to do that.

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Edit - I see this was already addressed by Dave - thank you sir! skyyang can you please edit the incorrect solution to "Extract Text Before The Second Delimiter" with the correct equation logic?
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Hello There

I have a scenario in 4 types as below in a excel chart

Type 1 : FX01865-CWB-22F
Type 2 : CD30250-AJX-2D-AB
Type 3 : DF10250-MUR-JH-B
Type 4 : YZ00250-MDS-4T-BHR

To all cases, I want to extract only the BOLD TEXT as an answer in the adjacent cells

Please help share formula


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I have the text like this
so, I want the text to be arranged in excel like this
LAXMI RANI(1st cell ) DELHI(2nd cell) DELHI (3rd cell) CG012054567IN (4th cell) CA(5th cell)
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Hi, rangaih,To deal with your problem, first, you can split your cell values based on space by using the Text to Columns feature, after spliting the text strings, you just need to combine the fisrt two cell values as you need.Please try, thank you!
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Hi, I have a long string in a single cell and want to extract all the information after each Product ID. Product ID: 686, Product Qty: 1, Product SKU: RUB 100, Product Name: Emu Oil Rub 100g, Product Weight: 0.2000, Product Variation Details: |Product ID: 691, Product Qty: 1, Product SKU: MOIST 100, Product Name: Emu Oil Moisturiser 100g, Product Weight: 0.1900, Product Variation Details: , |Product ID: 705, Product Qty: 3, Product SKU: WASH 250, Product Name: Natural Hand & Body Wash with Emu Oil 250ml, Product Weight: 0.4000, Product Variation Details: I need the quantity in one cell and the product name in another cell for each of the products after Product ID. Can you help?
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In my scenario There are three “-“ and sometimes one “-“
before second “-“ text should be enter
if in cell only one “-“ it should be blank

e.g As-01-14-32 answers like thisAs-01

e.g As-01 answer Blank cell

what will be farmula?
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Hello, Bil,
To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:
Please try it, thank you!
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I need help if i want to extract anything after first comma and before last comma.
"Flat 135 Nevendon Road, Sally,Wickford, SS12 0NL"

Column A = Flat 135 Nevendon Road
Column B = Sally,Wickford
Columns C = SS12 0NL
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Hello, Jayaswal,
To solve your porblem, please apply the following formulas:
First part--Cell B1: =LEFT(A1,FIND(",",A1,1)-1)
Second part--Cell C1: =MID(A1,FIND(",",A1)+1,LOOKUP(1,0/(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1)=","),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))))-FIND(",",A1)-1)
Third part--Cell D1: =MID(A1,FIND("=",SUBSTITUTE(A1,",","=",LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",""))))+1,256)

Pleasr try, hope it can help you!
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It’s working, thanks
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One more thing
after third”-“all text should remain even 1 or 10 otherwise blank
e.g A-01-12-As answer As
e.g A-01-12-Asty answer Asty
e.g A-01 answer blank
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May be the below formula can solve your task, please try:
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Fine thanks
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How can I extract Text 1 and Text 2 from a string like Text 1_Text 2_Text 3_Text 4
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how do I do this from right to left. Basically, want to extract last two words.
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Hi, demo,
To extract and return the last two words from text strings, please apply the below formula:
=IF((LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")))<2,A1,RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("/",SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","/",(LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))-1)))))

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Is there a way to extract various pieces of this string? 123ABC. ---- for example, to pull the 123ABC, and then in the next column pull 123ABC.01, and then 123ABC.01.02, then 123ABC.01.02.03, and so on.
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