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Kako posodobiti formulo pri vstavljanju vrstic v Excelu? 

doc posodobitev formule vstavljanje vrstic 1

Na primer, v celici D2 imam formulo = vsota (D7: D8), zdaj, ko v drugo vrstico vstavim vrstico in vnesem novo številko, se formula samodejno spremeni v = vsota (D3: D8), kar izključi celico D2, kot je prikazano na sliki spodaj. V tem primeru moram vsakič, ko vstavim vrstice, spremeniti sklic na celico v formuli. Kako lahko pri vstavljanju vrstic v Excelu vedno seštevam številke, ki se začnejo od celice D2?

Posodobi formulo pri samodejnem vstavljanju vrstic s formulo

puščica modri desni mehurček Posodobi formulo pri samodejnem vstavljanju vrstic s formulo

Naslednja preprosta formula vam lahko pomaga samodejno posodobiti formulo, ne da bi pri vstavljanju novih vrstic ročno spreminjali sklic na celico, naredite naslednje:

1. Vnesite to formulo: = VSEBINA (POSREDNO ("D2: D" in RED () - 1)) (D2 je prva celica na seznamu, ki jo želite sešteti) na koncu celic, v katere želite sešteti seznam številk, in pritisnite Vnesite ključ.

2. In zdaj, ko kamor koli med seznam števil vstavite vrstice, se formula samodejno posodobi, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc posodobitev formule vstavljanje vrstic 2

nasveti: Formula deluje pravilno le, če jo postavite na konec seznama podatkov.

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Thank you very much.
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You are welcome. Glad it helps. Any questions, please feel free to contact us. Have a great day.
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Please help me with Excel formula that update automatically without changing the cell reference manually when inserting new row at the bottom only. But not when inserting new row at the top. Thanks
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This is really helpful ... except it does not update the row/column when copying and pasting this formula, so if I have a bunch of them, I have to update the column/row manually (like in the example, if I copy this to the adjacent column E, it still has D ...)

Unless someone knows a workaround to that problem, too?
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you can use a different formula SUM(D$2:D12) as you insert a new row it continues to sum it up
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I found that this only works if there is more than 1 row to total at the start.  Any ideas how you would do this for totalling 1 row to start and then adding in rows as you work on the spreadsheet?

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You are the best! It works!
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I have a simple cell reference in one of my cells down a column e.g.:"=H6", “=H7” etc. When I insert a row in Excel and copy formulas from row above, the cell reference in 'Opening Stock' does not update automatically in the row after the new blank row (should be equal to previous row balance, which is 60 now). But it updates correctly in all other rows below. Is there a way to force Excel to update cell reference to the cell in blank row above? Have searched the web, but did not get any satisfactory answer. I do not want to convert the data to a table, since it messes up the filters and formatting. Macros don't solve the problem either - they don't copy to the row following the blank one. Can anyone please help?
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Hi Rayan!

Please if you see this let me know! You are the only one I found online who brought this issue up. However, my data is table not normal range. The automatic filling of the formula really helps and copy/pasting is a hassle. Anyway, when insert a row, the formulas update for all columns except one! In the row and the cell, instead of the formula shifting from =if(C24 = C25) to =if(C25 = C26), it goes to =if(C24 = C26) although C24 is not fixed!!! I've really tried all possible solutions...................
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