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Kako samodejno povečati črko za eno, da dobite naslednjo črko v Excelu?

Če imate celico, ki vsebuje črko AB, morate zadnjo črko povečati za eno, da dobite naslednjo črko AC, AD ... itd. Ali imate črko A in jo želite povečati na B, C…, da ustvarite seznam črk. Kako to doseči? Ta članek vam lahko pomaga pri podrobnostih.

Povečajte črko AB za eno, da dobite AC, AD ... s formulo
Povečajte črko za eno, da dobite seznam črk s formulo
Povečajte črko za eno, da dobite seznam črk z uporabniško določeno funkcijo

Povečajte črko AB za eno, da dobite AC, AD ... s formulo

Naredite naslednje, če želite v Excelu povečati črko za eno.

1. Izberite prazno celico pod dano črko, vanjo vnesite spodnjo formulo in pritisnite tipko Vnesite ključ. 

=IF(RIGHT($A2,1)="Z", CHAR(CODE(LEFT(A2,1))+1),LEFT(A2,1))&CHAR(65+MOD(CODE(RIGHT(A2,1))+1-65,26))

Opombe: V formuli je A2 celica, ki vsebuje dano črko.

2. Nadaljujte z izbiro A3, povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol, da dobite seznam črk, ki jih potrebujete.

Povečajte črko A za eno, da dobite seznam črk s formulo

Lahko uporabite = CHAR (KODA (A1) +1) formula za povečanje črke za eno v Excelu. Naredite naslednje.

1. Izberite prazno celico pod dano črko, vnesite formulo = CHAR (KODA (A2) +1) v vrstico formule in nato pritisnite Vnesite tipko. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. Izberite celico z rezultatom, povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol, da dobite črko, ki jo potrebujete.

Opombe: Če boste še naprej vlekli ročico za polnjenje navzdol, boste po tej formuli dobili črko Z in dobili nekaj posebnih znakov, kot je prikazano spodaj Če želite po črki Z dobiti črko AA, vam lahko pomaga naslednja uporabniško določena funkcija.

Povečajte črko za eno, da dobite seznam črk z uporabniško določeno funkcijo

Naslednja uporabniško določena funkcija vam lahko pomaga tudi, da v Excelu povečate črko za eno.

1. Pritisnite druga + F11 tipke hkrati, da odprete Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

2. V Ljubljani Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kliknite Vstavi > Moduli. Nato kopirajte in prilepite spodnjo kodo VBA v Moduli okno.

Koda VBA: Povečajte črko za eno, da dobite seznam črk

Function ColLtrs(i As Long) As String
    ColLtrs = Replace(Cells(1, i).Address(False, False), "1", "")
End Function

3. Pritisnite druga + Q tipke za zapiranje Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

4. Izberite prazno celico pod dano črko, vnesite formulo = ColLtrs (ROW ())in nato pritisnite Vnesite tipko, da dobite drugo črko.

2. Izberite celico z rezultatom, povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol, da dobite črko, ki jo potrebujete.

Opombe: Pri tej metodi povečate črke glede na številko vrstice. Prvo črko A morate začeti v prvi vrstici delovnega lista, sicer bo črka neurejena.

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is there any formula to increase or write ascending order like 1nc1, 1nc2, 1nc3.....
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To create an incrementing sequence like "1nc1", "1nc2", "1nc3", etc., in Excel, you can use a formula that leverages the row number to generate the numeric part of the sequence.

Assuming you want to start this sequence in cell A1, you would enter the following formula in A1:
="1nc" & ROW(A1)
Then, drag this formula down to the desired number of rows. Each cell will generate a part of the sequence based on its row number. For example, cell A2 will display “1nc2”, A3 will display “1nc3”, and so on.

The logic behind this formula is:
ROW(A1) returns the row number of cell A1, which is 1.
"1nc" & ROW(A1) concatenates the string “1nc” with the row number, creating “1nc1”.
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I need a code to help make my rows from 1-A to 1-Z please
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Hi Mayra Lopez,
The VBA code provided in the post is still helpful, but you need to apply the following formula to get the results you need:
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How would I create a formula that advances like this?:

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Hi Willie B,
You can try the VBA code provided in the post. After adding the code, use this formula to get the result you need:
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I need a code for increasing my row cell values from AA-01-A01, AA-01-A02 to AA-01-B01, AA-01-B02. And I also need a code for my colomn cell values from AA-01-A01, AA-01-A02 to AA-03-A01, A-03-A02. Help.
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I need a code from A-Z, AA-ZZ, AAA to ZZZ, AAAA to ZZZZ
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Hi,Sorry can't help with this problem. You can post the problem to the forum below to get help from other Excel enthusiasts. 
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How do I get it to start over at A when Z is used?
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This code will allow you to go from A to ZZ.

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Thank you Zac for the letter sequence formula, saved me a ton load of work
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Is there a way to do this for entire words? Where every letter in the word moves up by X number of characters
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Excel was the spreadsheet that superseded Lotus 1-2-3, and having been around that long, you would think that geniuses at Microsoft would have created a more simple means of retrieving a cells column number, without having to write your own function. Back in 2001, 2002 when I was programming in VBA there were only 65536 rows in an Excel spreadsheet, now the number has increased to a ridiculous 1.4 million rows. It's not how big the database is that counts, but how intelligent you manage the data on your hard drive, when accessing that data through Excel.

If that doesn't make you upset, then the Bankers Rounding scheme used by Excel should finish the job! We were taught math in school, basic rounding, come to find out, the Bankers "guild" wants to determine how cash amounts are rounded to better cater to their advantages. For instance, 1.5 is either closer to 1 or 2, but is rounded up to 2, being the even number. 0.5 is either closer to 0 or 1, but being the odd number, they round it down to 0. The entire system is corrupt, and they create the business software used by American businesses.

I read a comment below the one I'm addressing, and someone basically said, "I have a lot of banker friends, and they never heard of Bankers Rounding; They say they used a method called "5 Step Rounding" in the EU. So does that mean the Bankers Rounding is used only in the sabotage of the American Economy, but not good enough to ruin the European Economy that's trying to take over the world?! These money changers never cease to amaze me at how far they will go in their arrogance!
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Everything man does is corrupt. Everything.
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Dear Sir
When I run the function =ColLtrs(ROW()) in an excel sheet, I get perfect results, but if I want to call this function or cell value in VBA, then is it possible. So my variable could be i with values 1,2,3,4,....27,28, etc and result should be A,B,C,D....,AA,AB and so on. Is it possible?
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Please select the number cells and run the below code to solve the problem.

Sub NumTOAZ()
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xStr As String
On Error Resume Next
For Each xRg In Selection
xStr = Replace(Cells(1, xRg.Value).Address(False, False), "1", "")
xRg.Value = xStr
End Sub
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