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Kako zaščititi celice na podlagi datuma v Excelu?

Običajno lahko zaščitimo delovni list, da drugim preprečimo urejanje ali spreminjanje vrednosti celic, včasih pa morate celice zaščititi glede na datum. Na primer, želim zaščititi druge celice, vendar dovolim spreminjanje vrednosti celic današnjega datuma, kot je prikazano na spodnji sliki zaslona, ​​v tem članku bomo govorili o tem, kako zaščititi celice glede na datum.

doc zaščiti do datuma 1

Zaščitite vse vrstice, razen današnje datumske vrstice, s kodo VBA

Vse vrstice, ki jih je pretekel datum, zaščitite s kodo VBA

puščica modri desni mehurček Zaščitite vse vrstice, razen današnje datumske vrstice, s kodo VBA

Spremenite lahko samo vrstico, ki je enaka današnjemu datumu. Naslednja koda vam lahko pomaga, naredite tako:

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite zavihek lista, na katerem želite zaščititi celice glede na datum, in nato izberite Ogled kode iz kontekstnega menija v izpuščenem Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo v prazen modul:

Koda VBA: Zaščitite vse vrstice, razen današnje vrstice z datumi:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updateby Extendoffice 20161025
    If Range("E" & Selection.Row).Value <> Date Then
        ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="111111"
        MsgBox "Only today's date row can be edited!", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
    ElseIf Range("E" & Selection.Row).Value = Date Then
        ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="111111"
        ActiveSheet.EnableSelection = xlNoRestrictions
    End If
End Sub

doc zaščiti do datuma 2

Opombe: V zgornji kodi črka E je naslov stolpca, kjer je datum, "111111"Je geslo za zaščito tega lista. Lahko jih spremenite po svojih potrebah.

2. Nato shranite in zaprite to okno s kodo.

(1.) Če kliknete druge celice nad današnjo vrstico z datumi, se prikaže pozivno polje, ki vas opomni, da celice ni mogoče urejati, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc zaščiti do datuma 3

(2.) Če kliknete in uredite vrstico, ki je enaka današnjemu datumu, bo uspešno spremenjena, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc zaščiti do datuma 4

puščica modri desni mehurček Vse vrstice, ki jih je pretekel datum, zaščitite s kodo VBA

Če želite zaščititi vse vrstice, ki jih je pretekel datum, dovolite spreminjanje le vrstic danes in prihodnje datume, uporabite naslednjo kodo VBA:

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite zavihek lista, na katerem želite zaščititi celice glede na datum, in nato izberite Ogled kode iz kontekstnega menija v izpuščenem Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo v prazen modul:

Koda VBA: Zaščitite vse vrstice datum je minil:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
'Updateby Extendoffice 20161025
  Dim xRow As Long
  xRow = 2
  ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="111111"
  ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells.Locked = False
  Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(xRow, 5))
    If Cells(xRow, 5) < Date Then
      Rows(xRow).Locked = True
    End If
    xRow = xRow + 1
  ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="111111"
End Sub

doc zaščiti do datuma 5

Opombe: V zgornji kodi številka 5 je številka stolpca, kjer se nahaja datum, "111111"Je geslo za zaščito tega lista. Lahko jih spremenite po svojih potrebah.

3. Nato shranite in zaprite to okno s kodo.

(1.) Če kliknete, da je datum celic minil, se prikaže pozivno polje, ki vas opomni, da celice ni mogoče urejati, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc zaščiti do datuma 6

(2.) Če kliknete celico vrstic in poskusite spremeniti vrednosti na današnji datum ali prihodnji datum, bo ta uspešno spremenjena, glejte sliko zaslona:

doc zaščiti do datuma 7

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

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Hello, I would like to protect future days and allow editing current and past days. How do I do that?
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Hello, Miguel,To protect the future days, please apply the below code:<div data-tag="code">Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
'Updateby Extendoffice
Dim xRow As Long
xRow = 2
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="111111"
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells.Locked = False
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(xRow, 5))
If Cells(xRow, 5) > Date Then
Rows(xRow).Locked = True
End If
xRow = xRow + 1
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="111111"
End SubPlease try, hope it can help you!
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hello i did it but when i press cell message shows that it can not be edited but when i press keyborad i still can write in the cell
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Hello, I tried to do the same but to Protect all columns except today’s date column with VBA code by replacing "Selection.Row" with "Selection.Columns" and "E" with "5" (row number where dates are), but I keep receiving error 1004!

Any help please?

Thank you
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To apply this code to columns that you need, please use the following VBA code:(Note: In the code, 5 is the row number contains the date, please change it to your need.)

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim xRg As Range
Set xRg = Target.Worksheet.Cells(5, Target.Column)
If xRg <> Date Then
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="111111"
MsgBox "Only today's date row can be edited!", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
ElseIf xRg.Value = Date Then
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="111111"
ActiveSheet.EnableSelection = xlNoRestrictions
End If
End Sub

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Hi Im facing one problem, once i close the file and reopens it again on the same date, code doesnot work. pls help im stuck
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Hi, rohit,
To keep the code, you should save your workbook as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook format, please try, thank you!
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Thanks for your help, Thanku so much buddy, It is a great help. and solved my tension.
Be safe
RegardsRohit Khanna
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Thank you! Sorry, I did not get your reply until now, it might be a problem in my email.

It worked! Can't say thank you enough! I really appreciate that!
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Glad it can help you!
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I am trying to expand this to protect columns that do not include this current month or/and this current week. I tried to replace "Date" with "month" or "week", but did not work.

I have attached a sample for weeks sheet where user cannot edit or type in columns other than this week.

Any advice on that? or shall I use actual dates to reflect a day in the month?
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Hello, I tried to do the same but to Protect all columns except today’s date column with VBA code by replacing "Selection.Row" with "Selection.Columns" and "E" with "5" (row number where dates are), but I keep receiving error 1004!

Any help please?

Thank you
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while running this code I am getting an error as shown in the figure
Also i am attaching a snapshot my excel where i want to make changes..

Can u guide in my code where should i make changes according to my excel file so that cells that contain only todays & future date can be editied ???
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Hello, Karan,
Because there are merged cells in your table, the above code can not be applied correctly in merged cells table.
If you have any other good ideas, please comment here. Thank you!
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As someone who is relatively new to VBA, would you mind explaining why xRow = 2 in Line 4?

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because in row no. 1 you have header
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This works great. but how can I switch it to unlock a column based on dates in row 3?
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I am using the code for Protect all rows except today’s date row........

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updateby Extendoffice 20161025
If Range("A" & Selection.Row).Value <> Date Then
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="111111"
MsgBox "Only today's date row can be edited!", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
ElseIf Range("E" & Selection.Row).Value = Date Then
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="111111"
ActiveSheet.EnableSelection = xlNoRestrictions
End If
End Sub

After i save i and click on cell i get message only today's date row can be edited....but if i double click the cell the i can edit...pls help
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hi is it possible to lock certain cells depending on the date that is directly above them in a column?
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Hi, Lusis,
Can you give your problem more specifically? Or you can attach a screenshot as your problem.
Thank you!
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Hi skyyang

Yes here is a screenshot. Hope this helps.
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Here it is.
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Hello, Lucis,
Do you mean to lock the columns which date is past, and only the columns of today and future days can be modified?
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Correct! How would I go about that?
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Hi, Luis,
How about the date cell in A1? Is it entered manually or entered with a formula =now()? If it is a formula cell, the locked columns will be changed with the date changes.
Looking forward to your reply!
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Hi Skyyangg

yes the cell A1 has the =now() formula.

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Hi is it possible to lock columns by the date directly above the columns?
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Private Sub worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

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Dim col As Range

'Set the correct sheet name here:

With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("AGOSTO-22")

.Unprotect "ABCDE"

For Each col In .UsedRange.Columns

col.EntireColumn.Locked = col.Range("A1").Value <> Date

Next col

.Protect "ABCDE"

.EnableSelection = xlNoRestrictions

End With

End Sub
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