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Kako pretvoriti milisekunde v čas v Excelu?

Kot vsi vemo, je ena sekunda enaka 1000 milisekund med združevanjem časa, v tem članku bom govoril o pretvorbi milisekund v hh: mm: ss čas v Excelu.

Pretvori milisekunde v hh: mm: ss s formulo

puščica modri desni mehurček Pretvori milisekunde v hh: mm: ss s formulo

Če želite milisekunde pretvoriti v čas, vam lahko z naslednjo formulo naredite uslugo:

Vnesite to formulo v prazno celico, kjer želite izpisati rezultat:

=CONCATENATE(TEXT(INT(A2/1000)/86400,"hh:mm:ss"),".",A2-(INT(A2/1000)*1000))in nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do celic, za katere želite uporabiti to formulo, in vse milisekunde v celicah so pretvorjene v čas, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc pretvori milisekunde v čas 1

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Quando eu tento usar a formula, o Excel apresenta um erro como se eu não estivesse querendo fazer uma formula. Estou copiando exatamente a formula original do post
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Hello Matheus,
Sorry to hear that. In Portugal and Spain, commas in the formula should be replaced by semicolons. So the formula should be =CONCATENATE(TEXT(INT(A2/1000)/86400;"hh:mm:ss");".";A2-(INT(A2/1000)*1000)). Please have a try. Look forward to your reply.

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In Excel is easy: =(A2/1000/3600)*"01:00:00"

Set for cell B2 own format number (for 3 decimal places) : hh:mm:ss.000;@
Set for cell B2 own format number (for 1 decimal place) : hh:mm:ss.0;@       (Round up for one decimal place)
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In Excel is easy: =(A2/1000/3600)*"01:00:00"
Set B2 format number own (for 3 decimal places) : hh:mm:ss.000;@orSet B2 format number own (for 1 decimal places) : hh:mm:ss.0;@
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Hello ,How are you. I think I know now how to set the format to 3 decimal places or 1 decimal place. Just apply a custom number format to the result. Your advice really helps. Thanks!Sincerely,Mandy
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Hello ,Thank you for your comment. Indeed, your formula is simplier. I enter your formula =(A2/1000/3600)*"01:00:00" into cell B2, and apply the Time format among the number formats. The result format becomes hh:mm:ss. Please see the screenshot. But I can't set the results to 3 decimal places or 1 decimal place. Any way, thank you for your advice.
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Let me rephrase that last question:
"My question here is how do I right the equation so that any number of milliseconds less that 172,800,00 equals the right number of days?"

I meant to type:

My question here is how do I right the equation so that any number of milliseconds more than 172,799,999.00
equals the right number of days?
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This is a very helpful discussion for me. I found Rob Bell's and Jan Hook's previous posts such a great help to the initial tutorial. I needed the additional "day" column to count out my milliseconds which were over the 84,000,000 per day. So I modified Robs easy equation to say, "=TEXT(A1/86400000,"dd:hh:mm:ss.000")." I also used Jan's second equation posted. Funny thing though, on google sheets, when I use the expression on 0ms, the result is 30:00:00:00.000, instead of 00:00:00:00.000. When I try the expression on 1ms, the result is 30:00:00:00.001, instead of 00:00:00:00.001. When I try the expression on 99999999ms, the result is 31:03:46:39.999. When I try the expression on 1111111111ms, the result is 11:20:38:31.111. Notice that all of these except the 1111111111ms begins with a "3", such as 2ms=30:00:00:00.2. It seems to me that strangely the expression "=TEXT(A1/86400000,"dd:hh:mm:ss.000"), and Jan's longer version both result in throwing off the math by exactly 30 days, until the 172,800,000ms, at which time the 30 days drops off, and the expression reports a result of 01:00:00:00.000.

My question here is how do I right the equation so that any number of milliseconds less that 172,800,00 equals the right number of days?
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The simplest/ easiest expression to do this (based on Florian's post below) is =TEXT(A1/8400000,"hh:mm:ss.000")
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You can get the original formula to work by modifying the millisecond portion of the formula to include the text function to format as follows: =CONCATENATE(TEXT(INT(A1/1000)/86400,"hh:mm:ss"),".",TEXT(A1-(INT(A1/1000)*1000),"000"))
If you need to allow for days you can do the following:
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Hello Jan Hook,Thank you so much for your advice. It helps and corrects the tiny portion of mistakes in our formula. We appreciate your effort and would love to take your advice. Thanks again.Sincerely,Mandy
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Thanks for this all!


Is what worked for me as I was looking to round up the milliseconds.

Example of 230947 ms
The original format gave: 00:03:50.947
The format I got rounds up: 00:03:51

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But how do we change the data type into duration. This 100% converts into mm:ss but how do we convert to duration data type
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this produces some errors in some cases (I've not bothered to figure out why or in what cases, but it messed up in about 10% of my rows. Instead, divide the millisecond by 86400000, for example with


then apply a custom number format to the new value, such as:


..this worked fine for me in 100% of my rows.
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Hello ,Thank you for your advice. And sorry for the inconvenience. WBest regards,
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There's an error in this formula. Note row 6 of the screenshot. 6604545009 should convert to 10:35:45:009. However it the formula incorrectly converts this to 10:35:45:900. 009 vs 900 milliseconds.
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Hello Gautam,Thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right. And we will correct this error soon. Thanks again!Best regards,Mandy
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is this true? Because 79000231 seems to me that this is shorter than 100121211012 but it is longer when you convert it to hh:mm:ss
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Hello Mirjam,How are you. The reason why the shorter 79000231 converts longer results than 100121211012 is that the format dismisses the days. When the format becomes dd/hh/mm/ss, you will see what I mean. Please see the screenshot.
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