Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Kako onemogočiti dvoklik na obrobo celice v Excelu?

Običajno dvakrat kliknemo celico, da uredimo vsebino celice, vendar kazalec skoči na dno podatkov delovnega lista, saj lahko po naključju kliknete obrobo celice, kot je prikazano na sliki spodaj. To je lahko moteče, če je več vrstic, pomaknite se navzgor do kliknjene celice. V tem članku bom govoril o tem, kako onemogočiti dvoklik na obrobo celice v Excelu.

doc onemogoči dvoklik 1

Onemogočite dvoklik na obrobo celice, da skočite na dno

puščica modri desni mehurček Onemogočite dvoklik na obrobo celice, da skočite na dno

Če želite onemogočiti funkcijo dvojnega klika na obrobo celice, lahko za nastavitev možnosti odprete Excelove možnosti, naredite to:

1. Kliknite file > možnosti Pojdite na Možnosti programa Excel pogovorno okno.

2. v Možnosti programa Excel pogovorno okno, kliknite Napredno v levem podoknu in nato počistite polje Omogoči ročico za polnjenje in povleci in spusti celico možnost pod Urejanje možnosti, glej posnetek zaslona:

doc onemogoči dvoklik 2

3. Nato kliknite OK da zaprete to pogovorno okno in zdaj je dvoklik na funkcijo obrobe celice naenkrat onemogočen.

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
  • Poveča vašo produktivnost za 50%in vsak dan zmanjša na stotine klikov miške za vas!
Comments (22)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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This is why i use LibreOffice whenever possible!

Rated 5 out of 5
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This feature was brought to you by a dedicated Microsoft excel developer called Mr. Inconvenience
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I'd like to echo the comments here. I have this problem but I cant use this solution without it stopping me doing very useful things. It should be a simple task to decouple these options so we could turn the individual function off, and it feels like only laziness is stopping MS from fixing it.
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The only solution I know of is using F2 instead of double clicking.
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Hello Ashley,

Thanks for your comment. You are right. When you want to edit in an Excel cell, you can simply press the F2 to edit the cell. But for some users like me, we are used to double-click the cell to edit. Different habits, I guess. Have a nice day.

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The description of the concern is exactly what I want to fix, but the solution they give fixes something else.
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Hi Microsoft, It's 2021-11-20 and this problem still exists. To put these two different functions under the same tap is irresponsible. This is very basic things...
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Hello,This is indeed inconvenient for most of users, if you have any other good solution, please comment and share here.Thank you!
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wtf is this? why? why do you have to couple a completely useless feature with a super useful one so you can only enable or disable them both at the same time?
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Hello, Yes, as you said, this is very inconvenient for most of users. But, there seems to be no other good solution for dealing with this problem.Thanks for your comment.
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Could agree with the other comments, why Microsoft are making there programs worse and worse and worse consistently these days I have no idea. Windows and Office is the only MS software I use now but I think that is going to change very soon.
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