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Kako najti vrnitev aktivne hiperpovezave v Excelu?

V Excelu nam lahko funkcija VLOOKUP pomaga vrniti ustrezno vrednost na podlagi določenih podatkov v celici. Če pa je vrednost iskanja v obliki hiperpovezave URL, bo prikazana kot navadno besedilo brez hiperpovezave, kot je prikazano na spodnji sliki zaslona. Kako lahko obdržite format hiperpovezave pri uporabi funkcije VLOOKUP?

iskanje dokumentov s hiperpovezavami 1

Iskanje za vrnitev aktivne hiperpovezave s formulo

puščica modri desni mehurček Iskanje za vrnitev aktivne hiperpovezave s formulo

Če želite iskati in vrniti ustrezno vrednost s hiperpovezavo, lahko za reševanje kombinirate funkciji Hyperlink in Vlookup, naredite naslednje:

Vnesite to formulo: = HYPERLINK (VLOOKUP (D2, $ A $ 1: $ B $ 8,2, LAŽNO)) v prazno celico, kjer želite izpisati rezultat, nato pritisnite Vnesite in ustrezna vrednost s hiperpovezavo je bila vrnjena naenkrat, glejte posnetek zaslona:

iskanje dokumentov s hiperpovezavami 2


1. V zgornji formuli: D2 je vrednost celice, ki ji želite vrniti ustrezne podatke, A1: B8 je obseg podatkov, ki ga želite uporabiti, število 2 označuje številko stolpca, da je vrnjena ujemajoča se vrednost.

2. Ta formula se uporablja samo za hiperpovezave, ki so spletna mesta ali celotna pot.

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
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I'm looking to use excel for a spec builder, where you can fin information via product codes, I currently have an if command followed by vlookup to drag the information from a hidden sheet into the file by using the product code, I want to drag a hyperlink over too but have been struggling to do so, is this possible? Also, I want the link to shpw custom text.. TIA
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its work, using hyperlink and vlookup they will give the link, but the link is not working when you click it. it show " Cannot open specified file"

anyone can help me. I want to vlookup the link at the same time when i press the link it will give the link value.
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Same thing for me! itworked for a second, but idk what happened that when I went to do it a second time (on a different cell I needed the link), it all went to shit and I get the same message, "Cannot open the spoecified file". Please help!
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Hello Jeffrey, did you find the solution for your problem ? i am having the same problem
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I am trying to fix this problem right now. It only works if you open up the file that you're pulling the hyperlink from.
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i came up with a very long formula that did the job but it is very complex that if u have to add a raw you must edet everything

=HYPERLINK(GetURL(INDIREKT(ADRESSE(VERGLEICH(links!$K$1,links!E6:E9) + 5, 7, 1, 1, "links"))),INDIREKT(ADRESSE(VERGLEICH(links!$K$1,links!E6:E9) + 5, 7, 1, 1, "links")))

links is the name of a sheet i have and the GetURL function is a fuction I had to add that i got online... you can google that fuction

kindly inform me if you get to an essiere solution
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Bagaimana cara membuat hasil indek match yang ada hyperlink worksheet nya aktif. Atau mungkin ada cara lain untuk menampilkannhasil cari yg mengandung link sheet aktif
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This almost worked for me but I have a long list of hyperlinks to reference to and as the address’s are quite lengthy, I have used the “Text to display” function to shorten the text displayed.

As I have done this, the hyperlink no longer works as it references the text displayed, not the correct address.

Is is there anyway round this as I do not have space in spreadsheet to display the full address?
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