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Kako nastaviti vrstni red zavihkov celic ali odklenjenih celic v Excelu?

Recimo, da morate nastaviti tabulatorski vrstni red za svoje definirane celice, na primer, če pritisnete tipko Tab, se premaknete iz celice B5 v C6, iz C6 v D7, iz D7 v E8, nato pa se vrnete v B5, ko zapustite celico E8 na delovnem listu. kot je prikazano na spodnjem posnetku zaslona. Kako to doseči? Ta članek ponuja metodo VBA za vas.

Nastavite vrstni red zavihkov celic ali odklenjenih celic s kodo VBA

Nastavite vrstni red zavihkov celic ali odklenjenih celic s kodo VBA

Zaženite spodnjo metodo VBA, da nastavite vrstni red zavihkov celic na običajnem delovnem listu ali odklenjene celice na zaščitenem delovnem listu.

1. Na delovnem listu morate nastaviti vrstni red zavihkov, z desno miškino tipko kliknite zavihek lista in kliknite Ogled kode iz kontekstnega menija.

2. V Ljubljani Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kopirajte in prilepite spodnjo kodo VBA v Koda okno.

Koda VBA: nastavite vrstni red zavihkov celic ali odklenjenih celic

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim tabArray As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    tabArray = Array("B5", "C6", "D7", "E8")
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For i = LBound(tabArray) To UBound(tabArray)
        If tabArray(i) = Target.Address(0, 0) Then
            If i = UBound(tabArray) Then
                Me.Range(tabArray(i + 1)).Select
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


1) V kodi je B5, C6, D7, E8 vrstni red vhodnih celic, zato morate uporabiti veliko črko naslova celice. Lahko jih spremenite glede na vaše potrebe.
2) Za zaščiteni delovni list je treba vhodne celice odkleniti.

3. Pritisnite druga + Q tipke za zapiranje Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

Od zdaj naprej se po vnosu podatkov v B5 kazalec premakne na C6 s pritiskom na tipko Tab ali Enter, nato se ob zapuščanju C7 pomakne na D6 in se v trenutnem delovnem listu premakne na D7, E8.

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
  • Poveča vašo produktivnost za 50%in vsak dan zmanjša na stotine klikov miške za vas!
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I have copied your code into my worksheet, but as soon as I close it and reopen it to use it again, the code is gone. How do I save this?
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Hi Anita,
If you want to keep the VBA code for feature use, after adding the VBA code, save your workbook as an Excel Macro-enabled workbook as shown in the screenshot below. Then use the newly saved file in the future.
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Olá, o código VBA para definir a ordem das células desejadas funcionou perfeitamente. Eu percebi que para que ele funcione, é necessário entrar com um dado na célula e pressionar TAB ou ENTER.
PERGUNTA: Você tem como fazer este código percorrer todas as células (no meu caso são 31, sendo algumas vazias e outras com valores padrão) sem ter que entrar com dados nelas, somente pressionando TAB ou ENTER. Como eu tenho algumas células vazias e outras com valores, por padrão, eu gostaria de percorrer as células sem precisar entrar com dados em todas elas novamente, mas, somente alterando as células que forem preciso alterar.att

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Hello, the VBA code to set the order of the desired cells worked perfectly. I realized that for it to work, it's necessary to enter data into the cell and press TAB or ENTER.
QUESTION: You can make this code go through all the cells (in my case there are 31, some being empty and others with default values) without having to enter data in them, just pressing TAB or ENTER. As I have some empty cells and others with values, by default I would like to cycle through the cells without having to enter data in all of them again, but only changing the cells that I need to change.att

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Hello, New here The VBA code works until I hit a Pull Down Box, I get to the first on make my selection , hit Tab and it moves to a locked cell, It acts like a cell I did not enter any data in. Any suggestions? GlennD24
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Hello, is there a way to just hit enter without entering anything and have it go to the next selection?
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No me funcionó, lo coloqué en la hoja de trabajo, debe haber algún error, me podrían ayudar, necesito implementarlo en mi trabajo,


Collins Neptali Arráiz López
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Thanks for the code on enter order. I am working on a spreadsheet entering barcode information and I need to span up to 300 cells and the program only lets me enter 142 cells. Is there a way to add more so I can get up to 300?

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Hi Jeanne,
Thanks for your comment.
But the code can’t be optimized to meet your needs. Sorry about that.
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First select which cells you want to have unprotected.

When you protect your sheet it will automatically set the tab order according to your unprotected cells. It will Tab forward from Left to Right, and Top to Bottom; Shift+Tab backward from Right To Left, and Bottom to Top.
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Dear Evan,
Thank you for sharing.
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With the order that you have listed them excel does without VBA code. Make them go backwards then you got something.
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Hello and thank you for the VBA code to set the tab order in a protected sheet where the form control labels and form control drop-down boxes are unlocked and the user can tab through and fill out the information in a label, and when tabbing to a drop down list select the number of items the instructions give him, and I have made progress with your code. At first I could only tab through each of the label form controls, now I sometimes hit the drop down lists. I would really enjoy a turorial on how tro do tis
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Is it possible to use this same code to force tab across each row to each unprotected cell? I need to tab starting at cell A15, and then move to the next unprotected cell (C15), then E15, then G15. Once here, I need to tab to A16 and repeat the process for the remainder of the form. The reason I need this is that data is entered by barcode scanner, and some are programmed to tab, and others to enter. Thanks for your help on this. Spinaz
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