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Kako zagnati makro, ko se vrednost celice spremeni v Excelu?

Običajno lahko v Excelu za izvedbo kode VBA pritisnemo tipko F5 ali gumb Zaženi. Ali ste že kdaj poskusili zagnati določeno kodo makra, ko se vrednost celice spremeni? V tem članku bom predstavil nekaj hitrih trikov za reševanje tega dela v Excelu.

Zaženi ali pokliči makro, ko se določena vrednost celice spremeni s kodo VBA

Zaženi ali pokliči makro, ko se katera koli vrednost celice spremeni v območju s kodo VBA

puščica modri desni mehurček Zaženi ali pokliči makro, ko se določena vrednost celice spremeni s kodo VBA

Če želite zagnati kodo makra s spreminjanjem vrednosti celice, vam lahko z naslednjo kodo VBA naredite uslugo:

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite zavihek lista, ki ga želite zagnati, če se vrednost celice spremeni, in nato izberite Ogled kode v priročnem meniju in v odprtem Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo v prazen modul:

Koda VBA: Zaženi makro, ko se spremeni vrednost celice:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
        Call Mymacro
    End If
End Sub

doc zaženi makro, če se celica spremeni 1

Opombe: V zgornji kodi, A1 je določena celica, na kateri želite zagnati kodo, Moj makro je ime makra, ki ga želite zagnati. Prosimo, spremenite jih glede na vaše potrebe.

2. Nato shranite in zaprite okno kode. Ko vnesete ali spremenite vrednost v celici A1, se bo določena koda sprožila hkrati.

puščica modri desni mehurček Zaženi ali pokliči makro, ko se katera koli vrednost celice spremeni v območju s kodo VBA

Če želite zagnati ali sprožiti makro, ko se kdo v celici spremeni v obsegu celice, vam bo morda v pomoč naslednja koda.

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite zavihek lista, ki ga želite zagnati, če se vrednost celice spremeni, in nato izberite Ogled kode v priročnem meniju in v odprtem Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo v prazen modul:

Koda VBA: Zaženite makro, ko se katera koli vrednost celice spremeni v obsegu:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:B100")) Is Nothing Then
Call Mymacro
End If
End Sub

doc zaženi makro, če se celica spremeni 2

Opombe: V zgornji kodi, A1: B100 so določene celice, na katerih želite zagnati kodo, Moj makro je ime makra, ki ga želite zagnati. Prosimo, spremenite jih glede na vaše potrebe.

2. Nato shranite in zaprite okno s kodo. Ko vnesete ali spremenite vrednost v kateri koli celici A1: B100, se določena koda izvede naenkrat.

Odstranite vse makre iz več delovnih zvezkov

Kutools za Excel's Paket Odstrani vse makre pripomoček vam lahko pomaga odstraniti vse makre iz več delovnih zvezkov, kot jih potrebujete. Prenesite in brezplačno preskusno različico Kutools za Excel zdaj!

Kutools za Excel: z več kot 300 priročnimi dodatki za Excel, brezplačno preizkusite brez omejitev v 30 dneh. Prenesite in brezplačno preskusite zdaj!

Sorodni članki:

Kako samodejno zagnati makro pred tiskanjem v Excelu?

Kako zagnati makro na podlagi vrednosti celice v Excelu?

Kako zagnati makro na podlagi vrednosti, izbrane s spustnega seznama v Excelu?

Kako zagnati makro s klikom na hiperpovezave v Excelu?

Kako zagnati makro, ko je list izbran iz delovnega zvezka?

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Comments (19)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Good afternoon, could you help me, I have been trying to create a macro for some time, I create a macro that in cell c5, (makes a simple macro), when pressed it changes the color of a column x, if cell c5 is positioned in another cell like f8, how can I make the macro follow the cell to the new position, and be able to execute it, without the macro entering the code and changing the position internally. thanks greetings
Rated 5 out of 5
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It worked, thanks for the help
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This is exactly what I was looking go for. When a user enters a value in a cell, a simple sort macro would run. The macro runs fine on its own but I get an invalid use of property error using the suggested code.

What could be the issue?
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I am using the code below to hide various columns depending on the selection from a drop-down box located in cell C3, but after a calculation is performed anywhere in the worksheet, ALL columns become UNHIDDEN. How do I fix this?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)


Dim Proj1 As String
Dim Proj2 As String
Dim Proj3 As String
Dim Proj4 As String
Dim Proj5 As String
Dim Proj6 As String
Dim Proj7 As String
Dim Proj8 As String
Dim Proj9 As String
Dim Proj10 As String

Proj1 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Projects").Range("A1").Value
Proj2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Projects").Range("A2").Value
Proj3 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Projects").Range("A3").Value
Proj4 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Projects").Range("A4").Value
Proj5 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Projects").Range("A5").Value
Proj6 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Projects").Range("A6").Value
Proj7 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Projects").Range("A7").Value
Proj8 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Projects").Range("A8").Value
Proj9 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Projects").Range("A9").Value
Proj10 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Projects").Range("A10").Value

Dim xRG As Range
Dim xHRow As Integer
Set xRG = Range("C3")
If Not Intersect(Target, xRG) Is Nothing Then

If Target.Value = Proj1 Then
Application.Columns("E:F").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("D").Hidden = False

ElseIf Target.Value = Proj2 Then
Range("D:D, F:F").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Application.Columns("E").Hidden = False

End If
End If
End Sub
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I am trying to automate 1 workbook (BOM) when another workbook(Parts Status) makes changes. The Parts status file updates every 15 minutes. I need to know how to automate a specific column when these changes occur? Any ideas
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Hi guys, I am solving the following issue: I want to scrape a title of website when link inserted in column A and put this value to relevant cell (next to it) in column B. The issue seems to be that once I paste the website in column A, the code reruns the entire list from column A2 to "last row" as defined in the code. Is there any way to only modify column B once a single column A is modified? I.e. if Ipaste a link in column A36 I get a title in B36, regardless of whether the cell is in the middle of the used range or at the very bottom. I would like to use this without having to re-run multiple inputs as it currently stands; (i.e. the loop "for i =2 to last row")? Also, I would like to change the below from Modular macro i.e. sub to private sub reacting to change (i.e. intersect function) where the 'target' is any cell from A:A range. Many thanks!

Sub get_title_header()

Dim wb As Object

Dim doc As Object

Dim sURL As String

Dim lastrow As Long

lastrow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row

For i = 2 To lastrow

Set wb = CreateObject("internetExplorer.Application")

sURL = Cells(i, 1)

wb.navigate sURL

wb.Visible = False

While wb.Busy



''HTML document

Set doc = wb.document

Cells(i, 2) = doc.Title

On Error GoTo err_clear

Cells(i, 3) = doc.GetElementsByTagName("h1")(0).innerText


If Err <> 0 Then


Resume Next

End If


Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 3)).Columns.AutoFit

Next i

End Sub

Thank YOU!
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Hola buenas tardes
quisiera saber el codigo para que se active una macro cuando cambia el valor de una celda de una columna, pero este valor cambia por formula,sin que el usuario introduzca ningun valor.
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The macro that you are calling where do you have this located? I have mine in the Modules folder but when I put any value in any cell of the worksheet I get a Compile error saying:
Expected variable or procedure, not module.

Please help.
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Hi, DrCartwright,
Sorry for replying to you so late.
Yes, as you said, the macro code should be located into the Module, and you need to change the code name to your own name as following screenshot shown:
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Hey, useful code. I was thinking if it was possible to insert a ring around the cells that are changed as they are changed? And reset the circles every Monday ?
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Hello, Kevin,
Here is no idea for solving your problem, if you have any good solution, please comment here.
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Worked great for me! My dilemma is that I want it to be a relative reference macro and there is a difference between hitting enter to save the entry and delete to clear the cell.
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