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Kako dovoliti razvrščanje in filtriranje zaklenjenih celic v zaščitenih listih?

Na splošno zaščitenega lista ni mogoče urejati, v nekaterih primerih pa boste morda želeli drugim uporabnikom dovoliti sortiranje ali filtriranje zaščitenih listov. Kako lahko to obravnavate?

Omogočite razvrščanje in filtriranje v zaščitenem listu

Omogočite razvrščanje in filtriranje v zaščitenem listu

Če želite v zaščitenem listu omogočiti razvrščanje in filtriranje, potrebujete naslednje korake:

1. Izberite obseg, ki ga boste uporabnikom omogočili za razvrščanje in filtriranje, kliknite datum > filter da dodate Ikone za filtriranje v naslove obsega. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
doc dovoli razvrščanje filtra 1

2. Nato ohranite izbrani obseg in kliknite pregled > Dovoli uporabnikom urejanje obsegov. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
doc dovoli razvrščanje filtra 2

3. V Ljubljani Dovoli uporabnikom urejanje obsegov dialog, kliknite Novo za prikaz Novo območje pogovornem oknu, dajte obsegu ime. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

doc dovoli razvrščanje filtra 3 ustrelil puščico desno doc dovoli razvrščanje filtra 4

4. klik OK da se vrnemo nazaj Dovoli uporabnikom urejanje obsegov pogovorno okno in nato kliknite Zaščitite list. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
doc dovoli razvrščanje filtra 5

5. V Ljubljani Zaščitite list v pogovorno okno vnesite geslo v Geslo da odstranite polje z besedilom lista in v Dovoli vsem uporabnikom tega delovnega lista, da preverijo Razvrščanje in Uporabite AutoFilter opcije. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
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6. klik OKin znova vnesite geslo v besedilno polje v potrdi geslo pogovornem oknu. Kliknite OK dokončati zaščito lista. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
doc dovoli razvrščanje filtra 7

Nato lahko uporabniki razvrstijo in filtrirajo ta zaščiteni list

Nasvet. Če je za zaščito in omogočanje uporabnikom razvrščanja in filtriranja potrebnih več listov, se lahko prijavite Zaščitite delovni list uporabnost Kutools za Excel za zaščito več listov hkrati.prosimo, pojdite na brezplačni preizkus Kutools za Excel najprej in nato nadaljujte z uporabo postopka v skladu s spodnjimi koraki.

1. Po končanih prvih treh korakih, ki uporabnikom omogočajo urejanje obsegov na določenih listih, kliknite Kutools Plus > Zaščitite delovni list. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
doc dovoli razvrščanje filtra 8

2. V Ljubljani Zaščitite delovni list v pogovornem oknu izberite liste, ki jih želite zaščititi, kliknite Ok za prikaz naslednjega pogovornega okna vnesite in znova vnesite geslo ter preverite Razvrščanje in Uporabite AutoFilter in Dovoli vsem uporabnikom tega delovnega lista seznam.
doc dovoli razvrščanje filtra 9

3. klik Ok. Zdaj se odpre pogovorno okno in pokaže, koliko listov je zaščitenih, kot je prikazano spodaj. Kliknite OK , da ga zaprete.
doc dovoli razvrščanje filtra 10

Zdaj so vsi navedeni listi zaščiteni, vendar jim je dovoljeno razvrščanje in filtriranje.

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
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Comments (23)
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Good job!
Now i could do filtering in protected worksheets
Thank you
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J'ai été confronté à ce problème sur PC il y a un temps. Je confirme la manip. Mais aujourd'hui, je suis sur Microsoft 365 sur Mac et malheureusement je ne trouve pas le même menu dans 'Révision'. Le menu "Autoriser les utilisateurs à modifier les plages" est inexistant.

Que faire ?

Merci d'avance
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Ok so my issue is that i have the protection on and the fields people can edit - so only certain fields are locked. happy days.

however Only the filter works when protected and not sort :(

ive allowed sort and auto filter on the options but still no joy with sorting

any ideas
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This is a great solution for something that has puzzled me for years.
However, I just need one further tweak. 🤔

When unprotected, the table in my worksheet allows me to add additional rows by entering a new item in Column A and all formulae in the table is copied down to the new row.

When I protect the worksheet using the method above it now allows filtering and sorting, but it won't create a new row.

I have tried selecting "Format cells", "Format rows" and "Insert Rows" to no avail.
Any idea how I can achieve this functionality in a protected worksheet?
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Hi, sw_77, if you want to insert rows in a protect sheet, just tick Insert rows checkbox in the Ptrotect Sheet dialog when protecting sheet.
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Doing the above still blocks the users from making any of the changes listed.

One probably needs to find a way to define which users i.e. "any" can do the allowed changes to the protected document.

Under point 4. above is the option to define "Permissions". If one do not change here, none gets the permissions.
But then how does one change that?

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I tried to do so:
the result is that, yes, user can sort and filter
... and can also modify the locked cells in the selected range (the whole range is containing locked and unlocked cells)
thus, this is NOT a useful way to protect the sheet, I can leave the sheet unprotected and will have the same result ...
however thanks for yur usual suggestions
I will investigate more ... :-)
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Hi Fabio, to solve this, when selecting the properties for the sheet protection, do NOT select the option "select locked cells" this will avoid someone from using/changing those cells.
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OMG! you did it... you beautiful sob, that's it. been researching for a solution to this for a good 8 hours over 3 days now. So simple. Thank you!
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This solved my issue! Couldn't figure out why columns couldn't still be filtered... I was missing the checkbox to allow for sort and auto filter. I've bookmarked this page :)
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This also changed the way cells react to clicks. i.e. Protection: Allow users to "select locked cells" no longer rejects attempted changes, but removes protection altogether and allows changes to the data in the cell... and ... Disallowing "select locked cells" will no longer allow you to copy any locked cells. Trade-offs for allowing sort/filter on a protected sheet. pls correct me if I'm wrong.
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Here's my issue. I have a Table with several columns and lots of rows. I want people to be able to edit certain columns, filling in the information they gather, sort/filter by any column, and be able to select and copy data from any cell, but not change values in columns they are not entering information into. A = ID, B = Title, C = Description, D = Type, E = Who Knows It?, F = Completed by. They should be able to sort/filter any column and copy from any cell, but they should only be able to edit D, E, and F. Is this possible?
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I have a solution for you. ... Use "Format Cells" to unlock the columns you want users to be able to change. Then use the method shown here create a range (your table) that users can edit. Then, when you protect the sheet, select the options for autofilter and sort AND deselect the top option to let users "select locked cells" .... if you put in no password for the range protection, then users can sort and filter the range, make changes to unlocked cells, and can't touch the formulas they shouldn't!
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I agree with MJ. This solution makes it so users can make almost any change they want within the "edit ranges" area, including deleting locked and hidden formulas. The sheet might as well be unlocked. 
1) Not change the values. Not see or change or delete the formulas.2) Sort and Filter on any of the 60 columns3) Select areas (of locked cells) and copyThe suggested method allows 2) and 3) but could allow users to inadvertently delete data in cells.  
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Hi, Daniel, just select the cells you allow others edit, format them to unlock in format cells dialog, then protect the sheet, now only the unlocked cells can be edited.
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However when you protect the sheet and allow filter too, the "Clear Filter" button in the Data tab gets greyed out and user is not able to clear the filter, rather they have to go to each filter and manually clear them. Is there any way to keep the "Clear Filter" option active even after protecting the worksheet?
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has anyone come up with a solution to this question? I'm still trying to figure this out.
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3 years later. Still searching for a solution.
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I had the same issue, solved it with a Macro. So I added a Button and signed following macro to it, see below.

It doesn't solve my issue with sorting. Following the steps above, I have a similar file converted to a table, the sorting still doesn't work.

Sub Reset_All_Filters()
' Reset_All_Filters Macro
' will reset all the slicers in the dashboards

Dim cache As SlicerCache
For Each cache In ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches
Next cache

End Sub
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Sorry Mark, I have tried, cannot solve this problem. If you find the solution, please let me know, thank you.
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I have the same question. I would love to know the answer to Abhijt's question, if there is one.
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i m having this problem as well. Do wish for an answer if any ^^
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very helpful! it fixed my filter issue with protected worksheets
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