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Kako pogojno oblikovanje na podlagi drugega lista v Googlovem listu?

Če želite uporabiti pogojno oblikovanje, da označite celice na podlagi seznama podatkov z drugega lista, kot je prikazano na sliki zaslona, ​​prikazani na Googlovem listu, ali imate kakšne enostavne in dobre metode za njihovo reševanje?

Pogojno oblikovanje za označevanje celic na podlagi seznama z drugega lista v Google Preglednicah

Pogojno oblikovanje za označevanje celic na podlagi seznama z drugega lista v Google Preglednicah



Za dokončanje tega dela naredite naslednje:

1. Kliknite oblikovana > Pogojno oblikovanje, glej posnetek zaslona:

2. v Pravila pogojne oblike podokno, naredite naslednje:

(1.) Kliknite gumb, da izberete podatke stolpca, ki jih želite označiti;

(2.) V Oblikuj celice, če spustnega seznama, izberite Formula po meri je in nato vnesite to formulo: = ujemanje (C2, posredno ("seznam podatkov! A2: A"), 0) v besedilno polje;

(3.) Nato izberite eno obliko Stil oblikovanja kot jo potrebujete.

Opombe: V zgornji formuli: C2 je prva celica podatkov stolpca, ki jo želite označiti, in seznam podatkov! A2: A je obseg imena lista in seznama celic, ki vsebuje merila, na podlagi katerih želite poudariti celice.

3. In vse ujemajoče se celice, ki temeljijo na celicah s seznama, so bile hkrati označene, nato kliknite Done , da zaprete Pravila pogojne oblike podokno, kot ga potrebujete.


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Comments (27)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 2 ratings
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Hi! skyyang ! Thank you, =match(C2,indirect("data list!A2:A"),0) works for me.

But I would like to format more than one column, so column A in sheet a is checked against column B in sheet b , and so.
There are so many columns so I can not apply one format per column, but a whole conditional format for the whole sheet.

How should I modify the range and the formula?

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What if the cell values you're trying to match are hyperlinks?
Rated 5 out of 5
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Pardon, il fallait lire =A1<>INDIRECT("PreviousVersion!"& CHAR (COLUMN () + 64) & ROW ()) ...
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J'ai une autre question du même type au sujet d'un formatage conditionnel qui fonctionne sur Excel mais que je n'arrive pas à porter sur Google Sheet :
L'idée est de comparer 2 versions d'une même feuille que l'on stock à l'aide de 2 onglets (2 feuilles du même workbook)

La formule est la suivante : =A1<>'previousVersion'!A1 avec un formatage fond jaune pour mettre en évidence les changements sur toute la feuille car l'idée est d'appliquer ce
formatage conditionnel sur toutes les cellules de la feuille ($A$1:$V:1000)

Sur Google sheet cette formule m'est interdite et si je passe par un "indirect("previousVersion!A1"), je perds le coté dynamique sur le "A1" de la feuille precious version
Si j'essaye =A1<>indirect("previousVersion!"&A1) j'ai une erreur car c'est la valeur de A1 qui est interprétée et concaténée avec "previousVersion!"

Si j'essaye la formule =C3<>INDIRECT("PreviousVersion!"& CHAR (COLUMN () + 64) & ROW ()) cela ne fonctionne pas non plus....

Si vous avez une solution...
Merci d'avance
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Dans Feuille google je cherche la formule suivante
Si dans la cel A1 = text alors dans la Cel B1 ecire telle valeur ou texte automatiquement
Merci d avance pour votre aide
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What if it's not an exact match but contains the reference data.
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Hello, ashley
To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:

Please try, hope it can help you!
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What happens if the data in my list is in more than one column? When I try to use datalist!A2:M or datalist!A:M or datalist!A2:M17 none of those work.
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I have even tried naming the specific range I want to refer to and using that in the formula, no luck.
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How to highlight the entire row data with conditional formatting using other sub-sheet
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Hello, Ranganath
To highlight the entire row based on the data list, please do as this:
1. In the Apply to range box, select the whole sheet;
2. Apply this formula: =match($C2,indirect("datalist!A2:A"),0) into the Custom formula is textbox.
Please try, hope it can help you!
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Hey, Thanks for replying. I have tried the formula but its not working.
Rated 5 out of 5
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Have you modified the sheet name and cell reference to your own data?
$C2 is the first cell of the column data that you want to highlight, and the datalist!A2:A is another sheet name and list range which contains the criteria you want to highlight the cells based on.
Please check them, thank you!
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This doesn't work for me. I have triple checked everything.

Apply to range: K1:K2158


It highlights random other city names, not in the TorontoCity's list.

K2 (is my main sheet and the starting column cell of the column I want to be affected.
TorontoCitys (is the name of the sheet)
A1 is the start of the column of the list of city names.
A is the column.

Could be that my punctuation's are incorrect?

Thanks in advance.
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Hello friend,

Glad to help. Your formula is correct, please don't worry. The problem is the range you apply to. It shouldn't be K1:K2158, but K2:K2158.

Please see the screenshots. The example is simple but enough to explain the problem.

The correct "Apply to Range" is A2:A20. And the correct formula is =match(A2,indirect("TorontoCitys!A1:A"),0). Then correct cities can be highlighted. Please see screenshot 2.
But if I change the "Apply to Range" to A1:A20, the wrong city name is highlighted. Please see screenshot 3.

So please change your "Apply to Range" from K1:K2158 to K2:K2158. The problem should be solved. Looking forward to your reply.

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how do you do this but with the entire row highlighted
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