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Kako skriti formulo, a prikazati rezultat brez zaščite delovnega lista v Excelu?

V nekaterih primerih boste morda morali formule na svojem delovnem listu skriti za zasebno uporabo. Ta članek govori o skrivanju formul, vendar o prikazu rezultatov brez zaščite delovnega lista v Excelu.

Skrij formulo, vendar prikaži rezultat, ne da bi zaščitil delovni list s kodo VBA

Skrij formulo, vendar prikaži rezultat, ne da bi zaščitil delovni list s kodo VBA

Če želite skriti formule, vendar prikazati rezultate brez zaščite delovnega lista, storite naslednje.

1. Na delovnem listu morate skriti formule, a prikazati rezultate, z desno miškino tipko kliknite jeziček lista in izberite Ogled kode v meniju z desnim klikom.

2. V Ljubljani Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kopirajte in prilepite kodo VBA v okno Code.

Koda VBA: skrij formulo, vendar prikaži rezultat brez zaščite delovnega lista

Dim xDic As New Dictionary
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim xCell As Range
    Dim xRg As Range
    Set xRg = Range("C1:C10")
    If xDic.Count <> xRg.Count Then
        For Each xCell In xRg
            xDic.Add xCell.Address, xCell.FormulaR1C1
    End If
    If (Target.Count = 1) And (Not Application.Intersect(xRg, Target) Is Nothing) And (Target.HasFormula) Then
        With Target
            .Value = .Value
        End With
        For Each xCell In xRg
            xCell.Formula = xDic.Item(xCell.Address)
    End If
End Sub

Opombe: V kodi je C1: C10 obseg celic, za katerega želite skriti formule. Prosimo, spremenite ga glede na vaše potrebe.

3. Nato kliknite Orodja > Reference .... Preverite Izvajalni čas Microsoft Script in kliknite OK gumb v Reference - VBAProject okno. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

4. Pritisnite druga + Q tipke za zapiranje Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

Od zdaj naprej, ko kliknete celico v določenem obsegu, bo formula takoj skrita v vrstici formule.

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Comments (20)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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saya da coba sesuai coding nya, bisa berjalan, tetapi di layar ketika saya klik ke tempat yang dimaksud ada keluar tanda loading, (tanda bulat berkedip). File saya mmg 18 MB, bagaimana caranya agar tidak keluar tanda kedip tersebut ?
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Hi akkia,
The problem you mentioned is not reproduced in my case. May I ask which Excel version you are using?
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dia tetap loading ya ko ?
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Thank you for this code, I really needed something like this
Rated 5 out of 5
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formula worked but the problem is when we close the sheet and reopen it than VBA not worked...
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Hi, To continue using this VBA in future, after adding the code, please save the workbook as an Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook.Click File > Save As. In the Save As dialog box, select Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook from the Save as type drop down list, then click the Save button.And then use this excel macro-enabled workbook in the future.
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Hi Im gracy, i am trying to hide the formula in a particular column without password protecting the sheet. i copy pasted the entire code and changed the cells but still unable to hide the formula. Can you please assist.

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Thank you. Formula Worked.
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after this vba code apply new sum formula result not showing in cell, please help....
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If we press and hold the mouse left click to a cell, the formula shows until you release the left click. Otherwise this should work fine.
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I tried using the VBA code but after applying this code my excel is getting slow and hanged.please help me in resolving this issue.
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There is easy way as well.
Select the cell or cells you want to hide the formula or data.
Go to Home --> Format --> Format Cells --> Number --> Custom
Under Type, Remove General and Enter """"
The cell value or formula do not appear on the screen
However it will appear in the Formula bar if you select the cell.
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