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Kako zaščititi delovni list pred ogledom v Excelu?

Ta članek govori o zaščiti delovnega lista pred drugimi uporabniki, ki si ogledujejo v Excelu.

Zaščitite delovni list pred ogledom v Excelu

Zaščitite delovni list pred ogledom v Excelu

Naredite naslednje, da zaščitite določen delovni list pred ogledom v Excelu.

1. Odprite delovni list, ki ga želite zaščititi pred ogledom, z desno miškino tipko kliknite jeziček lista in izberite Skrij iz kontekstnega menija, da skrijete delovni list. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. klik pregled > Zaščitite delovni zvezek.

3. V Ljubljani Zaščiti strukturo in Windows v pogovorno okno vnesite geslo v Geslo besedilo, obdržite struktura polje in nato kliknite OK . Nato potrdite geslo v potrdi geslo pogovorno okno. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Zdaj je določen delovni list zaščiten za ogled v delovnem zvezku.

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¿Cómo puedo hacer si aun quiero que el usuario sea capaz de agregar nuevas hojas, y en general, cambiar la estructura del documento? Lo unico que quiero es proteger la hoja oculta, pero que todas las demas funciones sigan activas.
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Hi Vannia,
The methods in the following article may help to solve the problem. Please give it a try.
How To Set Password To Protect Hidden Sheet In Excel?
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How to prefent, when a person knows the file name and location and the sheetname, to simply acces the data from an other sheet using a formula?
I.e. my sheet is called 'Test.xlsm', sheetname is 'Sheet1'. Even if the excel is protected en the sheet is hidden. You can easily put a formula in an other sheet in cell 'A1'='[Test.xlsm]Sheet1'!A1. You copy this to the entire sheet and all data is visibile in the other sheet. Is there a way to protect this.
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Hi Rossi,
If you just protect the structure of the workbook, you cannot prevent the worksheet data from being obtained using formulas, even if the worksheet is hidden.
To avoid this, maybe you can encrypt the workbook with a password, so that you need a password to open the workbook. If the person who wants to access the data via the formula cannot provide a password. The formula will return an error value.
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Hi all,
I tried it and it works, but I was a little disappointed when I saw that, once unlocked, the protection of the structure just disappears. I was hoping that it stayed active and with the same password every time the user closed the file.

In my case it is not sufficiently efficient. I need to have a file that I can update daily without risking that other people read the secret sheets. It means opening it, unlocking the workbook protection, updating the content of the sheets, re-hiding them so that nobody but me can read them the next time the file gets opened, saving it then closing it. If I have to reset the protection every time, it is less friendly than I expected.

If there is a better way to do what I need to be done, please let me know. Thank you all. Bye,
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Hi Macro,
There is a way to help you automatically protect a specified worksheet every time you save a workbook.
But first you still need to unhide the worksheet manually and unprotect the worksheet before you can edit it. After editing, press Ctrl+S or click the Save button and the worksheet will be protected automatically.
Youc can try the VBA code in the following article.
How To Auto Protect A Specific Worksheet In Excel?
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Bonjour Cristal,

Votre réponse répond partiellement au problème de Marco.

C.à.d. lorsqu'il est seul à travailler sur le document aucun problème, il le déprotège et y travaille. Et Lorsqu'il a fini, il le ferme et la protection est remise.

Par contre, lorsqu'il travaille simultanément avec d'autres sur le document, vu que le document est déprotégé, les autres voient aussi toutes les feuilles que Marco aurait souhaitées protéger. C'est là le soucis.

J'avoue que je n'ai pas encore de solution mais je tenais à clarifier ces deux cas d'utilisation.

Au plaisir.
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Thanks gents, exactly what I needed.
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