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 Kako združiti stolpce z datumom in uro v en stolpec na Googlovih listih?

V Googlovih listih morate stolpec z datumi in čas združiti v en stolpec, kot je prikazano na spodnji sliki zaslona, ​​kako bi lahko to storili v Googlovih listih?

Stolpce z datumom in časom združite v en stolpec s formulo

doc kombinira datum čas 01

Stolpce z datumom in časom združite v en stolpec s formulo

Če želite stolpce z datumom in časom združiti v en stolpec, vam lahko pomaga naslednja formula:

1. Vnesite to formulo: =concatenate(text(A2,"mm/dd/yyyy")&" "&text(B2,"hh:mm:ss")) v prazno celico, kamor želite dati skupni rezultat, nato pritisnite Vnesite tipko, da dobite prvo kombinirano celico.

2. Nato izberite celico formule in povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do celic, ki jih želite združiti, stolpca z datumom in časom pa sta združena v en stolpec, glejte posnetek zaslona:

doc kombinira datum čas 02


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Comments (17)
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Same error to me

It doesn't work. I do not understand the message below. I don't need it explained to me. I just need a formula that works please. Thank you.
"There's a problem with this formula.
When trying to insert the formula Excel replies:

If you type: =1=1, cell shows : 2
To get around this, type an apostrphe (') first:
But if you type: '=1=1, cell shows: =1+1"
Why ?
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How do i make a graph in excel using the y-axis as hours and x-axis as date.
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I get the result like: 01/10/yyyy 14:15:00.000+03:00
Do you know how to remove the yyyy and get the actual year?
And do you know how to remove the GMT + 3 to a fixed hour?

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Hi, Monica
If the formula in this articel can't work correctly, please try this simple formula: A2+B2.
Thank you!
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Awesome, thank you! works perfectly on Google Sheets as well!
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After struggling for 30 minutes with this thing and getting results like "14/05/yyyy hh:12:02", I finally cracked the code. Instead of =concatenate try using basic =A2+B2...
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Work like a charm. . ..
Basic always win

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i just combine date and time cell using this formula but why it doesn't work on graph?
on graph show 00-01-1900 12:00:00AM
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Hello KA,Sorry to hear that. If you don't mind, could you please show us more details on this matter? A screenshot is the best. We will try our best to help you?Sincerely,Mandy
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Thank you for solving a problem that I have been wrestling with for the longest time!  None of the "help" on CONCATENATE worked for me, but your formula above worked instantly.  Fabulous!
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You are welcome. Glad it helps. Any question, please feel free to contact us. Have a great day.
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It doesn't work. I do not understand the message below. I don't need it explained to me. I just need a formula that works please. Thank you.
"There's a problem with this formula.
Not trying to type a formula?
When the first character is an equal(=) or minus (-) sign, Excel thinks it's a formula.
you type: =1=1, cell shows : 2
To get around this, type an apostrphe (') firts:
you type: '=1=1, cell shows: =1+1"
I have replaced the rows and cells numbers and letters and have done it several times.
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You have to replace the comma after the cell selection (in this case A2 and B2) with a semicolon.
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Apologies, I want to withdraw my previous comment. (I copied and pasted the formula, and I now realise that I can change the format.)
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This does not work with Australian date formats. 12/10/2020 (27 Nov) when combined with the time will show 10/12/2020 (10 Dec).
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Just change "mm/dd/yyyy" to "dd/mm/yyyy"
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