Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Kako dobiti ali vrniti glavo stolpca na podlagi določene vrednosti vrstice v Excelu?

V tej vadnici bomo iskali določeno vrednost v vrsticah obsega podatkov in nato vrnili ustrezno glavo stolpca ujemajoče se celice vrstice.

Pridobite glavo stolpca na podlagi določene vrednosti vrstice s formulo

Pridobite glavo stolpca na podlagi določene vrednosti vrstice s formulo

Za pridobitev glave stolpca na podlagi določene vrednosti vrstice v Excelu vam lahko pomaga spodnja formula.

1. Izberite prazno celico, da izpišete glavo, kopirajte spodnjo formulo vanjo in pritisnite tipko Vnesite tipko, da dobite ustrezno glavo.


Opomba: V formuli: $ 2 $: $ G $ 2 je obseg glave, $ 3 $: $ G $ 6 je obseg vsebuje določeno vrednost, v kateri boste iskali, I3 je celica vsebuje vrednost meril, ki ji boste ustrezali v obsegu $ C $ 3: $ G $ 6, in $ C $ 2 je prvi stolpec obsega $ C $ 3: $ G $ 6. Prosimo, spremenite jih glede na vaše potrebe.

Sorodni članki

Vlookup vrednost in v Excelu vrne true ali false / yes ali no
Če želite vlookup vrednosti na seznamu in prikazati True / False ali Yes / Ne za rezultat, vam bo metoda v tem članku naredila uslugo.

vrni vrednost v drugi celici, če celica vsebuje določeno besedilo v Excelu
Če celica E6 vsebuje vrednost "Da", se celica F6 samodejno izpolni z vrednostjo "odobri". Če ste v E6 spremenili "Da" na "Ne" ali "Nevtralnost", bo vrednost v F6 takoj spremenjena v "Zavrni" ali "Ponovno premisli". Kako lahko to storite? V tem članku je zbranih nekaj uporabnih metod za lažje reševanje.

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Comments (18)
Rated 4.5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Muito obrigada pelo conteúdo!!! Excelente!
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Muchas gracias por la información y el interés prestado!!
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Muchas gracias por todo!!
Una pregunta: ¿Cómo puedo regresar los encabezados de una tabla en una misma celda?
Rated 4.5 out of 5
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Hi Algendar,
Do you mean to search for multiple values and return matching headers in a single cell? If so, simply join the same formula containing different search values in one cell with the Ampersand symbol (&). See the screenshot below.
=INDEX($C$2:$G$2,SUMPRODUCT(MAX(($C$3:$G$6=I3)*(COLUMN($C$3:$G$6))))-COLUMN($C$2)+1) & " " & INDEX($C$2:$G$2,SUMPRODUCT(MAX(($C$3:$G$6=I4)*(COLUMN($C$3:$G$6))))-COLUMN($C$2)+1)
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So say that there will be entries where the values in I3 may not be found, for all of those cells it tries to output every column header in the range giving me a #ref error since it my sheet isnt long enough to accommodate all the titles again, is there any way for it to just output a blank cell in these cases?
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Hi Jerry,
The following formula can do you a favor. Please give it a try.
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If we have multiple I3 values will it give the second header which has the same value.
If there is anything to do so, please let me know.
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Hi Deepak,
Can you attach a screenshot to describe the problem you encountered more clearly?
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Hello, what if we have missing values ? why does it return the last header ?
Can it be arranged so we don't fill the cell with anything in case it's missing ?
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Hi Mono,
The following formula may help. If no condition is specified, the result will be displayed as null even if there are missing values in the original range.
=IF(I3="", "", INDEX($C$2:$G$2,SUMPRODUCT(MAX(($C$3:$G$6=I3)*(COLUMN($C$3:$G$6))))-COLUMN($C$2)+1))
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How to modify this formula to return specific value if there's no match?
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Amazing. This is very helpful,I was wondering if the value matches more than one header, how to get all headers
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Did you find a solution to this?
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Hi. Awesome example. Any thoughts about if there are duplicate values?
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Hey, were you able to find an answer to this problem ?
The formula here presented is working great for me except this particular matter of having duplicated valuesIs there a way to only take into account the first true value the formula encounters?
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hey, i don't know if there is a way, but something that may be of help is the =Unique command, which counts only the unique data (not replicates of the same data) Hope this helped or what you were looking for :)
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Thank you for this. Very helpful :)
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ur welcome 
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