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Upravitelj dodatkov za Office 2010: kako omogočiti, onemogočiti, dodati ali odstraniti dodatke?

V zadnjem času se veliko igramo po Officeu 2010. Ali veste, kako dodati / odstraniti pisarniške dodatke v Wordu, Excelu in PowerPointu?

Za Office Word 2010:

Pojdi na file>možnosti in izberite Dodatki. Videli boste vse dodatke Word, ki ste jih namestili v programu Word 2010. Obstajajo seznami vseh aktivnih, neaktivnih in onemogočenih dodatkov. če kliknete enega od dodatkov, boste videli nekaj informacij o tem dodatku, ne pa tudi za njegovo upravljanje.

Zavihek Office: prinaša vmesnike z zavihki v Word, Excel, PowerPoint ...
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besedni dodatki

Če želite upravljati dodatke, tj. Iti za dodajanje, odstranjevanje, omogočanje ali onemogočanje dodatkov. Izberite vrsto dodatkov med Manager spustni seznam in zadetek Go.

dodatki za besede2

Zdaj boste videli novo pogovorno okno, v katerem lahko onemogočite ali omogočite dodatke. Preprosto preverjeno dodatek, ki ga omogoča in nenadzorovano ga bo onemogočil.

dodatki za besede3

Če želite dodatek namestiti ročno, pritisnite Dodaj in izberite dodatek, ki ste ga prenesli. Kliknite odstrani bo odstranil izbrani dodatek.

Zgornji postopki veljajo za Outlook 2010, Excel 2010 in PowerPoint 2010 kot dobro.

Uporaba vmesnika z zavihki v dokumentu v Officeu 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016/2019:

li-oranžnaUporaba zavihkov v Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Project in Visio;

li-oranžnaPreprosto preklapljanje med datotekami v Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016/2019;

li-oranžnaZdružljiv s sistemom Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10, Windows Server 2003 in 2008, sistemom Citrix in strežnikom Windows Terminal (Remote Desktop);

li-oranžnaBrezplačna preizkusna različica brez omejitev funkcije v 30 dneh!

pisarniški zavihki-dokumenti

VEČ    |  Free download  |   KUPITE ZDAJ

Comments (15)
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Hi, could you please tell about to add the kutools in excel toolbar. I downloaded but i cant use it right now
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When I click on Options, there is no add-ins. I have a trial version. Is there any way I could install an add-in feature on my Word? I checked but could not find one.
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[quote]When I click on Options, there is no add-ins. I have a trial version. Is there any way I could install an add-in feature on my Word? I checked but could not find one.By Gloria[/quote] I am afraid that you are using the Office Starter version. :)
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@ Somebody can help - I tried Remove option to remove one of the Add-in in 2010 but now Im unable to find the removed add-in in Outlook APP DATA file. Can anyone please suggest where do I find the removed add-in in order to re-Add it to the Outlook
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I am an administrator for 24 lab machines with Excel 2010 and I have an add in that is required for our labs. How can i add it, so that all students can see it each time they log on? I have tried to add it in default users app data, but they still need to turn it on each time they log on
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Thank you I was having a bad time with Acer cloud addin. This helped me a lot!
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Just found what i looking for, thanks a lot. ;-)
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Using word 2010 have active application Add-ins. also in customize ribbon - main tabs, I have the Add-ins box checked. However I do not see an Add-ins tab. last tab I see is the View tab. anything under the View is not showing. I could get Developer to show but I don't need that one. I need the Add-ins
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Trying to get Adobe PDfmaker as add-in (Word office 2010) . It says it is available. I check the box.'OK' Nothing. Where does it go. How do I use it?
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I get the same message as Robert Appleby when I try to remove the Excel addin and I have tried editing the Excel Shortcut but it wont allow me to run as administrator
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I found a Microsoft link that solved my problem. It turns out an add-in can't be removed if it refers to a file in the Startup folder. I directly removed the file the add-in referred to (a template) and that fixed it.
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