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Kako dodati neprebrano pošto v priljubljeno mapo v Outlooku?

Včasih lahko neprebrana e-poštna sporočila ostanejo med številnimi sporočili, čeprav vam Outlook prikazuje število neprebranih e-poštnih sporočil, na primer Prejeto (5), ne morete jih takoj odkriti. Pravzaprav lahko vsa neprebrana e-poštna sporočila zberete v priljubljeno mapo, tako da je vaše delo priročno in hitro.

Naslednja navodila vam bodo pomagala zbrati vsa neprebrana e-poštna sporočila v mapo Neprebrana pošta in prikazati mapo med priljubljenimi.

1. korak: s klikom gumba preklopite na pogled pošte mail v podoknu za krmarjenje.

2. korak: Ustvarite novo mapo za iskanje:

  1. V programu Outlook 2010/2013 kliknite Nova iskalna mapa gumb v Novo skupina na Mapa tab.
  2. V programu Outlook 2007 kliknite file > Novo > Iskanje mape.

Pravzaprav obstaja nova metoda za ustvarjanje nove iskalne mape: z desno miškino tipko kliknite Iskanje mape v podoknu za krmarjenje in kliknite Nova iskalna mapa v meniju z desnim klikom.

Ta metoda je na voljo v vseh Microsoft Outlook 2007, 2010 in 2013.

2. korak: V pogovornem oknu Nova iskalna mapa izberite in označite Neprebrana pošta in kliknite OK.

Sedaj Neprebrana pošta mapa je ustvarjena in prikazana v podoknu za krmarjenje. Vsa neprebrana e-poštna sporočila se samodejno zberejo v tej mapi. Ko se odpre neprebrano e-poštno sporočilo, se samodejno odstrani iz mape Neprebrana pošta.

3. korak: Z desno miškino tipko kliknite Neprebrana pošta mapo in kliknite Pokaži med priljubljenimi v meniju z desnim klikom.

Zdaj je mapa Neprebrana pošta kopirana in dodana med priljubljene na vrhu podokna za krmarjenje.

Nasvet: Če želite v mapo dodati vsa neprebrana e-poštna sporočila vseh računov, lahko storite spodnja navodila:

1. Pritisnite Alt + F11 tipke, da omogočite Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno. In v the Projekt podokno, kliknite Predmeti Microsoft Outlook > TaOoutlookSessionin prilepite spodnjo kodo v desni del.

Public WithEvents OlExplprer As Outlook.Explorer
Public WithEvents OlMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim xSelMail As MailItem

Private Sub Application_NewMail()
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize_handler()
    Set OlExplprer = Application.ActiveExplorer
    If OlExplprer.Selection.Count <> 0 Then
        Set OlMailItem = OlExplprer.Selection.Item(1)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub OlExplprer_BeforeFolderSwitch(ByVal NewFolder As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim xNameSpace As NameSpace
Dim xMailItem, xSelMail As MailItem
Dim xTargetFld As Folder

On Error Resume Next

Set xOlApp = Outlook.Application
Set xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

If NewFolder.Name = "Unread Mail" Then

    For Each xMailItem In NewFolder.Items
        If xMailItem.UnRead = False Then
        End If


    For Each xTargetFld In xNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders

        If xTargetFld.Name = "Unread Mail" Then

            For Each xMailItem In xTargetFld.Items
                If (OlExplprer.Selection.Count <> 0) Then
                    Set xSelMail = OlExplprer.Selection.Item(1)
                    If xSelMail.UnRead Then

                        xSelMail.UnRead = False
                    End If
                End If
        End If
End If
Cancel = False

End Sub

Private Sub OlExplprer_FolderSwitch()

Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim xNameSpace As NameSpace
Dim xMailItem As MailItem
Dim xAccountFld, xTargetFld, xSubFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim xObjItem As Object

On Error Resume Next
Set xOlApp = Outlook.Application
Set xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")


If (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Name <> "Unread Mail") Then

    For Each xTargetFld In xNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders

        If xTargetFld.Name = "Unread Mail" Then

            For Each xMailItem In xTargetFld.Items

                If xMailItem.UnRead = False Then

                    For Each xAccountFld In xNameSpace.Folders

                        For Each xSubFolder In xAccountFld.Folders

                            If (xSubFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Drafts") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Outbox") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Junk E-mail") Then

                                For Each xObjItem In xSubFolder.Items

                                    If xObjItem.Class = olMail Then

                                        If (xObjItem.Subject = xMailItem.Subject) And (xObjItem.SenderName = xMailItem.SenderName) And _
                                           (xObjItem.Body = xMailItem.Body) And (xObjItem.Attachments.Count = xMailItem.Attachments.Count) And _
                                           (xObjItem.SentOn = xMailItem.SentOn) Then
                                            xObjItem.UnRead = False

                                        End If

                                    End If


                            End If



                End If


        End If


End If

End Sub

Private Sub OlExplprer_SelectionChange()

Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim xNameSpace As NameSpace

On Error Resume Next
Set xOlApp = Outlook.Application
Set xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

If (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Name = "Unread Mail") And (OlExplprer.Selection.Count <> 0) Then

    SelUnreadMailFld OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Items, xNameSpace.Folders


    If (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items") And (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Name <> "Drafts") And _
       (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Name <> "Outbox") And (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Name <> "Junk E-mail") Then
       SelOtherFld xNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders
    End If

End If

End Sub

Sub SelUnreadMailFld(EMails As Outlook.Items, Flds As Folders)

Dim xMailItem As MailItem
Dim xAccountFld, xSubFolder As Folder
Dim xObjItem As Object
On Error Resume Next
For Each xMailItem In EMails 'OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Items

    If xMailItem.UnRead = False Then

        For Each xAccountFld In Flds

            For Each xSubFolder In xAccountFld.Folders

                If (xSubFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Drafts") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Outbox") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Junk E-mail") Then

                    For Each xObjItem In xSubFolder.Items

                        If xObjItem.Class = olMail Then

                            If (xObjItem.Subject = xMailItem.Subject) And (xObjItem.SenderName = xMailItem.SenderName) And _
                               (xObjItem.Body = xMailItem.Body) And (xObjItem.Attachments.Count = xMailItem.Attachments.Count) And _
                               (xObjItem.SentOn = xMailItem.SentOn) Then

                                If xObjItem.UnRead Then

                                    xObjItem.UnRead = False

                                End If

                            End If

                        End If


                End If



    End If


End Sub

Sub SelOtherFld(Flds As Folders)
Dim xSelItem, xMailItem As MailItem
Dim xTargetFld As Folder
On Error Resume Next
If OlExplprer.Selection.Count <> 0 Then
    Set xSelItem = OlExplprer.Selection.Item(1)

    If xSelItem.UnRead = False Then

        For Each xTargetFld In Flds

            If xTargetFld.Name = "Unread Mail" Then

                For Each xMailItem In xTargetFld.Items

                    If (xSelItem.Subject = xMailItem.Subject) And (xSelItem.SenderName = xMailItem.SenderName) And _
                       (xSelItem.Body = xMailItem.Body) And (xSelItem.Attachments.Count = xMailItem.Attachments.Count) And _
                       (xSelItem.SentOn = xMailItem.SentOn) Then

                        xMailItem.UnRead = False

                    End If


            End If

    End If

End If

End Sub

Sub Refresh()
Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim xNameSpace As NameSpace
Dim xTargetFld As MAPIFolder
Dim xAllUnreadMails As Integer

On Error Resume Next
Set xOlApp = Outlook.Application
Set xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

xAllUnreadMails = AllUnreadMails()

For Each xTargetFld In xNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders

    If xTargetFld.Name = "Unread Mail" Then

        If xAllUnreadMails <> xTargetFld.Items.Count Then
            Exit For
        End If
    End If

End Sub

Function AllUnreadMails()

Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim xNameSpace As NameSpace
Dim xAllUnreadMails As Integer

On Error Resume Next
Set xOlApp = Outlook.Application
Set xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

xAllUnreadMails = 0
For Each xFolders In xNameSpace.Folders

   For Each xSubFolder In xFolders.Folders
     If xSubFolder.Name <> "Unread Mail" Then
     If (xSubFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Drafts") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Outbox") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Junk E-mail") Then

         For Each xObjItem In xSubFolder.Items
            If xObjItem.Class = olMail Then
               If xObjItem.UnRead Then
                 xAllUnreadMails = xAllUnreadMails + 1
               End If
            End If
        End If
     End If



AllUnreadMails = xAllUnreadMails
End Function
vse novice v mapi 1


2. Nato vstavite nov modul in prilepite spodnjo kodo v skript modula.

Public Sub AddAllAccountsUnreadMailsToAFolder()
Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim xNameSpace As NameSpace
Dim xFolders, xSubFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim xObjItem As Object
Dim xDelFld As Folder
Dim xUnreadMailFld, xOldUnreadMailFld As Folder
Dim xCopiedItem, xMailItem As MailItem

On Error Resume Next
Set xOlApp = Outlook.Application
Set xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

For Each xOldUnreadMailFld In xNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders
    If xOldUnreadMailFld.Name = "Unread Mail" Then
        Exit For
    End If

For Each xDelFld In xNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders
    If xDelFld.Name = "Deleted Items" Then
        For Each xMailItem In xDelFld.Items
        For Each xSubFolder In xDelFld.Folders
        'For i = xDelFld.Folders.Count To 1 Step -1
    End If

Set xUnreadMailFld = xNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders.Add("Unread Mail")
If xUnreadMailFld = nil Then
    Exit Sub
End If

For Each xFolders In xNameSpace.Folders

   For Each xSubFolder In xFolders.Folders
     If xSubFolder.Name <> xUnreadMailFld.Name Then
     If (xSubFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Drafts") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Outbox") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Junk E-mail") Then

         For Each xObjItem In xSubFolder.Items
            If xObjItem.Class = olMail Then
               If xObjItem.UnRead Then
                 Set xCopiedItem = xObjItem.Copy
                 xCopiedItem.Move xUnreadMailFld
               End If
            End If
        End If
     End If




End Sub

Public Sub IniEvent()
Dim xFld As ThisOutlookSession
Set xFld = ThisOutlookSession
End Sub
vse novice v mapi 2


3. Zaženite kodo z imenom DodajAllAccountsUnreadMailsToAFolder. Nato je bila vsem neprebranim e-poštnim sporočilom dodana mapa z imenom Neprebrana pošta.
vse novice v mapi 3

odstranite vse podvojene stike iz ene ali več map stikov v Outlooku

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Kutools za Outlook: z več deset priročnimi dodatki za Outlook, ki jih lahko brezplačno preizkusite brez omejitev v prihodnjih 60 dneh.

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Comments (31)
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
So clearly explained, so simple, so straightforward.  Utterly brilliant.  Thank you :)
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Very helpful. I have had this issue since last 4 months. It's resolved now. TQVM
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I am having a slightly different problem. I have the Unread Mail Folder working okay, but it is not picking up all of my unread messages from emails accounts I just set up in Outlook 2010. Is there a way to add these new email addresses so that the unread mail goes into the Unread Mail folder? Gratefully, Mike .
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Mike. Did you find a resolution for this? I have multiple outlook accounts and would like all my unread messages go to one folder. Rgds Tom
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Hello, see your questions, I have updated the article, now here are some codes can create a folder to put all unread emails of all accounts. You can come and have a look.
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I tried doing this, but the code crashed outlook for me.
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I have tried times, some times it cannot work, but never crashed outlook, sorry I cannot help you.
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nice, l look for long time
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I hope I get to reed my unred files
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This does not work in 2010 -
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thanks ! it;s working now :-)
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Super helpful, thank you
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Worked like a charm! Thanks a bunch.
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