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Outlook: koledar prikažite kot zaseden, brezplačen, poskusen in odsoten

Kot uporabnik izmenjave v programu Microsoft Outlook lahko nastavite dovoljenje za ogled drugih informacij o zasedenosti v koledarju. Zato lahko drugi uporabniki izberejo prosti čas za urnike skupin, na primer za sestanke. Poleg dovoljenja za ogled informacij o Prostih / Zasedenih, morate svoje sestanke označiti kot zasedene, brezplačne ali druge. Ta članek vas bo vodil, da sestanke v koledarjih v programu Microsoft Outlook prikažete kot zasedene, proste, poskusne ali brez službe.

Zavihek Office – omogočite urejanje in brskanje z zavihki v Microsoft Officeu, kar olajša delo
Kutools za Outlook – izboljšajte Outlook s 100+ naprednimi funkcijami za vrhunsko učinkovitost
Izboljšajte svoj Outlook 2021 - 2010 ali Outlook 365 s temi naprednimi funkcijami. Uživajte v obsežnem 60-dnevnem brezplačnem preizkusu in izboljšajte svojo e-poštno izkušnjo!

Naslednji koraki vas bodo vodili do tega, da sestanke prikažete kot zasedene, proste, predhodne ali odsotne.

1. korak: ustvarite nov sestanek:

  1. V Outlook 2010 in 2013 kliknite na Novi Izdelki > Imenovanje o Domov zavihek;
  2. V programu Outlook 207 kliknite file > Novo > Imenovanje.

2. korak: V oknu Imenovanje kliknite Pokaži kot: polje v možnosti skupina na Imenovanje tab.

Na spustnem seznamu je pet možnosti Pokaži kot: polje: Brezplačno, poskusno, zasedeno, brez službe in drugje. Enega lahko izberete glede na vaše potrebe.

3. korak: Sestavite sestanek in kliknite Shrani in zapri gumb.

Nato bodo ti sestanki označeni in prikazani kot Prosti, Zasedeni, Preizkusni ali Odsotni, tako v Outlooku kot v Outlooku drugih uporabnikov izmenjave, ki si delijo podatke o vašem koledarju. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Najboljša pisarniška orodja za produktivnost

Kutools za Outlook - Več kot 100 zmogljivih funkcij za nadgradnjo vašega Outlooka

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Comments (19)
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I would like to have default Show As: Free, not as Busy. Microsoft/Outlook/Calendar/Appointments
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Bonjour. Est il possible d'envoyer un message d'absence seulement les journées qui sont marqué Absent ?

Je suis absent du bureau aléatoirement et je veut juste gèrer ça automatiquement via mon calendrier
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Bij het aanmaken van een nieuwe afspraak staat de weergave automatisch op Bezet, kan dit aangepast worden zodat deze bijvoorbeeld altijd op Beschikbaar staat wanneer je een nieuwe aanmaakt?
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How can you customize the 'SHOW AS' to add an option as Holiday or Office Closed?
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THIS is what I'm dying to know.
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As far as I know, Outlok does not support such customizations. 😅
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How can i apply this only for my calendar and not for all envent users?

Thanks in advance,
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User states he's shown as blocked off all day when he is not. This is only showing for those who try to book him for a meeting. His calendar is fine however how to find out if this is User error
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Will Microsoft PLEASE put back the dark purple color to block out calendars? Right now it's in the palest pink and I can't see the contrast against the other calendars when IN the office. I need it back, right in the body of the calendar. I usually have at least 5 calendars up at any given time. If someone's OOO, I can't see it. I've only had 2016 for less than a week and I've made three big mistakes and scheduled my people when they have PTO--BECAUSE I CAN'T SEE THAT THEY'RE OOO when next to other people who will also be on the appointment. PLEASE?! Calendaring is 45% of my job and Microsoft has just made my job harder.
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I agree completely! I can find no good reason why they did this!
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and it is an accessibility issue...
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I work 3 variable days per week. Is there an easy way to choose all my days off at once and categorize them as "unavailable"?
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1) Open Outlook Options; 2) Select 'Calendar' in the left sidebar; 3) the first section of options is called 'Work Time'. Here you can set your work schedule that shows up in the Outlook scheduling assistant.
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I have to use the medical scheduling software for my practice. I have imported the internet calendar and I can see my schedule. But is there any way for others to see when I am busy based on that calendar too?
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Is there a way to change the label of "Free" to something else like "Reserved" or better yet add a custom choice to the existing 5 options?
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There doesn't seem to be a way to change the labels globally without going into the registry, but a convenient workaround is to block the time as you would for any other appointment and type "Reserved" in the appointment's "Subject" box. You will wind up doing this for all your "free" times, but if you copy and paste the word "Reserved" or "Desk Work" or whatever you want to call the time, it makes it a little less cumbersome. Hope this helps.
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Did anyone ever reply to you? I'm also interested in finding out if we can customize those choices. Thanks.
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