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Kako obdržati priloge, ko odgovarjate v Outlooku?

Ko posredujemo e-poštno sporočilo v Microsoft Outlooku, izvirne priloge v tem e-poštnem sporočilu ostanejo v posredovanem sporočilu. Ko pa odgovorimo na e-poštno sporočilo, izvirne priloge ne bodo priložene novemu odgovoru. Tukaj bomo predstavili nekaj trikov o ohranjanju izvirnih prilog pri odgovoru v Microsoft Outlooku.

Odgovorite s prilogami z ročnim kopiranjem in lepljenjem
VBA samodejno odgovori s prilogami
Z enim klikom odgovorite s prilogami s programom Kutools for Outlook

Odgovorite s prilogami z ročnim kopiranjem in lepljenjem

Izvirne priloge lahko ročno kopiramo v e-poštna sporočila in jih prilepimo v okno Odgovori na sporočilo, ko odgovorimo na e-poštno sporočilo pozneje.

1. korak: Kliknite e-poštno sporočilo za predogled v bralnem podoknu.

2. korak: Z desno miškino tipko kliknite eno prilogo v predogledu e-poštnega sporočila in izberite Izberi vse v meniju z desnim klikom.

3. korak: Z desno miškino tipko kliknite izbrane priloge in izberite Kopiraj v meniju z desnim klikom.

4. korak: Odgovorite na e-poštno sporočilo s klikom na Odgovori gumb na Domov (ali v orodni vrstici v programu Outlook 2007).

5. korak: V oknu Odgovori na sporočilo kliknite testenine gumb na Sporočilo jeziček, da prilepite te priloge.

Če uporabljate Outlook 2013 ali novejšo različico, kliknite Pojavi se v zgornjem levem kotu bralnega podokna, da sprostite okno z odgovarjajočim sporočilom. Kliknite, če želite izvedeti več ...

6. korak: Sestavite odgovor in kliknite na Pošlji gumb.

Preprosto odgovorite na e-pošto z originalnimi prilogami v Outlooku:

Kutools za Outlook's Odgovorite s prilogo pripomoček vam lahko pomaga enostavno odgovoriti na prejeto e-poštno sporočilo z originalnimi prilogami v Outlooku. Oglejte si spodnjo predstavitev: 
Prenesite in preizkusite zdaj! (60-dnevna brezplačna pot)

VBA samodejno odgovori s prilogami 

Obstaja makro VBA, s pomočjo katerega lahko samodejno odgovorite na izvirne priloge.

Opomba: Preden zaženete kateri koli makro VBA, ga morate omogoči makre v programu Microsoft Outlook.

1. korak: Izberite e-poštno sporočilo, na katerega boste odgovorili s prilogami.

Korak 2: Pritisnite tipko druga + F11 za odpiranje okna Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

3. korak: Razširite Project1 in Microsoft Outlook Objects v levo vrstico in dvokliknite Ta OutlookSession da ga odprete.

4. korak: V okno ThisOutlookSession prilepite naslednjo kodo.

Sub RunReplyWithAttachments()
'Update by Extendoffice 20180830
    Dim xReplyItem As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim xItem As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xItem = GetCurrentItem()
    If xItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xReplyItem = xItem.Reply
    CopyAttachments xItem, xReplyItem
    Set xReplyItem = Nothing
    Set xItem = Nothing
End Sub
Sub RunReplyAllWithAttachments()
    Dim xReplyAllItem As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim xItem As Object
    Set xItem = GetCurrentItem()
    If xItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xReplyAllItem = xItem.ReplyAll
    CopyAttachments xItem, xReplyAllItem
    Set xReplyAllItem = Nothing
    Set xItem = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetCurrentItem() As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    Select Case TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow)
        Case "Explorer"
            Set GetCurrentItem = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
        Case "Inspector"
            Set GetCurrentItem = Application.ActiveInspector.currentItem
    End Select
End Function
Sub CopyAttachments(SourceItem As MailItem, TargetItem As MailItem)
    Dim xFilePath As String
    Dim xAttachment As Attachment
    Dim xFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Dim xTmpFolder As Scripting.Folder
    Dim xFldPath As String
    Set xFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Set xTmpFolder = xFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)
    xFldPath = xTmpFolder.Path & "\"
    For Each xAttachment In SourceItem.Attachments
        If IsEmbeddedAttachment(xAttachment) = False Then
            xFilePath = xFldPath & xAttachment.Filename
            xAttachment.SaveAsFile xFilePath
            TargetItem.Attachments.Add xFilePath, , , xAttachment.DisplayName
            xFSO.DeleteFile xFilePath
        End If
    Set xFSO = Nothing
    Set xTmpFolder = Nothing
End Sub

Function IsEmbeddedAttachment(Attach As Attachment)
    Dim xAttParent As Object
    Dim xCID As String, xID As String
    Dim xHTML As String
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xAttParent = Attach.Parent
    xCID = ""
    xCID = Attach.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("")
    If xCID <> "" Then
        xHTML = xAttParent.HTMLBody
        xID = "cid:" & xCID
        If InStr(xHTML, xID) > 0 Then
            IsEmbeddedAttachment = True
            IsEmbeddedAttachment = False
        End If
    End If
End Function

Korak 5: Pritisnite tipko F5 tipko za zagon tega makra. V uvodu Makri pogovorno okno, kliknite ZaženiReplyAllWithAttachments če želite vsem odgovoriti s prilogami. V nasprotnem primeru izberite ZaženiReplyWithAttachments, nato kliknite na Run gumb.

Nato se odpre okno z odgovarjajočim sporočilom s priloženimi vsemi originalnimi prilogami.

6. korak: Sestavite odgovor in kliknite Pošlji gumb.

S prilogami samodejno odgovorite s programom Kutools for Outlook

O Odgovorite s Priloži uporabnost Kutools za Outlook vam lahko pomaga z enim klikom odgovoriti na e-pošto z izvirnimi prilogami.

Kutools za Outlook : z več kot 100+ priročnimi dodatki za Outlook, brezplačno poskusite brez omejitev v 60 dneh.

1. Izberite e-poštno sporočilo, ki vsebuje priloge, s katerimi morate odgovoriti.

2. Nato kliknite Kutools > Odgovorite s prilogo > Odgovorite s prilogo. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Nato so v priponki navedene vse priloge izbranega e-poštnega sporočila Pritrjena polje odgovora. Sestavite svoje e-poštno sporočilo in ga pošljite.

Če želite brezplačno preskusiti to orodje, pojdite na brezplačno prenesete programsko opremo najprej in nato nadaljujte z uporabo postopka v skladu z zgornjimi koraki.

Z enim klikom odgovorite s prilogami s programom Kutools for Outlook

  Če želite imeti brezplačno (60-dnevno) preskusno različico tega pripomočka, kliknite, če ga želite prenestiin nato nadaljujte z uporabo postopka v skladu z zgornjimi koraki.

Sorodni članki:

Najboljša pisarniška orodja za produktivnost

Kutools za Outlook - Več kot 100 zmogljivih funkcij za nadgradnjo vašega Outlooka

🤖 AI poštni pomočnik: Takojšnja profesionalna e-poštna sporočila z umetno inteligenco – z enim klikom do genialnih odgovorov, popoln ton, večjezično znanje. Preoblikujte pošiljanje e-pošte brez napora! ...

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📨 Email upravljanje: Enostaven priklic e-pošte  /  Blokiraj prevarantska e-poštna sporočila glede na teme in druge  /  Izbriši podvojena e-poštna sporočila  /  napredno iskanje  /  Združite mape ...

📁 Priloge ProShrani paket  /  Batch Detach  /  Paketno stiskanje  /  Samodejno shranite   /  Samodejno loči  /  Samodejno stiskanje ...

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👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 Stiki in koledar: Paketno dodajanje stikov iz izbranih e-poštnih sporočil  /  Razdelite skupino stikov na posamezne skupine  /  Odstranite opomnike za rojstni dan ...

Over 100 Lastnosti Čakajte na svoje raziskovanje! Kliknite tukaj, če želite odkriti več.



Comments (26)
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Ciao, la macro funziona. Peccato che risponde solo al mittente, allegando gli allegati, e non a tutte le persone presenti in una mail. come si potrebbe modificare per aggiungere questa seconda funzione?

grazie mille
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Buna ziua!

Exista posibilitatea de a da reply all la un email care are persoane in bcc?

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Hi, I am using your code for reply which is great, thank you form making it available.I have my mail options set to preface comments with my initials which works when I use the standard reply. When I create a reply using this code my intials are not inserted Can you assist please?ThanksSteve
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I am going to use the code to reply all with attachments in search results from All Mailboxes but it shows me an error and does not work.
please let me know how to change the code to be usable for All Mailboxes.

Best regards
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The error does not cause by the search.
To avoid the error, please click Tools > References to open the References dialog, and then enable the Microsoft Scripting Runtime option. See the attached image for the steps.
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Thanks a lot for such a great tool!

Can the command be ran so that the reply window won't pop-up but stay in reading pane view?
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Hi Alexey,
We have released a new version with the tool updated. Thank you for your support.
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Hi Crystal!

thanks for update!
had the macro code changed or it would work only with tool installed?
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Hi Alexey,
The code is used alone without the tool installed.
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Very nice, thanks, but I have compiler error: User-defined type not defined. There is highlighted Dim xFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject in part Sub CopyAttachments
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Hi Honza,
The code works well in my case. Which Office version do you use?
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me too. I have the problem with the same people above. I use Office 2016.
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I am using office 365 with the same error
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Hi Bob,
Please try:
1. Press the Alt + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window again;
2. Click Tools > References, and check the Microsoft Scripting Runtime box.
Now the code can work.
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That solve it for me!

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I used VBA code but it attaches with all image (.gif, jpg,...) in email content. Pls show me how to solve this problem?
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Good Day,
The code is updated in the post. The problen now is solved. Please have a try and thanks for your comment.
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In the last part of the script, many of the variables are not defined.
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I have downloaded the Kutools tab. Can I add the 'Reply with Attachment' to my home tab or to Quick Steps??
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Dear Jim,
You can right click the Reply with Attachment button, and select the "Add to Quick Access Toolbar" to add this function to the Quick Access Toolbar on the Ribbon. See screenshot:
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I am trying to use the Reply with Attachments but it isn't adding the attachment, just keeping the link. I use the automatic detach when email is received. Is there a configuration setting that I need to update? Thank you for your help!
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Dear Susan,

The attachments won't locate in the email any more as they are detached automatically from the email. Please turn off the auto detach feature for the sake of using this Reply with Attachment feature.

Best Regards, Crystal.
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how do you turn off the auto detach feature
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Dear Dakota,

If you are using the Auto detach all receiving attachments feature of Kutools for Outlook, please do as below screenshot shown to turn off this feature by unchecking it in your Outlook. Thank you!
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