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Kako preprečiti, da bi Outlook vsakič zahteval izmenjavo poverilnic?

So vas ob odprtju programa Microsoft Outlook prosili za poverilnice? Če je odgovor pritrdilen, boste morda opazili, da se ob vsakem zagonu Outlooba prikaže pogovorno okno Varnost sistema Windows. Glej posnetek zaslona spodaj. Običajno lahko to težavo odpravite s preverjanjem Zapomni si moje poverilnice po vnosu poverilnic in kliknite OK gumb.

Vendar v nekaterih posebnih primerih ob zagonu programa Microsoft Outlook zahteva poverilnice za izmenjavo, vendar možnosti ni Ne pozabite moje poverilnice sploh v pojavnem pogovornem oknu Varnost sistema Windows. (Glejte naslednji posnetek zaslona.) V tem članku vas bom vodil, da odpravite to težavo in preprečite, da bi Microsoft Outlook hitro zahteval poverilnice za izmenjavo s konfiguriranjem nastavitev računa.

Zavihek Office – omogočite urejanje in brskanje z zavihki v Microsoft Officeu, kar olajša delo
Kutools za Outlook – izboljšajte Outlook s 100+ naprednimi funkcijami za vrhunsko učinkovitost
Izboljšajte svoj Outlook 2021 - 2010 ali Outlook 365 s temi naprednimi funkcijami. Uživajte v obsežnem 60-dnevnem brezplačnem preizkusu in izboljšajte svojo e-poštno izkušnjo!

Če želite, da Microsoft Outlook vsakič ob zagonu ne zahteva poverilnic za izmenjavo, morate v nastavitvah računa spremeniti nekatere nastavitve izmenjave. Naredite naslednje:

1. korak: Odprite pogovorno okno Nastavitve računa:

  1. V programu Outlook 2007 kliknite Orodja > Nastavitve računa;
  2. V Outlook 2010 in 2013 kliknite na file > Informacije > Nastavitve računa > Nastavitve računa.

2. korak: V pogovornem oknu Nastavitve računa

  1. Pojdi na E-naslov zavihek;
  2. Kliknite, da označite račun za izmenjavo, ki vsakič, ko odpre Microsoft Outlook, zahteva poverilnice za prijavo;
  3. Kliknite Spreminjanje gumb.

3. korak: V novem pogovornem oknu Spremeni račun kliknite Več Nastavitve gumb.

4. korak: V pojavnem pogovornem oknu Microsoft Exchange

  1. Pojdi na Varnost zavihek;
  2. Počistite možnost Vedno zahtevajte prijavne poverilnice;
  3. Kliknite OK gumb.

5. korak: Zdaj se vrnete v pogovorno okno Spremeni račun, kliknite Naslednji gumb in Konec gumb zaporedoma.

Korak 6: Kliknite na Zapri za izhod iz pogovornega okna Nastavitve računa.

Ko konfigurirate varnostne nastavitve določenega računa za izmenjavo, se ob odpiranju Microsoft Outlooka ne bo več pojavilo pogovorno okno in ne bo zahteval poverilnic za izmenjavo.

Najboljša pisarniška orodja za produktivnost

Kutools za Outlook - Več kot 100 zmogljivih funkcij za nadgradnjo vašega Outlooka

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Comments (41)
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For non-experienced user

Close down outlook completely

Control Panel > (view by icons, not categories) > mail > Show Profiles > Add > (call it whatever you like) > change the dropdown to the new one you just created
This will recreate the profile settings and you will need to re-add your mailboxes

C:\users\(you username)\appdata(this is hidden so make sure you can see hidden files - google guides available for this)local\microsoft\outlook
This file, rename it to "Outlookold"
(this backs up the file so we can get it back by changing the name back to "Outlook" if need be - if the fix works, delete this to save yourself some space after you're done)

NOW, this is the first time you should be trying to open outlook - it will take a while but should load up after recreating the configuration folder and the configuring your account - then just re-add your mailbox(es).

For experienced users
*insert disclaimer about being careful with RegEdit*

reg delete "\\%asset%\HKEY_USERS\%SID%\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Profiles\Outlook"

For super users

*insert disclaimer about being careful with RegEdit*
locate the mail profile that's active
go to 9375CFF0413111d3b88a00104b2a6676
Find which one has the affected mailbox in "Account Name"
Note the "Service UID" - go to the binary value in the "Profile" key that we're in
in here, find the REG_BINARY for "01023d0d" and make a note of the binary - go to the binary value in the "Profile" key that we're in
Right Click > New > Binary Value

Name = 00036619
Value = 01 f0 00 80
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my box is NOT checked. This is not the solution.
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My laptop running Windows 8.1 and using MS Outlook 2013 has all those setting correct ie as you described them but still I getting this annoying Windows Security popup that requires me to enter password everytime I start MS Outlook. What could be another problem for this occurence.
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M$ is a sack of poo. I can't believe nobody has come up with a professional mail, calendar and contacts package to rival this sack of horse sh*t. The button was already unchecked so this did not help with a recurring problem.
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To me was necessary one step more:
Change the option "logon network security" to "password authentication" instead "negotiate authentication" on Exchange settings window.
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How to access outlook if I forgot my credentials (Windows Security)?
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Hayley... so you ticked it and THAT solved the problem, really? That doesn't make sense.
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The option to click on or off to always prompt for logon credentials is grayed out and I can't select it.
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so , I went in and my ' always prompt ' was also not ticked. I ticked it and it has fixed the problem.
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I worked through all of these steps above, but got to the last step and the box "Always prompt for logon credentials" was already unchecked. The problem is still there.
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I have the same problem.

Did you ever get yours fixed. IF so what did you do?
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You need to go to Control Panel > Users > Manage Your Credentials (link on the left hand side of Windows 10 Explorer) > Windows Credentials > :

Under Generic credentials, look for "MS.Outook.15:[YOUR ACCOUNT NAME]". If there are two entries for the same account, delete the one which ends in "PUT". This should fix your problem. The problem arises where two or more entries/keys exist and Outlook does not know which one to use, so it requests on start-up of the program.

Before doing so however, I would advise you to back up your credentials.
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Thanks Stu, that worked perfectly for me... although I didn't have a "PUT" entry, just 2 entries for the same account.... deleted them both and at next Outlook restart entered the correct credentials, ticked the "remember" box and worked fine ever since. Problem occurred because my exchange account had been deleted and then re-created with same e-mail and new password.
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Allan, mine happened the same way! Although I was weary about deleting anything so I just updated the credentials to the new passwords and all is well in La La land!
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Encountered a similar situation with an academic email account. The same password was being used according to Windows credentials, although the automatically assigned username was supposed to be "blank" according to the Windows credentials. I logged in first using the automatic username (which I could not edit without changing the account). The prompt re-appeared immediately after, although with the option to change the username. I left the username blank and entered only the password to sign in. I haven't experienced any more prompts. Thank-you for the tip!
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