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Kako spremeniti vrstni red e-poštnih računov v programu Outlook?

Outlook privzeto v podoknu za krmarjenje razvrsti vse e-poštne račune z A do Ž, razen privzetega e-poštnega računa, ki se nahaja na vrhu vseh računov. Če želite spremeniti vrstni red e-poštnih računov v podoknu za krmarjenje v Outlooku, je način vlečenja za vas prednostna naloga. V tem članku vam bomo pokazali, kako spremenite vrstni red e-poštnih računov v Outlooku z vlečenjem v Outlooku.

Spremenite vrstni red e-poštnih računov v programu Outlook

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Izboljšajte svoj Outlook 2021 - 2010 ali Outlook 365 s temi naprednimi funkcijami. Uživajte v obsežnem 60-dnevnem brezplačnem preizkusu in izboljšajte svojo e-poštno izkušnjo!

puščica modri desni mehurčekSpremenite vrstni red e-poštnih računov v programu Outlook

Naredite naslednje, če želite spremeniti vrstni red e-poštnih računov v programu Outlook.

1. Za enostavno povlečenje e-poštnih računov na točno mesto strnite vse e-poštne račune, da bo podokno za krmarjenje čisto. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. V podoknu za krmarjenje kliknite e-poštni račun, za katerega želite spremeniti vrstni red, nato pa ga povlecite na želeno mesto. V tem primeru povlečem »” na vrh vseh računov. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

3. Nato lahko vidite, da so se vrstni red računov spremenili, kot je prikazano na spodnjem posnetku zaslona.

Vlecite račune enega za drugim, dokler se ne znajdejo na natančnem mestu, ki vam je všeč.

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Comments (16)
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👍👍👍 Perfect! Thank you very much, Crystal. You solved my problem 100%
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Die Reihenfolge konnte ich verändern ABER: beim Starten des Outlooks öffnet das Programm standardmässig die Inbox von ""! Ich benutze aber viel öfter ein anderes Konto und kann Outlook einfach nicht dazu bringen, dieses als erstes zu öffnen...
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Hi Ralph H,
By default, when you start Outlook, the Inbox of the first email account you added is automatically opened. If it is not be the email folder you use most, you can change the Outlook startup folder. Please do as follows.
1. In Outlook, click File > Options to open the Outlook Options dialog box.
2. Click Advanced in the left pane.
3. Click the Browse button in the Outklook start and exit section.
4. In the Select Folder dialog box, select the Inbox (or any folder you need) under a certian account, and then click the bbutton.
5. Click OK in the Outlook Options dialog box to save the changes.
From now on, when you start Outlook, the specified folder will be opened by default.
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hi firend this account mail chang plea
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help sir
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I collapsed the email accounts by clicking on the right arrow > for each email account then dragged the accounts into the order that I wanted. Easy fix
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I am on the current version of Outlook for Mac (this is mid-2020). This technique no longer works.
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Same here. Did you find out how to do this by any chance?
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guys I just found someone with a bright idea... he said to number them 1. 2. 3. and so on. its not distracting at all and they go in the order you make them. actually worked well enough
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THX a lot, that does it! Great idea!
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Great. Thank you!
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die Reihenfolge aendert sich, leider bleibt die Markierung
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I reorder accounts every time I open Outlook- they dont stay there. Currently, it always opens with the Data file on top. Thank you
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Yes, Worked Great. Thank you.
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Worked a treat on Outlook 365. Thanks!
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Thanks for this nice trick ... it helped me a lot :)
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