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Kako ustvariti iskalno mapo za iskanje e-poštnih sporočil, prejetih v zadnjih 2 tednih (14 dneh) v Outlooku?

Kot veste, Outlook ponuja nekaj pogostih iskalnih meril, kot so Danes, Včeraj, v zadnjih / naslednjih 7 dneh, Zadnji / Ta / Naslednji teden, Zadnji / Ta / Naslednji mesec za iskanje po e-pošti v dinamičnem časovnem obdobju. Včasih boste morda morali zbirati e-poštna sporočila v določenem dinamičnem časovnem obdobju, na primer v zadnjih 2 tednih (14 dni). Ta članek vam bo pokazal, kako ustvarite iskalno mapo za iskanje e-poštnih sporočil, prejetih v zadnjih 2 tednih ali 14 dneh.

Ustvarite iskalno mapo, da najdete e-poštna sporočila, prejeta v zadnjih 2 tednih (14 dneh) v programu Outlook

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Izboljšajte svoj Outlook 2021 - 2010 ali Outlook 365 s temi naprednimi funkcijami. Uživajte v obsežnem 60-dnevnem brezplačnem preizkusu in izboljšajte svojo e-poštno izkušnjo!

puščica modri desni mehurčekUstvarite iskalno mapo, da najdete e-poštna sporočila, prejeta v zadnjih 2 tednih (14 dneh) v programu Outlook

Sledite spodnjim korakom za ustvarjanje iskalne mape in zbiranje vseh e-poštnih sporočil, prejetih v zadnjih 2 tednih ali zadnjih 14 dneh v Outlooku.

1. V Ljubljani mail pogled, izberite e-poštni račun, v katerem boste ustvarili iskalno mapo, in kliknite Mapa > Nova iskalna mapa. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. V pogovornem oknu Nova iskalna mapa kliknite, da označite Ustvarite iskalno mapo po meri in kliknite na Izberite gumb.

3. Zdaj se odpre pogovorno okno Mapa za iskanje po meri. Vnesite ime nove iskalne mape v Ime in kliknite Merila . Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

4. V novem pogovornem oknu Merila za iskanje map pojdite na zavihek Dodatno in:

(1) Kliknite Polje > Polja za datum / čas > Prejeto;
(2) Izberite na ali po njem Iz Stanje spustni seznam;
(3) Tip 2 tedni or 14 dnevi v vrednost škatla;
(4) Kliknite Dodaj na seznam gumb.

5. Kliknite OK za zapiranje vseh pogovornih oken.

Zdaj pa ustvari iskalno mapo, v katero bodo vključena vsa e-poštna sporočila, prejeta v zadnjih 2 tednih (ali zadnjih 14 dneh) v Outlooku.

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Comments (10)
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Amanda, this is awesome! I do notice that it includes items I have sent as well as received. I only want to filter emails received. Any feedback?
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Hi Sara, please make sure that you specified Received in the Field box in the 4th step.

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Amanda, I am greatly impressed!

The response time, the knowledge, and the very clear instructions are all excellent!
I definitely came to the right place.

I had to make a minor tweak to the Value expression: Last monday and tomorrow
Maybe due to the way our environment is set up?

Thank you very much!

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Hi kevin,

My bad😂, you should use "Last monday and tomorrow".
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While this works for 2 weeks ago, it is merely a sliding window of the last 14 days.
Instead, is there a way to see only what came in THIS week and LAST week?

week1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
week2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
week3 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Let's say its the 18th. I want to only see week2 and week3, i don't want to see the 4th, 5th , 6th, 7th
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Hi there,

In the 4th step, instead of selecting "on or after" from the Condition drop down list, you should select "betwwen"; instead of typing "2 weeks ago" or "14 days ago" into the Value box, you should use "Last monday and today".

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Wow! I came to the right place!
Impressed with your knowledge and responsiveness, Amanda!

Using between and "last monday and today" excluded today's entries for some reason. It may be truncating the time portion of today and using midnight value.
It worked if I used "last monday and tomorrow", however

I played around and ended up going with this instead:
"on or after" and "last monday"

Thanks again! BTW can you point me to a resource that shows all the possible values we can use?
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Hi Kevin,
I checked but could not find the possible values list. I assume that Outlook will take the regular ones. We will have to try. 🤞
If you find the related resource, please do share here! 🙏

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I'd just like to say that this is fantastic -- I had no idea you could say "n days/weeks ago" in the Value field for "on or after"!
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Awesome! You can then add that search folder to your favorites and drag it to the top. Worked for a customer who only wanted to see the last 30 days of email in his "Inbox" and we don't allow macros. I named the folder "30 Day Inbox" and dragged it to the top.
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