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Kako spremeniti podmapo v mapo v Outlooku?

Na primer, v mapi Prejeto v Outlooku je podmapa, zdaj pa želite premakniti podmapo iz mape Prejeto in jo shraniti kot neodvisno mapo. Kako bi to lahko storili? Glejte spodnjo rešitev:

Spremenite podmapo v mapo v Outlooku

Spremenite podmapo v mapo v Outlooku

Pravzaprav lahko podmapo enostavno spremenite v samostojno mapo, tako da povlečete in spustite v podoknu za krmarjenje neposredno v Outlooku.

o Podokno za krmarjenje, izberite podmapo, ki jo želite spremeniti, povlecite in spustite, dokler ni označeno ime e-poštnega računa. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Opombe: Če se odpre pogovorno okno Microsoft Outlook, kliknite na Da gumb za naprej.

Zdaj se izbrana podmapa premakne in spremeni kot neodvisna mapa pod navedenim e-poštnim računom. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

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This worked perfectly! How does nobody know this trick! Thank you!
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I was able to do via my phone (Most famous non-android phone os) through IMAP, odd...
Went to my Mails, clicked "Edit" in the above right corner, Selected the subfolder in question, MAILBOX LOCATION - Select root "Outlook" - Save - Done
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My solution for was to simply create a new folder of the same name, go the the subfolder you accidentally moved, select all messages in that folder, move to the new correct folder you made, delete the old sub folder. Long way to go, but it works. Would be nice if you could just drag a subfolder to the "Inbox" to make it a regular folder again.
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Thanks MattMM. I was afraid I might have to do it that way. The drag&drop doesn't work; it just puts the subfolder into a different main folder. Drag & drop does not create a new main folder space, so the subfolder remains a subfolder for all of eternity. So much for Outlook's crappy development work.
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So true, tried and tried and as you stated, just puts inside another folder. 😡
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It worked for me! Why didn't I think of doing that in the first place?!
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Some folders had somehow become subfolders and were driving me crazy! Thank you for this tip Regards Duncan
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Mine is doing the same however these instructions are not helpful.
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You can do it on the iPhone Mail App. - Open Mail App - Hit Edit in top tight corner - Scroll down to problematic folder - Click It - Change Mailbox Location - Select 'Outlook' - It will then go back up and join its parent folders
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Thanks. this helped for me. Great tip. Could not do it on google web browser.
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