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Kako zakleniti dele dokumenta v Wordu?

Avtor: Siluvia Zadnja sprememba: 2014-11-05

Če želite drugim uporabnikom dovoliti spreminjanje določenih delov dokumenta, lahko zaklenete dele Wordovega dokumenta in odklenjene dele dokumenta lahko prosto urejate.

Zakleni določene odseke dokumenta v Wordu

Zaklenite del dokumentov z nadzorom vsebine v Wordu

Priporočena orodja za storilnost za Word

Kutools za Word: Integracija AI 🤖, več kot 100 naprednih funkcij prihrani 50 % vašega časa za obdelavo dokumentov.Brezplačen prenos

Zavihek Office: Predvaja zavihke, podobne brskalniku, v Wordu (in drugih Officeovih orodjih), kar poenostavlja krmarjenje po več dokumentih.Brezplačen prenos

puščica modri desni mehurčekZakleni določene odseke dokumenta v Wordu

Prva metoda vas bo vodila, da v trenutni dokument dodate prelome odsekov in nato enostavno zaklenete določene odseke. To lahko storite na naslednji način:

1. korak: Postavite kazalko pred del dokumenta, ki ga boste zaščitili, in nato kliknite odmori > Neprekinjeno o Postavitev strani zavihek. Nato na enak način dodajte neprekinjen premor na koncu dela dokumenta.

2. korak: Prikažite podokno Omeji urejanje s klikom na Omeji urejanje gumb na pregled tab.

Opombe: V programu Word 2007 morate klikniti Protect Dokument > Omeji oblikovanje in urejanje o pregled tab.

3. korak: V podoknu Omeji urejanje pojdite na Omejitve urejanja oddelek in:

(1) Preverite možnost Dovoli samo to vrsto urejanja v dokumentu;

(2) Kliknite naslednje polje in nato določite Izpolnjevanje obrazcev s spustnega seznama;

(3) Kliknite besedilo Izberite Sekcije.

(4) V pojavnem pogovornem oknu Zaščita odseka samo preverite razdelke, ki jih boste zaščitili, in kliknite OK gumb.

4. korak: Nadaljujte s klikom na Da, začnite uveljavljati zaščito v podoknu Omeji urejanje.

5. korak: V pogovornem oknu Start Enforcing Protection

(1) Preverite Geslo;

(2) V obe vnesite geslo Vnesite novo geslo (neobvezno) polje in Za potrditev znova vnesite geslo škatla;

(3) Kliknite OK gumb.

6. korak: shranite Wordov dokument.

Do zdaj so bili navedeni odseki že zaščiteni z vašim navedenim geslom.

puščica modri desni mehurčekZakleni del dokumentov v Wordu

Ta metoda vas bo vodila do zaklepanja določenega dela dokumenta z enostavno dodajanjem nadzora vsebine v Microsoft Word.

1. korak: Izberite del dokumenta, ki ga želite zaščititi, in kliknite na Nadzor vsebine obogatenega besedila gumb na Razvojni tab.

Opombe: Kliknite, če želite vedeti, kako na trak dodate zavihek za razvijalce: Pokaži zavihek / trak za razvijalce v Wordu

2. korak: Nadaljujte s klikom na Nepremičnine gumb na Razvojni tab.

3. korak: V prihajajočem pogovornem oknu Lastnosti nadzora vsebine

(1) Vnesite ime tega kontrolnika vsebine v Naslov škatla;

(2) Preverite možnost Nadzor vsebine ni mogoče izbrisati;

(3) Preverite možnost Vsebine ni mogoče urejati;

(4) Kliknite OK gumb.

4. korak: Omogočite podokno Omeji urejanje (ali Podokno Omeji oblikovanje in urejanje) s klikom na Omeji urejanje gumb na Razvojni tab.


(1) V programu Word 2007 kliknite Zaščitite dokument > Omeji oblikovanje in urejanje o Razvojni tab.

(2) Prav tako lahko izveste Omeji urejanje gumb (ali Zaščitite dokument na) pregled tab.

5. korak: Pojdite na podokno Omeji urejanje,

(1) Preverite možnost Omejite oblikovanje na izbor slogov;

(2) Počistite možnost Dovoli samo to vrsto urejanja v dokumentu;

(3) Kliknite Da, začnite uveljavljati zaščito gumb.

6. korak: V prihajajočem pogovornem oknu Začetek uveljavljanja zaščite

(1) Preverite Geslo;

(2) V obe vnesite geslo Vnesite novo geslo (neobvezno) polje in Za potrditev znova vnesite geslo škatla;

(3) Kliknite OK gumb.

7. korak: shranite trenutni dokument.

Uporaba vmesnika z zavihki v dokumentu v Officeu 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016/2019:

li-oranžnaUporaba zavihkov v Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Project in Visio;

li-oranžnaPreprosto preklapljanje med datotekami v Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016/2019;

li-oranžnaZdružljiv s sistemom Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10, Windows Server 2003 in 2008, sistemom Citrix in strežnikom Windows Terminal (Remote Desktop);

li-oranžnaBrezplačna preizkusna različica brez omejitev funkcije v 30 dneh!

pisarniški zavihki-dokumenti

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Comments (18)
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Hello, is it possible to lock entire page? Let say I want to create template where 1st page can be edited by everyone, but 2nd page needs to be locked and it cannot be move to 3rd page etc. So if someone will add lots of text on 1st page it will skip to 3rd page without making changes on 2nd page.
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Why do you continue to try to blow wind life into a dead (and useless) animal? (by helping users to overcome is newly created difficulties).  By now, more than 90% of the functionality of post 2003 versions of MS"Office" require complex & time consuming work-arounds in order to work as before. As useless as it might appear, please you too, do complain directly to Microsoft. The 94% of Humanity that uses Microsoft products deserves better.
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How do I protect a word document from others to edit it, but not using a password. Can you lock the letter and signature without having to put in a password
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Hi. does this work within a table? it does not work for me. is there any solution? Also even when I put and ab Legacy, this does not seem to work as it expands the table. How can I make the table not expanding? thanks
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In the second example "Lock part of documents in Word" the third step appears to be weak. Anyone with access to the Developer tab (that is, everyone) can simply open Content Control Properties dialog box and uncheck the "Content control cannot be deleted" and "Contents cannot be edited" options, even when the document has been restricted. The would defeat any attempt to protect parts of the document.
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Did you find a workaround to this problem?
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You can put a password protection on this after locking the sections you want to disable editing. Click on Restrict editing in the Developer tab, click option 2 Editing restrictions and select Filling in forms in the drop down box. Then click on "Yes, Start Enforcing Protection". From there you should have an option to put in a password.
To be able to unlock and edit the person would need to go back into the Restrict Editing tab, click on Stop Protection at the bottom right corner and provide the password.

Hope this helps :)
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What do I do if properties doesn't get highlighted? I can't click it.
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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I haven't spent the last hour trying to figure out if this was possible and I finally found the instructions on your website!!
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Hi How do I lock my pages, so they don't run on to the next page? I have created a form with sections to be completed but want to ensure the content I have stays on one page within relevant sections. Thanks
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Thanks for the information. I got the desired results. This may be politically incorrect, but it would be nice if your tech writers spoke (and used) proper English. I realize you're speaking to an international audience, but even then better English would facilitate translation. Maybe because I write this stuff (computer-ish instructions) for a living and, like it or not, I use Microsoft Office to do it, I was able figure out what the writer was trying to say. (The pictures helped immensely. Even if the writer had written in his/her native language -- whatever it is -- the pictures would have shown me what I needed.) I really shouldn't complain. Usually I either can't find the answers to my Office questions or the doctor of engineering who wrote the answer to my question assumes all the readers have at least a EE. The solution presented was at least decipherable. Thank you.
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I have designed a template sheet for football predictions, but want to allow people to add their names and predictions for the scores, how do I protect just parts of my document?
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