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Kako izbrati vse tabele v dokumentu Word?

Avtor: Sonce Zadnja sprememba: 2020-05-26

Tabelo v Wordu je enostavno izbrati s klikom na pika-izberi-tabela-simbol v zgornjem levem kotu tabele, kot je prikazano spodaj. Tabelo lahko izberete tudi s funkcijo Izberi tabelo. Vendar, ali obstaja kakšen način za hitro izbiro vseh tabel naenkrat v dokumentu Word? Metode v tem članku vam bodo pomagale prebroditi to težavo. 

Izberite vse tabele v Wordu s kodo VBA

Preprosto izberite vse tabele v Wordu s programom Kutools for Word

Izberite vse tabele v Wordu s kodo VBA

1. Pritisnite druga + F11 tipke za odpiranje Microsoft Visual Basic za uporabo okno.

2. V uvodu Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kliknite Vstavi > Moduli, Nato kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo VBA v okno modula;

Koda VBA: Izberite vse tabele v trenutnem dokumentu:

Sub selecttables()
Dim mytable As Table

For Each mytable In ActiveDocument.Tables
mytable.Range.Editors.Add wdEditorEveryone
ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges (wdEditorEveryone)
ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges (wdEditorEveryone)
End Sub

3. Pritisnite F5 tipko za zagon kode

Nato so v trenutnem dokumentu takoj izbrane vse tabele.

Preprosto izberite vse tabele v Wordu s programom Kutools for Word

Primerjava z uporabo kode VBA za izbiro vseh tabel v dokumentu, Kutools for Word Izberite Tabele uporabnost je zelo priročna. S to funkcijo lahko izberete tabele v izboru ali celotnem dokumentu. Naredite naslednje:

Kutools za Word : Z več kot 100 priročnimi dodatki za Word, brezplačno poskusite brez omejitev 60 dni.

klik Kutools > Mize > Izberite Tabele. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Opombe: Za izbiro tabel v izboru morate najprej izbrati obseg in nato uporabiti funkcijo.

Nato lahko rezultate vidite na naslednji način.

Izberite tabele v izboru:

Izberite tabele v celotnem dokumentu:

Če želite brezplačno preskusiti to orodje, pojdite na brezplačno prenesete programsko opremo najprej in nato nadaljujte z uporabo postopka v skladu z zgornjimi koraki.

Predstavitev: Preprosto izberite vse tabele v Wordu s programom Kutools for Word

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???? Želite preizkusiti te funkcije? Kutools for Word ponuja a 60-dan brezplačni preskus, brez omejitev! 🚀
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
How do i only select the tables and figure captions. All my captions have reverted back to normal style. I had captioned all of them but now they are all not linked to the caption
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Very nice method. Thank you
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It seeems that this macros does not work in Word 2016
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It works in Word 2016. What error are you getting?
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I understand already. For correct work macros cursor must to be not in table when you call macros. Thank you.
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There are multiple tables in a document (about 200). I want to select all these tables only and paste them in a new document in the table format. When I select the tables as per above procedure then during paste operation it pastes them as text and not as table. Can you please help me?
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The following modified code selects all tables, except tables having only one row: Sub SelAllTbls() ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges (-1) Dim Tbl As Table For Each Tbl In ActiveDocument.Tables If Tbl.Rows.Count > 1 Then Tbl.Range.Editors.Add (-1) End If Next ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges (-1) ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges (-1) End Sub The following code select only the header rows: Sub selallHeaders() On Error Resume Next ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges (-1) Dim Tbl As Table For Each Tbl In ActiveDocument.Tables Tbl.Rows(1).Range.Editors.Add (-1) Next ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges (-1) ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges (-1) End Sub I have many more such codes that select last rows, all bullets, small / long paras, etc. Watch my following video:
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Wonderful I got the solution by using the VBA code. Thank you so much
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Nifty code at first but it definitely corrupted a bunch of tables in Word 2010. Screwed up my file pretty good and had to revert back to an earlier version. Be wary!
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excellent macro and very easy
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thank you so much he is good program but after few days stopped and require password and user name
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