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Kako skriti nič podatkovnih nalepk v grafikonu v Excelu?

Včasih lahko v grafikon dodate podatkovne nalepke, da v Excelu naredijo vrednost podatkov bolj jasno in neposredno. Toda v nekaterih primerih na grafikonu ni nobenih podatkovnih nalepk, zato boste morda želeli te nič podatkovne nalepke skriti. Tukaj vam bom povedal hiter način, da naenkrat v Excelu skrijete nič podatkovnih nalepk.

V grafikonu skrijete nič podatkovnih nalepk

puščica modri desni mehurček V grafikonu skrijete nič podatkovnih nalepk

Če želite v grafikonu skriti nič podatkovnih nalepk, storite naslednje:

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite eno od podatkovnih nalepk in izberite Oblikujte oznake podatkov iz kontekstnega menija. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:


2. V Ljubljani Oblikujte oznake podatkov pogovorno okno, kliknite Število v levem podoknu, nato izberite Po meri iz kategorije polje in vnesite # "" v Koda oblike polje in kliknite Dodaj , če ga želite dodati tip seznamsko polje. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:


3. klik Zapri , da zaprete pogovorno okno. Potem lahko vidite, da so vse oznake nič podatkov skrite.


Nasvet: Če želite prikazati oznake ničelnih podatkov, se vrnite v pogovorno okno Format Data Labels in kliknite Število > po meriin izberite #, ## 0; - #, ## 0 v tip seznamsko polje.

Opombe: V Excelu 2013 lahko z desno miškino tipko kliknete katero koli podatkovno nalepko in izberete Oblikujte oznake podatkov da odprete Oblikujte oznake podatkov podokno; nato kliknite Število razširiti svojo možnost; nato kliknite Kategorija in izberite polje po meri s spustnega seznama in vnesite # "" v Koda oblike in kliknite Dodaj gumb.


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Muito obrigado!
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Depending on your data set, you could use a helper column. The formula could use rounddown or IF(cell<1,0,cell). This way your slicers stay intact and your pie chart uses the new column.
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I have a pivot chart (pie chart) where I need to remove the labels for any slice of the pie with a value under 1%. Right now, these are displayed as 0% (no decimal places). I am also using slicers to analyse the data by month, department and person. I am trying to get the chart to hide any labels where the value is less than 1%, but this will change when I change the variables in the slicers. I have fallen down a rabbit-hole here trying to figure this out.
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The Microsoft way of doing it (though not found on ana MS help page) is to click File>Options>Advanced, scroll down to 'Display options for this worksheet', and uncheck / untick 'Show a zero in cells that have a zero value'. All the zeros disappear.

I seem to have found a way to remove the axis name and space on a graph or chart for zero values: Highlight the whole table, click Home>Sort and filter>Filter, Click on the header of the column with the blank zero values, and uncheck / untick 'Blanks'.
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Thanks that really works well for me.
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tnx, it works
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How can I hide Zero Data Labels when it is percentage (for example 0,00%, I do not want that label to be shown)?
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<span style="letter-spacing: 0.2px; color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant-ligatures: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit; font-weight: inherit;">0.0%;-0.0%;""    </span>
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Thank you for sharing the solution above. It was really great help. However, after hiding zero values, I am having difficulties with hiding their labels. Can you please give a solution for that problem, too? Thank in advance for your help.
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Found this solution absolutely useful. Thanks a ton.
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Great solution! Can this be done retaining decimal points on the numbers that do appear?
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Kelcey, use: #,##"";-#,##""; When using the second semicolon, you define what happens in case of zero. So, if you don't define anything, the value stays blank.
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I use 0.0;;; and it also does the trick, in terms of retaining decimal places. You'd just adjust to the # of sig figs you want to keep. You have to assign the custom value to each data label series, but it keeps that format each time you refresh the data.
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