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Kako prikazati čas z milisekundami v Excelu?

Zabeleženi čas na primer vsebuje milisekunde, na primer 10: 33: 50.235. Ko tokrat vtipkam v celico v Excelu, se čas prikaže kot 33: 50.2. Po preklopu na časovno obliko se čas prikaže kot 10:33:50 z milisekundami izgine. Ali obstaja kakšen način, da v Excelu normalno prikažemo čas s preostalimi milisekundami? Da, naslednja metoda vam bo pomagala, da jo boste enostavno rešili.

Prikažite čas v milisekundah s funkcijo Oblikuj celice v Excelu

Prikažite čas v milisekundah s funkcijo Oblikuj celice v Excelu

Ta metoda vas bo vodila skozi ustvarjanje prilagojene oblike zapisa časa za prikaz časa v milisekundah v Excelu. Naredite naslednje:

1. Izberite časovne celice, v katerih boste prikazali čas v milisekundah, z desno miškino tipko kliknite in izberite Oblikuj celice v meniju z desnim klikom. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. V pogovornem oknu Format Cells odprite Število kliknite, da označite po meri v Kategorija in vnesite kodo oblike hh: mm: ss.000 v tip škatla.

3. kliknite OK . Nato boste videli, kako se milisekunde prikazujejo s časom, kot je prikazano spodaj:

Namig: prihranite formatirani čas kot samodejni vnos besedila in v prihodnje znova uporabite njegovo oblikovanje enostavno
Običajno lahko uporabimo obliko po meri za celice z dodajanjem kode oblike po meri v pogovornem oknu Format Cell v Excelu. Vendar je ta koda oblike po meri shranjena samo v tem delovnem zvezku in oblike zapisa po meri ne moremo uporabiti neposredno v drugih delovnih zvezkih. Kutools za Excel Samodejno besedilo pripomoček nam omogoča, da formatirane podatke / celico shranimo kot vnos samodejnega besedila, tako da lahko njeno obliko po meri neposredno kopiramo v druge obsege vseh delovnih zvezkov.

čas samodejne oblike besedila oglasa

Predstavitev: v Excelu prikaže čas z milisekundami

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ich brauch die Uhrzeit in Millisekunden als statischen Wert. Excel gibt mit der Tastenkombination (command + shift + Semikolon) die Uhrzeit statisch aus. Allerdings mit den Werten 00,000 für Sekunden und Millisekunden. Kennt jemand eine Lösung für dieses Problem? Die Eingabe von statischen Zeitwerten müsste relativ schnell geschehen (ca. 100 Werte innerhalb von 30-40 Minuten).

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Hi there,

As far as I know, you cannot show milliseconds with the shorcut key. You can use the VBA method below:

1. Select the cell where you want to show the time in milliseconds, and then press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog.
2. Select Custom, and copy and paste hh:mm:ss.000 in the Type input box. Then click on OK to close the dialog.
3. Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA window, and then click Insert > Module.
4. Copy and paste the following code into the module window.
Sub TimeStamp()
'Update by ExtendOffice 20220902
    ActiveCell.Value = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") & Right(Format(Timer, "0.000"), 4)
End Sub

5. Click F5 to run the code.

Hope this could help you 🙂

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I need 6 digits of precision, but "hh:mm:ss.000000" throws an error "Microsoft Excel cannot use the number format you typed"
How to I get 6 digits of milliseconds?
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Hi there, instead of formatting the cell as a time, you should format it as text to show more then 3 digits of milliseconds:

1. Select the cell range where you will input thoses times with more then 3 digits of milliseconds.
2. Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells.
3. On Number tab, select Text in the Category list. Then click OK.
4. Enter the times in these cells.

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...but when you go back to edit the number in the formula bar, the milliseconds are gone (as shown in video). That makes editing very difficult.
Our local format is "mm:ss,000" (not using hours in this case). When I enter number "00:40,123" it displays correctly in the cell, but in the fomula bar it shows "00:00:40". If I enter the formula bar and hit enter, the number in the cell then displays "00:40,000" - losing those crucial milliseconds. I have yet to find a reason, or even more important - a solution.
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Something to watch out for: in some locales it won't work if you use this exact solution. In my version you need to use the format "uu:mm:ss,000" (that's a comma instead of a decimal point, and u is for "uren", dutch for hours).
Not sure whether it has to do with windows version, windows language, windows regional settings, used locale or office version.

For those of you who still want to show a decimal instead of a comma (like me), you can use this workaround (if your value is in cell A1)


Or adapt where necessary for your locale.
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Thanks very much for this.
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Thank you for this information. I need to enter times as per a stop watch in minutes, seconds and hundredths eg 1.23.56. I then need to calculate time differences which can be positive or negative. I get an error if negative and it shows #######. Ideally I would like to enter using . rather than : as I have a larger number of times to enter.
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