Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Kako skriti samo del vrednosti celice v Excelu?

doc skriti delno 1
Recimo, da imate list s splošnimi informacijami o osebju, nekateri pa so zasebni, na primer številke socialnega zavarovanja. Zdaj želite skriti del teh številk socialnega zavarovanja, kot je prikazano spodaj, kako jih lahko hitro rešite?

Številke socialne varnosti delno skrijete s pomočjo Oblikuj celice

Besedilo ali številko delno skrijete s formulami

puščica modri desni mehurček Številke socialne varnosti delno skrijete s pomočjo Oblikuj celice

Če želite v Excelu skriti del številk socialne varnosti, lahko za njegovo reševanje uporabite oblikovanje celic.

1. Izberite številke, ki jih želite delno skriti, in z desno miškino tipko izberite Oblikuj celice iz kontekstnega menija. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
doc skriti delno 2

2. Nato v Oblikuj celice dialog, kliknite Število zavihek in izberite po meri iz Kategorija in pojdite v to 000 ,, "- ** - ****" v tip v desnem delu. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
doc skriti delno 3

3. klik OK, zdaj so izbrane delne številke skrite.

Opombe: Število bo zaokrožilo, če je četrto število večje od ali eaqul na 5.

puščica modri desni mehurček Besedilo ali številko delno skrijete s formulami

Z zgornjo metodo lahko skrijete le delne številke, če želite skriti delne številke ali besedila, lahko to storite spodaj:

Tu skrijemo prve 4 številke številke potnega lista.

Izberite eno prazno celico poleg številke potnega lista, na primer F22, vnesite to formulo = "****" & DESNO (E22,5)in nato povlecite ročico za samodejno izpolnjevanje čez celico, ki jo želite uporabiti za to formulo.
doc skriti delno 4


Če želite skriti zadnje štiri številke, uporabite to formulo, = LEVO (H2,5) & "****"

če želite skriti srednje tri številke, uporabite to = LEVO (H2,3) & "***" & DESNO (H2,3)

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Comments (21)
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I have 1. Name, so I want to remove "1." Please suggest.
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Is there any command for format cell, to hide the intended value in cell, that containt with charecters. eg. G1234567Q and after applied the format it would be G****567Q ?Note: I am asking to know the cell format not the formula? Thanks in advance!
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If I have a listing of Name with different length, and want to set as "B*** P***" for "Brad Pitt", "M******* Y*** C*** K****" for "Michelle Yeoh Choo Kheng", how can I do it with formula?
p     JL
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have you found a solution? i would also like to know the answer to this. thank you
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Can replace all but the first char with this: =REPLACE(CELL,2,LEN(CELL),REPT("*",LEN(CELL)))
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If I have a number and alphabet set like S1234567A and want to put as S****567A, what formula is usable?
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=REPLACE(CELL,1,LEN(CELL)-4,REPT("X",LEN(CELL)-4))is the better version as here you can mask text with variable length
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Hi I tried this but does not seem to work.
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Great solution!
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How can we use format cell to remove the first few characters? For ex: 12,345.67 = **,345.67
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how can i unhide the numbers again
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Hi, sunil, if you use the Format Cells function to hide part of string, when you want to unhide them again, just format the cells as general.
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Nice Sir, Its working
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Sorry, I meant D22
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I am not sure how you wrote the formula Dean, but =LEFT(F22,3)&"-**-****" shows 278-**-**** for me... Maybe check other formats on your destination cell?
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Sorry I did not get your question, could you give me a screenshot or other more information to decribe it?
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Your SSN example fails, in that it rounds up the number, rather than hiding the non-visible placings. In you example, 278-53-6128 is displayed as 279-**-****!
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Sorry, could you give me more information about the fails in your examples? Because it works always in my examples.
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Dean is correct, the image you are using for the example shows staff no 2083 having the social security number of 278536128 but the hidden version starts with 279. The formula itself works, just the first row in the example image is incorrect.
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Thanks for the reminder. The format cell method will round up the number if the fourth number is larger than 5.
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