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Kako prilepiti podatke v nadomestne prazne vrstice v Excelu?

V nekaterih primerih boste za kopirano vrstico morda morali izmenično prilepiti v več praznih vrstic v novem obsegu v Excelu, kot je prikazano spodaj. Kako lahko to storite? Ta članek vam bo pomagal.

Podatke prilepite v nadomestne prazne vrstice s formulo in filtrom

Podatke prilepite v nadomestne prazne vrstice s formulo in filtrom

Te težave ni mogoče rešiti z neposredno metodo, vendar jo lahko dosežete z majhnim trikom v tem članku. Naredite naslednje.

1. V novem obsegu, v katerega morate prilepiti kopirane podatke, izberite prazno celico (tukaj izberem celico D2), nato vnesite formulo = MOD (VRSTICA (A1), 2).

2. Nadaljujte z izbiro celice D2, povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do celic stolpca. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

3. Nato izberite celico D1, kliknite datum > filter , da omogočite funkcijo Filter.

4. Kliknite puščico spustnega menija celice D1, nato filtrirajte stolpec po številki 1 in na koncu kliknite gumb V redu. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

5. Zdaj so nadomestne prazne vrstice filtrirane. Kopirajte podatke, izberite filtrirani obseg in pritisnite Ctrl + V hkrati prilepite podatke.

6. klik datum > filter da izklopite funkcijo filtriranja in nato po potrebi izbrišete stolpec za pomoč. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

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Instead of using 1s and 0s you can just use 1,2,3,4,... next to the cells you want to alternate.
Then paste the exact same sequence under underneath (like this)

Then just with the data filter (like in the original example) just sort by ascending or descending and you will have blank rows

(Credit to my friend Angus)
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Thanks a lot Chris! This is a great idea!
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Hi Chris,
Thank you very much for sharing your method.
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I just get the first line of the data I'm copying filling all the rows. Tried using 'skip blanks' but it doesn't work.
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It only works if you copy a single cell, which pretty is useless. For a range of data it doesn't work.
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Thanks. Works with Google Sheets (April 2020). Use formula =MOD(ROW(),2) to create the alternating pattern.

The cell you create your filter in gets turned into a header, so you want to select the cell ABOVE your range and in the data menu choose create filter. It should auto-detect your number range and add a filter. Or you could just highlight your whole range (+ 1 cell above it) beforehand.

Click the little filter icon that appears in the header cell to adjust settings of what to display.

When done you can then copy paste your result into another program if needed.
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didnt work for me either
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This method works well in my case.
Which Office version do you use?
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shows alternate rows but when i paste, it pastes normal way, doesnt skip cells.
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You have to keep space between copied cells, in order for this to work!
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It doesn't work
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This doesn't work for me. I have Microsoft Office 2010, so whichever version of excel comes with that I am not quite sure but either way it doesn't work. When I paste it pastes to ALL rows. So, when I paste I only see half of what I pasted, when I turn the filter off I see everything I pasted =/
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