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Kako ohraniti mrežne črte med polnjenjem barve v Excelu?

Kot vsi vemo, ko celice zapolnimo z barvo ozadja, bodo pokrite tudi mrežne črte, v tem primeru, kako bi lahko ohranili mrežne črte med polnjenjem barve ozadja v Excelovih celicah, da se prikaže naslednji posnetek zaslona.

doc obdrži mrežne črte barvo polnila 1

Ohranite mrežne črte, medtem ko barvo polnite s kodo VBA

puščica modri desni mehurček Ohranite mrežne črte, medtem ko barvo polnite s kodo VBA

Običajno ne moremo rešiti te naloge na neposreden način, toda tukaj vam lahko predstavim kodo VBA. Naredite naslednje:

1. Držite tipko ALT + F11 tipke za odpiranje Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

2. Na levi Projekt-VBAProjekt podokno, dvokliknite Ta delovni zvezek pod razširjeno VBAProject, nato kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo VBA v prazen modul:

Koda VBA: ohrani mrežne črte med polnjenjem barve

Dim xRgPre As Range
Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
    On Error Resume Next
    If Not xRgPre Is Nothing Then DrawBorders xRgPre
    Set xRgPre = Target
End Sub
Private Sub DrawBorders(ByVal Rg As Range)
'Updateby Extendoffice 20160725
    Dim xCell As Range
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each xCell In Rg
        If xCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then
            With xCell.Borders
                If .ColorIndex = 15 Then
                    .LineStyle = xlNone
                End If
            End With
            With xCell.Borders
                If .LineStyle = xlNone Then
                    .Weight = xlThin
                    .ColorIndex = 15
                End If
            End With
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

doc obdrži mrežne črte barvo polnila 2

3. Nato shranite in zaprite okno kode, ko bodo napolnjene barve za vrsto celic, bodo mrežne črte prikazane samodejno.

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Comments (19)
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Is this universally and automatically applied to new tables or sheets opened? Or need to do this for each table or sheet you want to have it? How to make it universally and automatically applied to new tables or sheets?
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Simply change MS Office to Open Office...
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Danke für den super Tipp!
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This works great. (Thanks) But here's the real question - Why does Excel allow gridlines to disappear when filling cells with color in the first place? Just another dumb glitch in the techy world that so-called intelligent developers never think of. I mean, the gridlines, by default are supposed to be there
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Thank you! I was pulling hairs trying to get the nice grey-ish borders to stay after colorizing. Can't believe Microsoft hasn't already implemented this.
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Another fix, if you don't want to mess with code:
First figure out which color gray matches the default lines and have it in mind.
In the Home tab click Cell styles, right click on Normal, click Modify -> Format -> Border. For Line Color, select that gray. For Presets, select Outline. Done.
Now you may have to select all (CTRL+A / Command+A) and click Cell styles -> Normal to make sure it's applied to all cells. When you fill a cell, the borders will remain.
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Very helpful- thank you
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This helped me SO much. I have literally been searching so many places and this is the only explanation that worked! Thank you!!!
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Alissa , I had the same problem couldn`t get it fixed but your reply helped me a lot , so thank you very much , you are genius .
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Thank you!!
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Cool, but now if I fill some cells, and hit Ctrl+Z to undo, it won't work. Will not undo.
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Hello, Andrew,
Yes, the above code can not support Undo feature, you should fill no color manually to undo your work.
Thank you!
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use only standard colors ;)
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works but one has to correct the error if you see it.
Dim xRgPre As Range
Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
If Not xRgPre Is Nothing Then DrawBorders xRgPre
Set xRgPre = Target

Should READ... as the If statement only ensures that something is there to set to memory allocation.

One could set the next line below for clean up and not allow memory leaks.

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
Set xRgPre = Target
If Not xRgPre Is Nothing Then DrawBorders xRgPre
'For ensured memory leaks do not happen
'Clean up the memory allocated after it is not needed.
Set xRqPre = Nothing

Have a nice day..
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Does not work with Conditional Formatting. Set xRqPre = Nothing gives error: variable not defined (deleted the line).Screen jiggles here too, using 2010. Other wise its a cool tool..
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Works fine, but sadly every time I now click on a cell, the worksheet judders! Removed the VBA and the judder has ceased. Wonder why this should happen?
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Same here with Excel 2016. I'm getting freezing and mostly blanked out screen for several seconds, especially when selecting many cells. It's a shame because it does work perfectly otherwise.
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Hi, Vic,
There is no this problem in my Excel workbook, which Excel version do you use?
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