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Kako v Excelu povečati ali povečati sklic na celico za X?

Pri izpolnjevanju formul navzdol v stolpcu ali čez vrstico se sklici na celice v formulah privzeto povečajo samo za eno. Kot je prikazano na spodnjem posnetku zaslona, ​​kako povečati relativne sklice na celice za 3 ali več kot 1 pri izpolnjevanju formul? Ta članek vam bo pokazal način, kako to doseči.

Povečajte ali povečajte referenco celice za X v Excelu s formulami

Povečajte ali povečajte referenco celice za X v Excelu s formulami

Naslednje formule vam lahko pomagajo povečati sklice na celice za X v Excelu. Naredite naslednje.

Če želite izpolniti stolpec, morate:

1. Izberite prazno celico za prvi rezultat, nato vnesite formulo = OFFSET ($ A $ 3, (ROW () - 1) * 3,0) v vrstico s formulami, nato pritisnite Vnesite tipko. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Opombe: V formuli je $ A $ 3 absolutna referenca na prvo celico, ki jo potrebujete v določenem stolpcu, številka 1 označuje vrstico celice, v katero je vnesena formula, 3 pa število vrstic, ki jih boste povečali.

2. Nadaljujte z izbiro celice z rezultati, nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol po stolpcu, da dobite vse potrebne rezultate.

Za polnjenje v vrsti morate:

1. Izberite prazno celico, vnesite formulo = OFFSET ($ C $ 1,0, (STOLPEC () - 1) * 3) v vrstico formule, nato pritisnite Vnesite tipko. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. Nato povlecite celico z rezultati po vrstici, da dobite potrebne rezultate.

Opombe: V formuli je $ C $ 1 absolutna referenca na prvo celico, ki jo morate dobiti v določeni vrstici, številka 1 označuje stolpec celice, v katero je bila vnesena formula, 3 pa število stolpcev, ki jih boste povečali. Prosimo, spremenite jih po potrebi.

Preprosto pretvorite sklice na formule v velikem obsegu (na primer glede na absolutno) v Excelu:

O Kutools za Excel's Pretvori sklice pripomoček vam omogoča enostavno pretvorbo vseh referenc formul v velikem obsegu v izbranem obsegu, na primer pretvorbo vseh relativnih v absolutne naenkrat v Excelu.
Prenesite Kutools za Excel zdaj! (30-dnevna brezplačna pot)

doc sidranje celic 4

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
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I want to decrease a date in a cell by 1 when I insert a row 3 rows above the reference cell. Example: I have a date in cell D7, that reads the date in A7 and when I insert a row at 4, I want the date in Cell D7 to change to the date in A6. I know this sounds crazy. I hope I explained what I want to do clearly enough to that you can understand what I want to do.
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I just want to say thank you so much for this super clear explanation. This is simply awesome!!
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Is it possible to do it from column to rows in offset?

Suppose i have the data in Column M1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and i wanted to put the offset in M1->A1, M2->B1, M3->C1
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I have the days in columns in one sheet and another sheet i have to select the Monday to friday cell range manually, is there any formula to drag horizontally so that can auto-update the cell reference range or number

Example :
=sum(Raw!B2:D2) (adding five working days date range)

Thanks in Advance
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Thank you! The OFFSET function was exactly what I was looking for to increment cell locations within a formula. It helped simplify my spreadsheet.
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What's the "0" for?

I copied this exactly and it just posted the formula instead of the result.
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Hi Kim,
The Excel OFFSET function returns a reference to a cell or a range of cells that is offset from a specific cell by a given number of rows and columns.
The number "0" here means that it will move 0 column right from cell A3 (still stay in column A).
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I have a formula that has brackets CHASSIS_STRING[12,1],L1,C1'. I want to increase the 1 to 2 to 3, etc. in the same column. What's the best way to do that?
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Dear John,
Sorry can’t help with this, you can post your question in our forum: to get more Excel supports from our professional.
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Hi. Hi hope you can help.
cell A1 has a formula =C1
I want to copy the formula of cell A1 to cell A13 but only to increase row by 1, (=C2)
What I get is =C13. It increments by the number of rows it skipped. I only want to increment it by one. Need some help.
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Good Day,
Sorry I can’t help with this, you can post your question in our forum: to get more Excel supports from our professional.
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I want to do the same thing. Did you get through?
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hey please help me with this,
First i created simple text like this:
name------ id----ad_id
abc 5 a10
bcd 2 b10

now i want to create a form that shows me:
how many ad_id do u need? so than i enter 2. thannnn
than it will ask me for the name and id.. so here what it should do. it will check the name or match the name and then it will subtract from the id.
NOTE: i need it like this:

how many ad_id do u need?
2 (in the box)
than submit


name(in the box) id(in the box)
name(in the box) id(in the box)
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Sorry didn’t get your point.
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What I want to do is slightly different. The Excel table displayed on a website page has some text, say "Done" in cell B2. The B2 text is part of a dynamic function and when it is clicked on the web page it increments the value in C2 by 1.Is there a function or combination of functions that will do these actions? I can do the basic increment in just the spreadsheet using formulas. The tricky part for me is having the text cell fire off the increment in another cell. How do you do increment from a text "link" that is really a function to increment another cell?
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Dear Robert,
I am so sorry as i have never tested anything in a google sheet. Can't help to solve this problem.
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